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want to OC my Core i-7 D920

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Well henzo, Vista 64/sp1 will not start with ACPI disabled in bios. It was installed with ACPI enabled. I backed off on the core voltage from 1.36v to 1.288v closer to your cpuz screen shot. ACPI enabled: vista boots. cpuz shows mulitplier varying from 12x to 21x with max clock @3224 mhz. Post screen shows 161.5 x 20 for 3224mhz. ACPI disabled again, vista no start... Thoughts?
In Vista go to your Control Panel and find your power options. Choose performance or custom and (I think) you click show hidden settings. Find CPU utilization and set the minimum and maximum to 100%. There are probably some other changes you will need in your bios but most boards have a way of providing for "perma" turbo on the i7.
For Vista and W7 I also had to set the power management like I mentioned above though to keep it from dropping to a 12 multi and often just staying there.
In Vista go to your Control Panel and find your power options. Choose performance or custom and (I think) you click show hidden settings. Find CPU utilization and set the minimum and maximum to 100%. There are probably some other changes you will need in your bios but most boards have a way of providing for "perma" turbo on the i7.
For Vista and W7 I also had to set the power management like I mentioned above though to keep it from dropping to a 12 multi and often just staying there.

Why not just disable speed step items in the bios?
N3bucan3zzar, I found what you were talking about in control panel and set performance which sabilized the fsb clock at 21 as indicated by cpuz in Vista with a bios setting of 20 in the bios.
henzo, I was wondering what EIST was in the bios that stoped the clock throttling and also allowed me to change the multiplier finally!
deathman20 that EIST was what was lookin for but did not understand what is was so now I am stable with a bus clock of 170.6 x 20 for 3409mhz as indicated by cpuz in vista and the post screen with a tri-chanel DRAM of 1366 (all 12 gigs). and holding an average cpu temp of 135 deg F. Next is spent a couple of hours on Warcraft with all options on high. Therefore at the risk of being pre mature, it is "game stable" I want to thank you guys for all the hand holding. Will run at these settings and monitor temps then ease up a little more. Although I am running the TRUE cooler it is single 120mm fan and turns at only 1660 rpm rather than 2200+ of other trues...
Oh Gunny use C for temperatures ;) Much easier to read that then F since it is universal in the OCing area, no one uses F unless its for room temps sometimes.
N3bucan3zzar, I found what you were talking about in control panel and set performance which sabilized the fsb clock at 21 as indicated by cpuz in Vista with a bios setting of 20 in the bios.
henzo, I was wondering what EIST was in the bios that stoped the clock throttling and also allowed me to change the multiplier finally!
deathman20 that EIST was what was lookin for but did not understand what is was so now I am stable with a bus clock of 170.6 x 20 for 3409mhz as indicated by cpuz in vista and the post screen with a tri-chanel DRAM of 1366 (all 12 gigs). and holding an average cpu temp of 57 deg C. Next is spent a couple of hours on Warcraft with all options on high. Therefore at the risk of being pre mature, it is "game stable" I want to thank you guys for all the hand holding. Will run at these settings and monitor temps then ease up a little more. Although I am running the TRUE cooler it is single 120mm fan and turns at only 1660 rpm rather than 2200+ of other trues...

Have you run prime95 since disabling EIST? And if so, what are your max load temps when running small fft after say 15 mins or so?

If they are the within reason, like mid 60s, then you will be able to go alot high with some more vcore. That TRUE will do its job even with one fan on it.

And finally, are you still running the vcore at 1.5v? And if so, why? Lower it to around 1.35 and see if you run into any problems. My guess is that you wont.
Why not just disable speed step items in the bios?
+1 to that. I think it is the EIST in your BIOS (sorry, I should have specified), disable it and that should stop the throttling. Re-enable the ACPI.
With EIST off I lose turbo mode

N3bucan3zzar, I found what you were talking about in control panel and set performance which sabilized the fsb clock at 21 as indicated by cpuz in Vista with a bios setting of 20 in the bios.
henzo, I was wondering what EIST was in the bios that stoped the clock throttling and also allowed me to change the multiplier finally!
deathman20 that EIST was what was lookin for but did not understand what is was so now I am stable with a bus clock of 170.6 x 20 for 3409mhz as indicated by cpuz in vista and the post screen with a tri-chanel DRAM of 1366 (all 12 gigs). and holding an average cpu temp of 135 deg F. Next is spent a couple of hours on Warcraft with all options on high. Therefore at the risk of being pre mature, it is "game stable" I want to thank you guys for all the hand holding. Will run at these settings and monitor temps then ease up a little more. Although I am running the TRUE cooler it is single 120mm fan and turns at only 1660 rpm rather than 2200+ of other trues...

It sounds like you did too. You don't have the x21 anymore in Windows now do you?

My DFI can turn off the triggers that stop turbo mode but in W7 and Vista I also have to set the cpu setting to 100% minimum and maximum to keep x21 at all times. It never changes ever. That was what I was trying to explain.

Have you run prime95 since disabling EIST? And if so, what are your max load temps when running small fft after say 15 mins or so?

If they are the within reason, like mid 60s, then you will be able to go alot high with some more vcore. That TRUE will do its job even with one fan on it.

And finally, are you still running the vcore at 1.5v? And if so, why? Lower it to around 1.35 and see if you run into any problems. My guess is that you wont.

I agree.

I would actually prefer you see how far you can go with only stock or lower voltage. You may be pleasantly surprised. Then start seeing where you need to add voltage bumps.
N3buchan3zzar, what board are you working with? Does your board not display it as selectable (the turbo option I mean) if you dont have EIST on?
DFI DK T3EH6. Yes it shows Turbo as selectable even if EIST is disabled. It does not in fact engage turbo though. I must have EIST enabled for turbo to kick in.
I experimented with different settings and found the one that locks turbo on 24/7 for me. In XP it just stays, but in Vista and W7 I also had to set the CPU characteristic as I mentioned.

Playing with a higher memory multi now as I am pushing back up to the 200BCLK with x21 on the CPU. x8 on the ram and x16 on the UnCore with Hyperthreading enabled too. The rest of my cpu options are turned off.

Voltages are a bit high at the moment I think but I am pushing BCLK with SetFSB to see how I can get before HyperPi32 fails on at least one core.

noticed you have a Gigabyte board and the F4 bios gives you a permanent turbo condition. The Foxconn Bloodrage does too afaik. I don't have a one button perma-turbo switch however. Takes a certain combination of settings on my board. Turbo must, of course be enable, EIST must be enabled, and Set VR Current Limit Max: Enabled. With that bios combination I have permanent turbo effect. There was an additional catch with Vista and W7 though to keep my multi from getting stuck at 12 which is what I mentioned already.
N3b... Not a bad Idea at all. I will take some time and gradually drop the voltage at the current clock setting until Vista will not boot to see where I end up. Bear in mind that I bought this chip from Newegg a scant two weeks after they went on sale which may have a bearring on the overclockability of this chip. Perhaps also the Gigabyte board may be a little better at OCing than the MSI. Lord knows the MSI was expensive enough. Also I probably was not clear in my earlier post in that I did find the setting in Vista control panel setting PC for performance stabilized the bus clock within Vista without disabling EIST in bios, therefore you were absolutely correct.
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everytime i post a new thread someone deletes it so here goes real quick

I need to know if there is a way to limit the number of cores that are working?

Like turn 2 off so i'm a dual core

I have the 920 x58 platinum sli MSI board.
everytime i post a new thread someone deletes it so here goes real quick

I need to know if there is a way to limit the number of cores that are working?

Like turn 2 off so i'm a dual core

I have the 920 x58 platinum sli MSI board.

I know there is a way on my EVGA to do something similar. Forgot what it was called but it varies per manufacture. Think there has been ways to disable quads to dual and even single cores for quiet a while.
Well thanks to the great help from you knowledgable and experienced folks on this site I have been game stable @ 3.44ghz and 1.36v. Just 64 degrees C under load for 1.5 weeks. I had to return to work for a week, therefore I have not been able to mess with it any but my week off begins tomorrow so hopefully I will have some time to bump it up further. Was wondering on my Eclipse board: in the PC health section what is the IOH temp? It runs significantly hotter than the CPU temp does like around 80 to 90 degrees C. I will post some screen shots of the bios if someone can tell me how they have gone about doing that. I have also tried to upload a screenshot with the CPU-Z and SpeedFan results, however, the file was too big to upload here, so I need some guidance with that as well.
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