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* HFM.NET - Client Monitoring Application for Folding@Home *

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Been talking to some of the Team behind the scenes... figured I'd share with everyone.

harlam357 said:
After spending some hours already trying to figure a way to easily hook-in v7 to my existing code base I've decided to cut my losses and pursue the avenue I spoke of above. To really do what I want to do long term (an FAHControl replacement), it makes more sense to scrap the front end (basically the primary UI and some supporting stuff) and start over from scratch. This won't be a complete rewrite... I'd say ~50%; mostly things forward facing to the user. My Log, Queue, and Client (v7) APIs are good to go. So I have access to the data. It's more about designing and presenting for v7 and not v6 whilst also maintaining a compatible path for v6.

I think I'll have fun this way too. What I've experienced so far trying to hook-in to the existing code has not been (a.k.a. spinning ones wheels); and if it's not fun then it's not something I'm going to want to spend my free time doing.

So, stay tuned... now that this decision is out of my way I'm actually excited about v7! :)

Already started reorganizing existing stuff that I'm keeping. Once that's done I can start rewriting the components I'm ditching for v7. Not sure exactly to what extent or if I'm going to ditch the look of the main UI. I was thinking possibly of some kind of tree view given that one 'client' supports multiple 'slots'. Otherwise, I'm going to have to designate the slot number in the client name or add another column to the grid.

What would you all like to see in that regard?

One way or another, I'm definitely ditching a lot of the code associated with the main UI since it's too wrapped up in what is 'a client'. The other piece of UI that's going to get an overhaul is the 'client setup' dialog. It needs to be able to define or remove slots (and everything that does with it), query the v7 client on the fly, etc. Lots of stuff that just doesn't jive with how v6 works. Again, I'm actually excited! :)
I have a feature request for v7 Harlam. Is there anyway you can make HFM sent an email/system notification if the TPF just significantly from what is expected? Ala FAH is no longer getting the 100% cpu for an extended period? I just had 5 run away gnome-screenshot processes running. They've been running for ~24 hours eating up 100% of 5 cores. My big adv was taking 1:57:33 a frame. The min is 23 and the average for a P6900 is 31 minutes. Maybe if the eff tpf is 3x you can make it send an email notification, or queue a .net/mono system notification?
In my opinion, getting a monitoring application up and running is more important than a replacement for FAH Control. I'm not sure exactly where the client stops and FAH control starts, but it appears to me that, the paid developer has struggled mightily to get all the bugs out of the client/control, and that may be too much for someone doing it on a volunteer basis, especially if they have to "reinvent the wheel". If Joe's actually debugging the client, rather than the control layer, perhaps it's easier than I imagine to create a new FAH Control.
In any event, if it's possible and gets a monitor in place faster, a two step process seems to be the way to go. Monitoring app then Control replacement.
I have a feature request for v7 Harlam. Is there anyway you can make HFM sent an email/system notification if the TPF just significantly from what is expected? Ala FAH is no longer getting the 100% cpu for an extended period? I just had 5 run away gnome-screenshot processes running. They've been running for ~24 hours eating up 100% of 5 cores. My big adv was taking 1:57:33 a frame. The min is 23 and the average for a P6900 is 31 minutes. Maybe if the eff tpf is 3x you can make it send an email notification, or queue a .net/mono system notification?

Sure... something like this can be done. If you would please, enter an Issue on the Google Code site.

In my opinion, getting a monitoring application up and running is more important than a replacement for FAH Control. I'm not sure exactly where the client stops and FAH control starts, but it appears to me that, the paid developer has struggled mightily to get all the bugs out of the client/control, and that may be too much for someone doing it on a volunteer basis, especially if they have to "reinvent the wheel". If Joe's actually debugging the client, rather than the control layer, perhaps it's easier than I imagine to create a new FAH Control.
In any event, if it's possible and gets a monitor in place faster, a two step process seems to be the way to go. Monitoring app then Control replacement.

A "monitor" will definitely be the first step. However, that doesn't change what I've decided to do in regards to a partial rewrite. As I said before, a lot of the code is wrapped up in what is a 'client' and not a 'slot' as it is with v7. That undoubtedly has to change. It's really got a lot to do with the client setup data and the dialog in HFM. That's where the real "FAHControl replacement" magic will happen. Basically, I need to forward think how HFM will add/remove slots, special flags, etc. Even if I don't implement all that functionality to begin with, I have to think about it now to ensure adding it later isn't going to be a PITA.
Just a little teaser... v6 clients and v7 client monitored together. It's happening. :)

I've got a lot of the issues worked out and am trying to button things up over the holidays.

I must caveat that buttoning things up over the holidays means I hope to have this in the hands of my closed tester group. If things go well then I'll continue to the public and then with future enhancements. I've put off doing a lot of things to the app over the last year due to the impending v7 client. Therefore, now that I know v7 support is viable and there is a future for HFM I can move forward with other enhancements once v7 support is stable.
Hey, I like the new screenshot you posted above. I do have one question though. My biggest issue with the program is the window never holds the size I set it at. It always opens bigger than when I closed it. Do you know of this bug / possible to fix it? The other issue would be the columns not holding size as well.
Hey, I like the new screenshot you posted above. I do have one question though. My biggest issue with the program is the window never holds the size I set it at. It always opens bigger than when I closed it. Do you know of this bug / possible to fix it? The other issue would be the columns not holding size as well.

Sizing is saved, at the very least on exit. Haven't had anyone else have an issue with this. Search your user folder (C:\Users<you> on your system) for user.config. If you find it in a folder with HFM in the name, send it to me. You can find me at gmail.
New Version: 0.9.0 - Revision 548 - Download

A little over a year in the making... I proud to annouce a major update to HFM.NET! The premier feature of this update is the addition of Folding@Home v7 Client support. This includes v7 support for HFM's Benchmarking, Work Unit History, and Web Generation features. You can't find similar features anywhere else with any other monitoring software, including FAHControl. In addition to v7 support, HFM still has all the same v6 support you've enjoyed over the last few years. It's the best of both worlds! Making this happen was quite an undertaking and required a partial rewrite of HFM. So while things look generally the same on the surface it's very much a new day for HFM.

Please note that your user preferences will be reset by this new version. This is a one time issue and your preferences will persist with future upgrades.

Check the HFM Google Code page for downloads and details on the changes.


Need help with HFM? Have a feature request? Please join the discussions. Post in the HFM Google Group.

ETA column used to show the date along with the time it would finish; now you can only choose between "hours until complete," or the "clock" time it will finish, without the date... not to big a deal for me, since pretty much all my W/U finish within a day, but maybe for others that take a few days, and to feed my OCD patterns ;)
See the Preferences Steve... "ETA as Date/Time" is an option and not the default. ;)
Ahhh /facepalm... I was used to F9 toggle, probably because I selected "ETA as Date/Time" originally long ago with the last install in the options and got used to it as default/forgot. muh bad ;)