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Cost for Conroe?

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greenmaji said:
I wouldn't worry bout DX10 cards.. the first generation of DX cards usually stink.

I would suggest saving some more (and maybe trying to get another $50-100 out of the current system)

Alright so I'll go with an older card probably from the classifieds.

I've got some new ram coming my way that I just bought from the classifieds for my system. If I can get my sytem to boot and be stable @3.0ghz I'll have another $100 to my system value.
Intel Conroe E6600 4MB 2.40GHz 1066MHz FSB is going to be #1 CPU most wanted for 2006

Intel Conroe 65nm Dual Core
E4200 2MB 1.60GHz 800MHz FSB Q4 $169. us

E6100 2MB 1.33GHz 1066MHz FSB Q1 2007 $149. us (35 Watts)*

E6200 2MB 1.60GHz 1066MHz FSB Q4 $179. us
E6300 2MB 1.86GHz 1066MHz FSB Q3 $209. us
E6400 2MB 2.13GHz 1066MHz FSB Q3 $239. us
E6500 2MB 2.40GHz 1066MHz FSB Q4 $269. us

E6600 4MB 2.40GHz 1066MHz FSB Q3 $309. us (65 Watts)
E6700 4MB 2.67GHz 1066MHz FSB Q3 $529. us
E6800 4MB 2.93GHz 1066MHz FSB Q4 $749. us
E6900 4MB 3.20GHz 1066MHz FSB Q4 $969. us

Intel Conroe XE 65nm Dual Core
E8000 4MB 3.33GHz 1333MHz FSB Q4 $1199. us (95 Watts)
So new info is coming out and I'm a Little confused now.

Now I read that maybe the 2MB ones are single core versions? Do we know which ones are dual core? How much is the cheapest dual core going to cost?
Yeah, I dunno what the deal is. When Conroe was first even mentioned, I could've sworn they were ALL going to be dual core. Then I didn't look for a while and now all except 1 place (VR-Zone) says 2M L2s are single core so I don't really know what's up with that. The fact that those lower ones with L2 are still E6xxx makes me think they are. This may be one case where the majority has it wrong?

Sjaak, one thing I know for sure is the L2 specs are not "per core", they are total and it's shared by both cores...assuming they're all dual core, LOL.
NODES said:
man, thank god i didnt spend 300+ for the 975X....

as fast as intel is shelling out new cpu's and motherboards that cost a bundle but wont support new cpu's that come out later. it seems to me it would make sense to invest in AMD since they stay with the same chipset/format on thier motherboards for quite awhile... and you can upgrade the processor later.

if not for this latest 1333fsb that runs memory very fast i would say that the tighter timings of of amd's ddr mixed with pci express 16x sli/crossfire look appealing.

what fsb is the conroe xe going to run? 333fsb

cause ddr2-667 @ 1:1 with the dualcore hyperthreaded processor is gonna rock i wonder how much higher it will overclock.
No new procs have come out from Intel that require any new chipsets/mobos in the last ~3 years? Some pretty old Intel chipsets run the latest procs just fine (865). New chipsets for new procs has pretty much gone hand in hand, whether you "need" them or not, chipsets get refined/advanced just like procs do, not to mention, there's almost always low/premium iterations of each (ie. 915/925). The 955 chipset was only required for Crossfire. The 975 chipset was only required to run a single specific proc, the 955XE (and not even really) and will run Conroe. IF the VRMs on the current 975 boards won't run them, some people may have gotten hosed on that deal, but I am guessing they will.

Suffice it to say, if you're blowing $1K+ on a proc and/or $1K on vid cards, you have no leg to stand on while whining about having to shell out for a new mobo to run them ;) The fact that Conroe will be a completely new architecture doesn't seem to be enough to warrant a new chipset/mobo? If I had 975 board right now, I'd still buy a Conroe-specific 975/985 board. 965 is coming out and will be the low end for Conroe, 975 will be the premium chipset for it. A 985 chipset will be released with the XE later this year, which will become the premium chipset and will support all Conroes including XE and the upcoming Kentsfield quad-Conroe core proc due in Q1 07.

Conroes are 1066. The Conroe XE and Woodcrest (server version) will be 1333. DDR2-667 and 1:1...you're thinking much too slow to be worrying about how high they will OC...or were you talking about an AMD?
Ross said:
Conroes are 1066. The Conroe XE and Woodcrest (server version) will be 1333. DDR2-667 and 1:1...you're thinking much too slow to be worrying about how high they will OC...or were you talking about an AMD?

im not sure what you mean here. i was saying that with amd's capability to have 1000fsb relatively. coupled with thier DDR timings of 2-2-2-5 and thier ongoing back and forth battle with intel for the fastest processor as well as being able to use newer processors on older boards i was considering going with amd for my next build.

but since fsb speeds of 1333fsb for the conroeXE are reaching speeds that ddr2 is more at home with in terms of timings and the frequency is obviously faster than the 1000fsb of AMD ddr setups then this will most likely be my upgrade of choice until the quad core :)
Oh, the problem was I couldn't tell which you were talking about either ;) DDR2-667 @ 1:1 would be far too slow for Intel, especially Conroe IMHO. Depending how high of a default multi you get on an Intel, even the 800FSB P4 procs have little problem of running 1200 or more (I've had as high as 1600) and Conroes will have much lower multis + higher default FSB, so for OCing that would be a lot more FSB assuming mobos will run it. I think 1600FSB OCs will probably be pretty commonplace for Conroes depending on the default clock/multi you get and just how well they OC.

As for the chipset thing, that still stands...current Intels (CM/Presler) can run on way old chipsets/mobos. Newer chipsets are really for features outside the proc (higher DDR2 defaults, PCIe x16, Crossfire, etc.) and can be bought or ignored depending on whether you want those features. I personally upgraded from the 925 to my current 955 just because it's a much more solid and OCable board.

It is looking now like Intel might've made some unnecessary $$ on the current 975 boards though. No one ever said they'd work on Conroe and I am seeing more issues about them not running Conoroe without board revisions. Anyone that bought one ASSuming they would run Conroe may be kicking themselves in a month or two :(
Ross.. I want more FSB, whats up with 160 ROFL!!!!
You make it sound like there going to be like OCing 805 D's ;)
AMD is soon going through a couple of socket so we as consumers are pretty messed up at the moment Time4aMassiveOC.. Conroe support and current 975 boards looks like hard mods at this point in time and AMD is moving to a new soket for AM2 then early next year looks like a new socket.. :eh?: Intel looks to have somthing good coming with the i985 if any of us can get our hands on it soon we will be set for a while..
Woodcrest has peeked my intrest in building a workstation, I might be in Audio's camp on waiting to see what hardware I will need for that :D
Yikes man, 160FSB and I would have to blow my brains out, LOL. That was *1600* FSB bus (400FSB)!! I've actually had as high as 406FSB limited by the proc...670 was just too much of Prescott for the SS, hehe.
Ross said:
Yikes man, 160FSB and I would have to blow my brains out, LOL. That was *1600* FSB bus (400FSB)!! I've actually had as high as 406FSB limited by the proc...670 was just too much of Prescott for the SS, hehe.

OK. I must have misread or you got in to edit within the 5 min to make me look like a real joker :cool:
Yea.. I kind of figured it was 1600 that you ment, I just thought 160 would be a joke :p ;)
No edit, check the reply notification email ;) 160 sounds more like what I run on my PCI-e bus, LOL. Well, maybe not quite that high :)
I'll take your word for it there Ross ;)
I dont subsribe to all the threads I post in.. I like my inbox just fine how it is.. :p

besides.. I had some relevent info in my post :p

I do have a question that probibly needs posted.. who has a Bad Axe and what are the Bio's OCing features like? LOL
I'm a little confused again. I was reading in another thread where someone I think was mixing up the multipliers on these chips.

E6300 1.86GHz 1066MHz FSB 7x
E6400 2.13GHz 1066MHz FSB 8x
E6600 2.40GHz 1066MHz FSB 9x
E6700 2.67GHz 1066MHz FSB 10x

are those the correct multis?

so then to get 3.0ghz I'd need

7 x 429 FSB
8 x 375 FSB
9 x 334 FSB
10 x 300 FSB

So do you think the new 985 boards might be able to handle those high FSBs? I am debating if I should wait till I have enough money to the an 8x or maybe 9x multi (with the extra cache).
Those look right. There will be some 800FSB Conroes though too. FSB support on mobos is the very issue I've mentioned several times. If Conroes clock well at all, those low multis will cause the mobo to limit the clock. If they go much over 3.6GHz OCed, anything less than 10x multi is going to make it more diffcult.

I've asked Victor how high the BIOS on his 965 board goes, but he's been obviously silent (probably busy benching) and it might get lost in the thread anyway. There are PLL chips that will run 500MHz (FSB) for sure, maybe even higher, but we don't know if the new boards will use those or the current 450MHz PLLs (which current boards have a hard time running up to). If the Conroe-specific mobos "can" run 500FSB max and *will* run >450FSB without a problem, it's a whole other story, but right now 450FSB is the WR for FSB and even over 400FSB is pretty much reserved for hardcore people with the procs/cooling that can do it.
Shelnutt2 said:
I've been fin on 2x512 of ram so far, and I'm not moving off of Windblows XP to vista so I should be fine.

This is my current PSU:

You think that is powerful enough for conroe? Or do i need to look at single rail PSUs?

Hmm..I think I need to go get a job, lol.

Just wondering, how much do you think I could get for a setup of:
Soyo P4-I845PE V1.0, 2.4B, 2x256 ram, Antec Smart power 350, raid0 2x20 7200 RPM drives PCI Geforce2 MX400? $300?

lol windblows.
Ah yeah I almost forgot about cooling.

I'll be running sometype of air cooling (recommendations?) I guess I almost have to go with a higher multi then, since a higher FSB = high temps.