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Cube Shelving for Farms

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Dec 20, 2003
Take a look at these:

Neat Idea Storage Cubes

I've got a ton of these lying around my basement, from my animal rescue days. They're incredibly sturdy, and can take an amazing amount of punishment. The only thing I'd be skeptical about is putting a large CRT on top of them. They're usually made of steel, and then coated with a hard plastic or rubber coating. Standard size would be 14" x 14" per cube, using the provided connectors. Custom sizing is fairly simple with a bunch of plastic zip ties.

Seems to me that, with a little work to create a decent mobo mount, something like this could provide a great, cheap farm setup. The open grid design would allow for pretty good airflow.Oh, and Staples wants far too much for them... most places sell them in a 6 cube package for $19.99, or $12.99 when on sale.

Anyone have any possible negative possibilities I'm overlooking?
Link works, just enter your zip code like it asks.

I have a computer in a crate that is fine. Good airflow and easy to move it around. Why would you need a monitor on them? Just use www.realvnc.com
None that I see,But for a really tricked out look buy some Acrilic MOB trays.They come in different colors.I use one for when I test boards out before I slap them in a case.PCMOds was selling them for 9.99 when they where having a sale.I wish I would have bought more for my furture farm.
What about putting four layers in one cube? Put one on the top, both sides, and back then you'd have room on the bottom for the PSU's.....

Aim a fan into the cube to get some air flow and you're all good.

Well if i wanted to do that, wouldn't it be more fun to divide a cube into 4 sections, 3.5" wide a piece, and make me a poor man's blade server? lol
my farm is set up in the 'blade' fashion right now. They have been folding happily in my basement for over a month now and I haven't had any problems that I didn't cause (dropped a hard drive once and killed it :( ) I am trying to come up with some ideas that would give me a bit more space, but this seems to be the best compromise between airflow and access. I can get to everything and I just plug my monitor and stuff right into the ports when trying to do stuff in the bios. Other than that, I use VNC all the time.
Have any pictures we can take a look at? As of right now, I've got one more system than cases, so this is something I need to seriously start looking.
I built a case out of 1x4 hard wood that holds seven mobo's, four psu's, and has an 8 port switch stuck to the top for a "blade" style farm.


However, using the cubes to hold three or four mobo's each would be much easier to build.

This seems like nice premade farm shevles. It would be good to put some more structure into them and line them for more support and stability.
This seems like nice premade farm shevles. It would be good to put some more structure into them and line them for more support and stability.

Actually, the stability of these things is one of the things that truly shocked me. Get one of the better brand names, like Rubbermaid, and the damned things refuse to come back apart at all!

Reinforcing the shelves may be a bit trickier, but still completely possible. Small diameter PVC pipe could work, as well as those steel rods you can buy in hobby shops and hardware stores.
NedClocker said:

A mens' wear store. I swear that's where I've seen those. :D
thats a store in grosse pointe MI i remodeled the whole place and built all kinds of stuff for it. it is a mens clothing store for fine suits and stuff.