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Gator - "spyware"

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Apr 26, 2001
The other day, Mr.B and some others were discussing Gator and it's "spyware" capabilities. Here is a snipet from an e-mail newsletter that I receive regularly from nwfusion-

Spyware, also called adware, is frighteningly common.
The list of spyware software is a long one and includes
Adware, Alexa, Aureate, Comet Cursor, Cydoor, Doubleclick,
DSSAgent, EverAd, Flycast, Gator, Gratisware, OnFlow,
Save-Now, Flyswat, TimeSink, HotBar, Web-3000 and Webhancer.
You can find these subsystems embedded in more than 800
programs and utilities (including, much to our disappointment,
CuteFTP and Surf Saver,  previously recommended by Gearhead).
You can see a list of spyware at

Thought it might be of interest.

doubled (May 25, 2001 01:48 p.m.):
The other day, Mr.B and some others were discussing Gator and it's "spyware" capabilities. Here is a snipet from an e-mail newsletter that I receive regularly from nwfusion-

Spyware, also called adware, is frighteningly common.
The list of spyware software is a long one and includes
Adware, Alexa, Aureate, Comet Cursor, Cydoor, Doubleclick,
DSSAgent, EverAd, Flycast, Gator, Gratisware, OnFlow,
Save-Now, Flyswat, TimeSink, HotBar, Web-3000 and Webhancer.
You can find these subsystems embedded in more than 800
programs and utilities (including, much to our disappointment,
CuteFTP and Surf Saver,  previously recommended by Gearhead).
You can see a list of spyware at

Thought it might be of interest.


Thanks, Dave...good lookin' out.

Had a bugger of a time killin' Gator. I un-installed it, and parts were left after. Tried to delete them, and started getting bunches of BSOD's....

I had to format and re-install everything (except Gator, of course...)

Mr B
sfa ok (May 28, 2001 06:20 p.m.):
Has lots of information about spyware and the like.

steve gibson was a big help but he doesnt run the free optout program anymore unless you pay [i think pay] now Ad-aware is the best free anti spyware tool. but even adaware has its downfall it does not stop all of the cookies from entering your PC it only lets you know that there there. Zero click 2.0 is a great little free tool that lets you stop cookies that you specify from getting in so you use ad-aware to find and describe them and Zeroclick 2.0 to keep them out the only problem with Zero click which is not to much of a problem is that the web sight that tries to give you the bad cookie may not let you in there site if you do not accept the bad cookie. not a bad trade off to me.
outhouse (May 28, 2001 07:34 p.m.):
sfa ok (May 28, 2001 06:20 p.m.):
Has lots of information about spyware and the like.

steve gibson was a big help but he doesnt run the free optout program anymore unless you pay [i think pay] now Ad-aware is the best free anti spyware tool. but even adaware has its downfall it does not stop all of the cookies from entering your PC it only lets you know that there there. Zero click 2.0 is a great little free tool that lets you stop cookies that you specify from getting in so you use ad-aware to find and describe them and Zeroclick 2.0 to keep them out the only problem with Zero click which is not to much of a problem is that the web sight that tries to give you the bad cookie may not let you in there site if you do not accept the bad cookie. not a bad trade off to me.

I didn't know about that, thanks for telling me. Steve Gibson's programs were great when I still had 56k, each took a second or two to download and made me feel very special.
Opt-Out will still work. What you have to do (this is what I do), is to briefly set the date on your PC to Jan. 2001.

Run the program. Then when you are done, reset the date to the correct month.

Works for me....

Mr B
Thats a good trick wish I knew that one but the updated version of ad-aware I think does a better job then opt-out I had a version of ad-aware that was equal to opt-out and all i ever got on it was doubleclick but now with the latest version of ad-aware i get all kinds of different spyware that shows up. [or now there is more spyware out there] It would be interesting if someone who had optout could download the new adaware and see how they compare i'm curious.

I was dissapointed when optout quit working for me and i cant badmouth Steve Gibson cause his software was great while it lasted and his website taught me about spyware to begin with.
Does Anyone Still Care About This?

This thread is a bit stale, so I wonder ...

AdAware seems to be a very good product. It's available at lavasoftusa.com where several apps now exist as well.

On the cookie issue, analogx.com offers a freeware app called cookiewall. It seems to do a good job for me. There are also several other apps at this site.

Seems a waste to squeeze every last clock cycle out of a system merely to have a bunch stolen. :cool:
Aaaaaaaaargh! I hate Gator!!! I started to get really tired of finding it on peoples systems at work so I just locked out in install program...

I hate to say it, but why would you base a company around cheesy and sneaky marketing techniques? I mean, if you want to sell something, then if the demand is there and you let people know, then they'll buy it! Don't try and sneak into people's lives and then be like "Hey, I was watching you the other day and it appears you need _________."

If Sears had a telescope pointed at your house they'd be shut down immediately. The same should go for any company responsible for creating any type of spyware.
