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How many people are still active? (looking for a good discussion).

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Senior Band Wagon Jumper
Jun 9, 2001
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Just wondering how many people are still actively mining. What they're running. Where you see things headed in the future. Do you want to convert to FIAT? See it as the future of currency?
I've had my miners off for a few years now and there hasn't been much activity in the Cryptocurrency threads. I'm still here, waiting for the ROI to bounce back. Maybe it will, maybe it wont.
Still mining Curecoin, Foldingcoin, Swagbucks, and a few other energy efficient coins.
i'm still mining ETH and holding (i never sold any of it). I can afford the electric cost.

3 machines:
1. an AMD based rig with 6x 570s and 1x 580 = 202MH
2. my gaming rig with 2x 1080tis, mines whenever im not doing anything else = 105MH
3. an nvidia based rig with 6x 1080tis (but i recently moved this to crunching SETI for a little while)
I stopped mining when summer hit for the most part. Only had my 1080 running whcih was just a couple bucks a day. I still hold onto some currency, used some for a downpayment on my car and such as well.
I feel like Crypto wont last somehow!! I used to mine but now I withdrew all my investments. Still read about Crypto though.
I just spent the last of my BTC on a new mobo this morning. As it is I have an insignificant amount of ETH, BTC and got some Burst if I can remember which PC has the wallet and what password I used to access it.

Haven't mined since... when was the deeper decline? Some time before summer? I'm getting back into folding (for another team) and there's a CPU based challenge on PrimeGrid I'll be joining shortly too, so resources will be deployed like the old days before mining was a thing.
I just spent the last of my BTC on a new mobo this morning. As it is I have an insignificant amount of ETH, BTC and got some Burst if I can remember which PC has the wallet and what password I used to access it.

Haven't mined since... when was the deeper decline? Some time before summer? I'm getting back into folding (for another team) and there's a CPU based challenge on PrimeGrid I'll be joining shortly too, so resources will be deployed like the old days before mining was a thing.

the tone of this post makes me feel like:

"...so that's the end of that, Mike!"

eh BTC is still right around the mid 6000 mark, significantly higher than where it was a year ago (or thereabouts). If it drops down to 1K or below I think there's a big problem... or a buying opportunity, not sure.
I’ve been using honey miner. I generated roughly 233k satashi ship over the last three and a half weeks. My electric bill went up 15 cents a day and I’m making roughly $1.00 in BTC per day. This is with just my Ryzen 2700X and 1080TI. When I go home over December I’m going to get my 5930K and dual 1080 cards in on the action. I’m hoping this will get me to about 500,000 satashis a month or more. Although today it seems like honeyminer has me mining for ethurium and my satashi is way down for today so I’m not happy if this becomes a trend.
Not sure what's going on but my Swagbucks miner has been running exceptionally well the last few days. (Hope that's not because of an impending crash!) Nice considering Fran Blanche can really use a share of the mining profit right now...
Not sure what's going on but my Swagbucks miner has been running exceptionally well the last few days. (Hope that's not because of an impending crash!) Nice considering Fran Blanche can really use a share of the mining profit right now...

That is part of why I like Honeyminer. It's supposed to mine the stuff that is economical to mine and pay in BTC. However today where I normally am making ~$1.00 I made 52 cents. I still made a profit if only the energy is concerned but it's certainly not going to buy me a Asus Crosshair VIII and top of the line Ryzen processor when they are inevitably released at that rate. That is not going to fly and if it continues I'm going to start shopping around for alternatives.
I remember the days when I ran an earnhoney mining VM year round. Now I run it only on unusually cold days if I couldn't find anything better to load down the CPU with.

I really miss the days when I would mine Perk with 4 cheap smartphones getting about $100/month.
I stopped actively mining back around February-March of this year when profitability dropped significantly. Probably haven't mined at all since May, and last I checked CPU mining for me was completely unprofitable on any CPU and GPU mining on my 1080 would be barely profitable (maybe $0.2 income after electricity costs, and no other card I have is probably profitable at all).

*Sigh* I miss when Equihash mining on a GPU was profitable, when last I looked at it the profitability on that was maybe a tenth of what it was back around November '17-February '18. Those new ASIC Equihash miners really changed the playing field apparently.
I'm still mining, still very profitable. All CPU, mostly CryptoNote forks, always get in early before exchange listing. I've been mining Nerva for a few months, now I'm also mining Celestial and will mine Amity when it launches in a week or two.

Miningrigrentals is okay too, and not as much of a parasite as nichehash.
Do you guys think it's a good time to stock on some GPUs and get a rig? Have some extra cash laying around...
Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales will be announced shortly. That's what I'm waiting for.
still mining quietly .. not much going on lately, but too sad to take it offline; also since I made this mistake twice before, I just wont stop this time .. hopefully it will pay off and not kick me in the backend :))
I like the energy efficient coins since once the setup has paid for itself, it's pure profit. In particular, my Swagbucks miner only uses about 8W to make $15/month or so at current difficulty. I have made well over $1300 on that coin alone in the 3 years I have been mining it.

I'm actually thinking of sharing some secrets (IP) with some friends (namely Fran Blanche and Naomi Wu, who can both use a bit of help) in order to "give back" to the community. I'm thinking they can share the IP with only their supporters so that the supporters would feel incentive to donate more, gaining me a lot of respect. By limiting how much sharing is done, the difficulty won't rise too much. The main barrier I see is that the code is messy and only intended to work on my setup.