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New bios for Abit TH7II-R.

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Use modbin6 1.00.38 instead of the 2.0beta; it is more recent. I know modbin6 has been developed to version 1.00.45 at least, but I cannot get my hands on it since Phoenix took over Award.

modbin does not work reliably from a dos window within windows. You should always use it from a DOS operating system. Only problem is: a floppy does not have enough space for the temporary files. I have got a DOS partition on my HD which I use for ghosting; I can do the changes for you and send you the bios if you want.

My only problem with modding bioses is I do not have a bios saviour or a spare bios chip: if the bios does not work when flashing I cannot recover.
arman68 said:

Use modbin6 1.00.38 instead of the 2.0beta; it is more recent. I know modbin6 has been developed to version 1.00.45 at least, but I cannot get my hands on it since Phoenix took over Award.

modbin does not work reliably from a dos window within windows. You should always use it from a DOS operating system. Only problem is: a floppy does not have enough space for the temporary files. I have got a DOS partition on my HD which I use for ghosting; I can do the changes for you and send you the bios if you want.

My only problem with modding bioses is I do not have a bios saviour or a spare bios chip: if the bios does not work when flashing I cannot recover.

To try to follow the your suggestion and if not succeeded, if I have understanded well, you spediro the bios with the changes to bring...I add that to modify the bios habitually use the Hard Disk and not the floppy disk and for this not believe that depends from the temporary file.
Touched and good thanks weekend.
Excuse me still for the very bad English. :eh?:

Arman68, i want that you added to the bios th7h _7c232.bin,
the last of the Abit for TH7II-R, the divisors 2/5 2/6 2/7 2/8,
besides the usual 2/2 2/3 2/4 and Fix, contained in the biosTH7H _7F.bin
of MrNatural that attach you. I wanted ask you if it is possible add of
the additional divisors type: 2/2,5 2/3,5 2/4,5 2/5,5 2/6,5 2/7,5 (not know if such divisors are usable and if work, but if you was able do it am much satisfies).
You is of interest me only modifies it to the divisors and you doesn't want
the sSpread Spectrum Modulated (add in the bios of MrNatural), for me useless...
Not i want the bios from you modified am changed in the original name Th7h_7c232.bin
and in the message to the boot: GREEN AGP/PCI. Touched thanks of the help.

PS. to tell the truth my dream is learn to modify the bios, as MrNatural and
i am sure that with your help we can succeed. If you succeeded to modify the bios
Th7h _7c232.bin, with the changes that i have described you, would be able me explain
as you did and with like software? I finish saying you that in my pc uses Windows XP Pro.

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Arman68, i hope that you not has gia begin, because invention some free time, I have done everything that served me...Thanks still. ;)

Completely here the new bios for TH7II-R, in accordance with me much better of that of MrNatural...much stable. They excuse still for the very bad English. :burn:
Good job. I had planned to edit the bios sunday night but it seems I do not need to anymore.

Your readme contains the following:

Bios per Abit TH7II-R, versione TH7H_7A ( A = Annamaria).

Modifiche del bios:
AGPCLK/CPUCLK options: 2/2, 2/3, 2/4, 2/5, 2/6, 2/7, 2/8 , Fix
CPU Voltage: 1.1 - 1.85
Added Highpoint v2.32 Raid bios.

Eliminated Spread Spectrum Modulated: in overclock, the disabling, it caused a not correspondence among the set up values and that gotten.

Can I suggest you use version 7g? I think 7a is a bit confusing since 7a comes before 7c (the last official bios from abit). Plus the last Mr Natural BIOS is 7f. Since this one should be better than Mr Natural's one, why don't you continue the sequence...

Could you add the following information in your readme:

1. Which bios is it based on (7c or 7f)?

2. Where does the new CPU micro codes come from (IT7 bios a4 or BG7 bios ah)?

You can reply to me in Italian, it will be easier to understand ;)
Potete rispondere in italiano. Sarà più facile da capire.
arman68 said:
Good job. I had planned to edit the bios sunday night but it seems I do not need to anymore.

Your readme contains the following:

Can I suggest you use version 7g? I think 7a is a bit confusing since 7a comes before 7c (the last official bios from abit). Plus the last Mr Natural BIOS is 7f. Since this one should be better than Mr Natural's one, why don't you continue the sequence...

Could you add the following information in your readme:

1. Which bios is it based on (7c or 7f)?

2. Where does the new CPU micro codes come from (IT7 bios a4 or BG7 bios ah)?

You can reply to me in Italian, it will be easier to understand ;)
Potete rispondere in italiano. Sarà più facile da capire.

Ahhhh...Finalmente la mia madrelingua...Grazie.
Arman68, come hai potuto vedere, credo di aver fatto un' ottimo lavoro e secondo me é piu' facile di quanto sembri visto che non si deve far altro che abilitare con modbin6 funzioni nascoste...
Ho chiamato la versione 7A, perché é la mia iniziale e perché rompe col passato...Adesso che MrNatural, sembra sparito per sempre, a qualsiasi ora il suo server é down, tocca a noi lavorare... :D
I microcodici per le cpu l'ho presi dal bios IT7_A4, anche se secondo me, sono reperibili anche da quello BG7_AH, essendo uguali.
La mia versione é basata sull'ultima beta Abit 7c_232 e non su quella di MrNatural.
Non credo di creare confusione non avendola rinominata in 7g, ma se qualcuno commette errori, non dipende da me visto il readme allegato...
Buona Domenica a tutti ed in particolare a te che mi hai insegnato molto riguardo i bios delle mobo.
Ciao e grazie. ;) :burn:

Ahhhh.... At last the mother tongue... Thanks.

(note from arman68: I am not sure enough of the meaning of the second paragraph to translate it properly - )

I called it version 7A, as it is my first and breaks with the past... Given that Mr Natural seems to have disappeared for now, and that is server is always down, the work is left to us.

I took the CPU microcode from the IT7_A4 BIOS; I could have used the BG7_AH BIOS instead, the two BIOSes being equivalent.

My version is based on the latest 7c_232 beta [SIC] from Abit and not Mr Natural's one.

I am not intending to create some confusion by not renaming it to 7G, but if anyone makes a mistake, it's up to them given that I included a readme.

Good Sunday to everyone, and you in particular who taught me a few things regarding this motherboard bios.

Thank you, and bye.

Sorry for any mistake, but I do not speak Italian. My mother tongue being french though, I am usually able to read Italian and understand the meaning.
Thanks Arnan, I was still able to follow some of the auto-translate-English of Annamaria, but Italian is a bit too hard for me ;)

Good work Annamaria! I am planning to try it out shortly :)
Jirnsum said:
Thanks Arnan, I was still able to follow some of the auto-translate-English of Annamaria, but Italian is a bit too hard for me ;)

Good work Annamaria! I am planning to try it out shortly :)

;) :)
Hey all!

Few questions before I dare to try that bios:

1) Does it truly work ;)

2) Why should I use it, since 533-cpu´s work just fine with out it in general ?

3) What kind of improvements do I get if install it? Since I dont think that the question of using 1066- RDRAM will be solved with that bios?
yo hi all peeps

I see some good bios builders overhere arising hehe :)

The question that I got I saw a corevoltage of max 1.85v
isnt there a 2.2 ???

Iff that is possible can the bios be so writen that it overwrites the voltasge protecion so it will boot up and not going mad and bleep bleep yuor ears off you heasd hehehe ????

ps wich programs do i need to adjust the bios myself ????
ozzie_no_good said:
yo hi all peeps

I see some good bios builders overhere arising hehe :)

The question that I got I saw a corevoltage of max 1.85v
isnt there a 2.2 ???

Iff that is possible can the bios be so writen that it overwrites the voltasge protecion so it will boot up and not going mad and bleep bleep yuor ears off you heasd hehehe ????

ps wich programs do i need to adjust the bios myself ????

Well, if you are using Northwood, then dont in any circumstances use over ~1.8 volts for it. Over voltage will most likely kill your cpu. We have seen lot of peeps, who have seen their cpu´s fade away with overvoltage. It does not have anything to do with high tenperatures. So, use only 1.8 max and just settle with it.
yo I dont care about burning my p4 the one i got sux big time and i am running on a volt 2v in bios and real 1.9v so when i use 2.05 i still can boot only when i use 2.10v i wouldnt boot any more just starts beeping

so thats why i wanted to know iff i can over ride it i whanna go over 3ghz i run 3ghz stable when i just do some litle surfing on the web but when i do gaming it crashes so i need a litle more vcore and then i will go stable on 3ghz
ozzie_no_good said:
yo I dont care about burning my p4 the one i got sux big time and i am running on a volt 2v in bios and real 1.9v so when i use 2.05 i still can boot only when i use 2.10v i wouldnt boot any more just starts beeping

so thats why i wanted to know iff i can over ride it i whanna go over 3ghz i run 3ghz stable when i just do some litle surfing on the web but when i do gaming it crashes so i need a litle more vcore and then i will go stable on 3ghz

Do you have wiretrick in it? If not, then wiretrick it to max voltage and see whats happens. If you have good cooling system, then go ahead, you never know
yeah wire tricked it on the 4 pins wich gif me the default of 1.85 volts and me whanna go higher
and cooling is good vapochill rulz
but it wil not go higher then 2.10 in the bios and i thin the overvoltage protecion in the p4 is doing his work to good heheh :):):D :burn:

if i do the mobo trick on the voltage will it work then may i try that this weekend thanks for the quik response hehe
Btw, I noticed, that you have PC-1066 memory in your comp.

Which cpu do you have? is it 100 fsb or those new 133 -fsb cpus (533-bus speed)

If its new one, does your TH7-II work ok for you at 4* 133 speed = 533 bus speed or do you have use it at 3*133?
i got hte 100 fsb northwood
and kingstoon 1066
and it wil not do 133 4x cant really test is because my p4 stops at 125 fsb that why i need more vcore hehe

i tested my p4 on a prte 533 same memory and is stoped even fast at fsb of 120 so my abit does a good job

i will change my drgs when i can get them in house but there hard to get in holland didnt find a good adress where i can order them
Well, I am afraid you will get to test a new CPU pronto, because 2.05 V WILL kill it FAST. Frankie, 1.8 is even considered to be too high...1.7 seems to be the max....
Do you a link to www-site, where I could find good instructions to change those drgs chips?