johan851 said:
Also, try resetting the BIOS to defaults...not safe defaults, but I think it's called "Optimal Defaults" or something like that. Once you set that, go back into your overclocking setup, and set to 9x200 or whatever was giving you problems. If that fixes things, that means there was some setting in there that was causing instability. If that doesn't fix things, then it could be something else.
I've done that, been running memtest in the last hours with everything on default and then at 9x200. It didn't accuse any errors.
necromanx13x said:
Do what johan said but also make sure you raise your chipset and core voltages a little and also if you need to your ram voltage. Also make sure your ram is running at the right timings and the right ratio. If this doesnt work it may be that your cpu is overheating. Also, check the bios health settings and make sure that fail if cpufan is disconnected is disabled and also raise the auto shutdown temps a little.
I was only able to raise the core voltage a little,
[email protected] or
[email protected] resulted in shut down+alarm.
Hoot said:
The more information you provide, the more people can help you. When someone takes the time out of their lives and asks you what your bios settings are, you need to take the same time and give them an answer. There are many settings in your bios that interract and can have an adverse effect on your success. If we don't know what you have, we can't help you possibly save a lot of time chasing down problematic settings we have already worked through ourselves.
reflashing your bios should be one of the last things you do, only after having exhausted other avenues. The D19 bios is a good bios.
Cool down, slow down and give in order to get.
EDIT: Here's a good starting point.
copy/paste-wonders here you go
Softmenu III Setup
CPU Operating Speed: User Define
External Clock: 200
Multiplifier Factor: 9
AGP Frequency: 66
CPU FSB/DRAM Ratio: Auto or 6/6
CPU Interface: Enabled
Power Supply Controller: User Define
CPU Core Voltage: 1.675v
DDR SDRAM Voltage: 2.6v (2.7v results in shut down)
Chipset Voltage: 1.6v (1.7v results in shut down)
AGP Voltage: 1.5v
Advanced Chipset Features
Memory Timings: Expert
Row Active... : 6, 7 or 11 (neither helped)
Ras to Cas... : 3
RAS Precharge... : 3
CAS Latency... : 2
System Bios Cacheable: Disabled
Video Ram Cacheable: Disabled
CPU Thermal Throttling: Disabled
Enhance PCI: Disabled
CPU Disconnect: Disabled
AGP Transfer: 4x
AGP Fast Writes: Disabled
IR/SATA/LAN disabled
^wargod said:
i had that problem, have you tried re-seating your HSF? fixed it for me after some fiddling around.
It didn't matter (for me). Correct me if i'm wrong, but if it was the temperature, it wouldn't shut down at 48°C after all OS services stoped loading and i ran SAH for seconds.