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OC'ing an E8500 CO on a P5Q-E

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lol no I didn't sleep the whole 33 hours. I can surf and do basic stuff like watching movies/DVDs while running prime no problem.

Yeah I probably could push this chip to 4.5 on water. I'm content with 4 though...and the Tuniq Tower handles it rather well. :beer:
You know somethin' funny though guys...

The ONLY apparent problem with these settings, is EVERY time I turn the computer on (from being OFF, not resetting/rebooting with the power on), it will come on for about two seconds then turn off, and stay off for about two seconds, then turn back on. It doesn't actually POST until the second time it comes on, but it does stay on the second time, and proceeds to load the OS.

I was curious as to why it was doing that, so I went into the BIOS and tried upping some of the voltages, all EXCEPT the vCore. 5 or 6 modifications later, it's still doing it. So, I set literally ALL the voltages to auto, and bumped the vCore to 1.35000 to see what would happen. Voila...it stays on the first time I turn it on, POSTS, and proceeds to load Vista no problem.

But, I'm not about to increase the vCore higher just to make the BIOS happy for a cold boot. Like I said, at 1.31250 vCore, it is 33 hours prime stable. The only problem is what I just described. I'll take that though, gladly. Since I run my system 24/7, I want the lowest "stable" vCore, and more than 33 consistent hours of Prime95 is enough to convince me, not this silly cold boot nonsense. :shrug:

Anybody have any thoughts on that though?

Also, I lowered FSB term and vNB back to 1.20. It wasn't "posting slower" with those voltages, the problem was actually what I just described about the 'cold boot', to be clear (it still does it but whatever, lower voltages = lower temps). The "system" temp in Speedfan is now about 1-2 celsius lower (2 at most though), but the CPU and core temps are all about 3 degrees lower.

I set the RAM timings manually to 5-5-5-15 just now too, instead of leaving them on auto. On auto they were 5-5-5-18 for some reason. I also have the RAM voltage @ 2.02, because I saw where someone did an actual reading or measurement on the P5Q boards, and for whatever reason they found that the RAM overvolts by .08 volts on average, regardless of the setting. If that's accurate then 2.02 should be what I need, since my RAM is rated for 2.1.

Running prime again now, only about 45 minutes in though atm. Hopefully I can get another 24+ hours in with no errors. If so, I am DONE. There wouldn't really be anything left worth tweaking, as far as I can tell. That is to say, I'd be content. :cool:
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You know somethin' funny though guys...

The ONLY apparent problem with these settings, is EVERY time I turn the computer on (from being OFF, not resetting/rebooting with the power on), it will come on for about two seconds then turn off, and stay off for about two seconds, then turn back on. It doesn't actually POST until the second time it comes on, but it does stay on the second time, and proceeds to load the OS.

I was curious as to why it was doing that, so I went into the BIOS and tried upping some of the voltages, all EXCEPT the vCore. 5 or 6 modifications later, it's still doing it. So, I set literally ALL the voltages to auto, and bumped the vCore to 1.35000 to see what would happen. Voila...it stays on the first time I turn it on, POSTS, and proceeds to load Vista no problem.

But, I'm not about to increase the vCore higher just to make the BIOS happy for a cold boot. Like I said, at 1.31250 vCore, it is 33 hours prime stable. The only problem is what I just described. I'll take that though, gladly. Since I run my system 24/7, I want the lowest "stable" vCore, and more than 33 consistent hours of Prime95 is enough to convince me, not this silly cold boot nonsense. :shrug:

Anybody have any thoughts on that though?

My P5Q-E also does the cold boot thing, will try upping the vcore and see if it may solve it.
I have my E7200 oc'd to 3,6GHz (400*9) with 1,25Vcore in bios, memory at 1:1
I think that's an ASUS trait. My quite old P5B-Deluxe does the "double take" on cold boots as well, as does the vanilla P5B in my HTPC. Both boards have always done that, even when the cpu was running at stock speeds & voltages. I think it has something to do with the bios backup feature ASUS uses, where it reverts to factory defaults when you go too aggressive and it won't boot.
Hmmm...it never did that before I overclocked on my P5Q-E. Not even once.

Once, not long ago, I turned it on (cold boot) and it didn't do the double-take, but it also didn't POST at all. Turned it off and back on again, still wouldn't POST. Flipped the switch on the PSU, turned it on again, and all the BIOS settings were at default. EVERYthing too, even the HDD and boot sequence order. The problem was, I was trying to run 1.10 on the FSB term (@ 425 FSB / 4 Ghz). That was the only time the BIOS reset for me. The FSB term has been good at 1.20 or more.

Well at least other people have experienced the issue on their Asus boards. I'm not alone :sn:
Yep, just stopped Prime, it ran this time for 27 hrs & 40 mins, using blend mode. 0 errors/warnings. Guess the RAM is cleared for launch with those timings and voltages.

Time to stick a fork in this thing and proceed to eat. It's done. :beer:

Thanks to all who helped (especially doublejack), and if anyone has any last thoughts, comments or questions to add, please do so.
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What is better for 4GB GEIL ULTRA Dual 2x2GB DDR2 PC800 CL4 800Mhz
FSB 425*9,5 = 4000Mhz 1:1 mem=850Mhz
FSB 450*9 = 4000Mhz 1:1 mem=900Mhz
FSB 500*8= 4000Mhz 1:1 mem=1000Mhz
how to set timings 5-5-5-15 or 4-4-4-12 ?
and do i need to change vCore with higher FSB ?
Ummm...I don't know. Higher FSB means better performance. I don't know how well your RAM overclocks, and even at 425 FSB, you'd be OC'ing. Higher FSB means higher clock speed for the CPU, with the same multiplier. So yes, typically as you increase the FSB, you'd need to increase the vCore.

If I had to tell you something to try first, I'd say put your FSB at 400, without technically OC'ing your RAM, and try for 3.8. It should be a general rule that all RAM doesn't overclock equally, and also that RAM is the riskiest component to OC. Set the timings to 4-4-4-12, if you attempt to OC the RAM though, expect to loosen (raise) the timings to 5-5-5-15 or so.
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Hi again
So i have now my E8500 + P5Q-E and i started oc. I made it to FSB 422 with your settings in small steps vCore 1.31250 ,vPLL 1.52 , vNB 1.20 , VTT 1.20 and Prime95 (small FTT stres CPU) failed after about 10 min i guess it needs more voltage than your cpu @425, my E8500 is rev E0. I decided to stay at 3,8ghz (FSB400x9,5) so i wont oc my ram (ddr2-800 2x2gb) , so far Prime failed after 6,5 hours with settings vCore 1.28125 ,vPLL 1.50 , vNB 1.20 , VTT 1.20 , now i started it again with vCore 1.2875 (cpu-z 1,264) temp on cores peak 51'C , on cpu 45'C (load) , IDLE- cores 32 and 37'C , system 40'C(load).I also set my ram to pc-800 , ram voltage to 2,0v and timings to 4-4-4-12 as it is written on label (geil ultra cl4). Do you think i should lower the ram voltage to 1,92 as you said it overvolt ? Should i leave other voltages as they are now (PLL 1.50 , VTT 1.20 , vNB 1.20 , other are on auto) on FSB400? And what about other ram timings is it enough to set first 4 values to 4-4-4-12 ?
Thanks and sorry for my english :)
If the RAM is rated for 4-4-4-12, then yes, set it to that manually. And yes, set the frequency to DDR2-800 manually. And I have read this board overvolts on the RAM by .06 - .08 volts so yeah.

Only 5-6 hours of Prime can not really be considered "stable" though. Try small FFT's in Prime, that will focus mainly on the CPU.

It may have been your RAM holding you back with your FSB at 422. Or you may have just gotten a chip that's less than spectacular. Which I kind of doubt. Theoretically, if I can run 425 FSB with 1.3125 vcore on a C0 chip, then you should be able to hit that on an E0 chip, typically at less voltage, ie 1.306 or whatnot. But as its said, not all chips are created equal.

If you're content with 400 FSB x 9.5, try putting the vcore at 1.30 even in the bios. See how long you can get in Prime with that (small FFT). If you can get 24 hours or more, try lowering by one increment. The NB/VTT voltages should be fine at 1.20 even with this board, with said FSB speed. Perhaps your PLL should be at 1.52, rather than 1.50, but maybe not.
vCore 1.2875 (bios) FSB 400 and Prime95 (small FFT) failed (error on one thread) after 10,5 hours , now i set it to 1,3000 (2 increments more) and try again , it should be stable now. My ram should be set to 1,8v(auto) or 2,0(written on label) when running default 800 speed and default timings 4-4-4-12 ?
I've sended you an email about my settings, please read it.

Having major issues :)

for the public:

I am having serious problems while oc'ing my e8500 on a p5q motherboard. Iam using the same settings as the tstarter is. This seems to be all fine.

Untill, I start gaming. After like 10minutes, sometimes longer I get artifacts. which is pretty annoying. I am using a non-overclocked evga GTX260.

My ram is Kingston ddr2 1150mhz hyper-x memory. Maybe there is a problem related to my ram. since I am having problems to find the optimal settings for it aswell...

I really hope that there is someone out here that could help me out.

Kind regards,