Hey people I am seriously interested in building an extremely overclocked system with a watercooling kit and a 154 watt peltier, two PSU's, volt mod and a whole bunch of other nifty little gadgets. The processor that is going to be torchered is an XP-1700 AGOGA.
Anyone know roughly how much I'll be able to get out of this?
Hopefully 1.9 GHz
(It does 1.628 @ 1.775 Vcore. PSU and heat are limiting factors right now)
Plan on using Epox 8kha+ with PC-2700 RAM.
Going to spend roughly $2000 on it (About $1250 US), then upgrading to a T-Bred if all goes well.
Anyone know roughly how much I'll be able to get out of this?
Hopefully 1.9 GHz
(It does 1.628 @ 1.775 Vcore. PSU and heat are limiting factors right now)
Plan on using Epox 8kha+ with PC-2700 RAM.
Going to spend roughly $2000 on it (About $1250 US), then upgrading to a T-Bred if all goes well.