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Acrylic moddin (56k death)

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Mar 27, 2004
Ok guys. Over christmas I managed to get my hands on a Acrylic case for only $15. Now I have never been a huge fan of the premade acrylic cases, I thought that I might as well buy it and have some fun modding it. Well here are some pics of what it looks like so far.

I decided to use some window frosting to do my designs. Boy was that a mistake.


You can't tell there, but the stuff leaves white spots sometimes that kills the effect. Here is what I mean.


Because of this I have decided to use a dremel etching bit and do it the right way instead of taking the frosting short cut. Incase anyone is interesting in the frosting, it did a decent job and may have done better had it not been cold outside when I sprayed it (it is made by Krylon fusion and is called glass frosting)

I can at least show you some eye candy. I painted the frosted windows with clear UV paint. The effect is better than I expected. Take a look.


Case lights off


Lights on


As you can see, the comp is not up and running yet. The UV light is coming from a blacklight in my room. Well here is a look into the future for those of you who like to know more than you need to :).

Everyone needs a 6" lcd tv in the front of their case :)

I am running the new Abit Av8 Third Eye Mobo (Christmas preasant from my gf, Jana. I love you Jana! :) ) with a AMD 64 3200, 939 chipset. The reason for this is cause i got it for $120 instead of the $270 i was gonna pay for the 3500. This will be watercooled so don't you all worry.


Well thats it for now. Hope you enjoy and stay tuned for some more fun. If you have any ideas/questions feel free to post away.
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Thanks. I believe it will look much better once I take the trusty dremel to it :). It is what I should have done in the first place, but I thought I would give the frost a try. Not sure if you all could tell, but there are 4 UV cathodes in there. Two of the long ones up front and two smaller ones that need to be placed in the back. I need your alls opinion on where I should put the smaller ones. Here is a pic of how I have them now. Please give me an idea on what you think would look best.


The other one i was thinking of mounting behind the mobo here.

Wow that looks very nice. The only problem that I hear about acrylic is that it looks terrible when it gets dusty. Other than that i looks great.
I have a polish for it that puts an anti static coat on it. It is suposed to repell dust a little better. We shall see.
DeViL_909 said:
I have a polish for it that puts an anti static coat on it. It is suposed to repell dust a little better. We shall see.
Very interesting. What is it called? Can i see a pic / link of it?
Pic of frosting used and acrylic clearcoat.




I never believe the hype so i am skeptical about it. Maybe it will work though. lol who knows
regular old pledge furniture polish helps with dust too... and carwax... i use mother's pure carnuba wax on my painted case, and it's dust free.
well it will look much better once I go buy my etching bits and and redo the flames. I am also thinking that maybe UV red paint on the flames and then UV blue watercooling and wireing inside would be a nice ontrast. What do you all think color wise? I even debated on the blue outside and orange inside. Still trying to find out what would look best. Since I have to dremel the flames, I will have to redo the UV so I would like to hear what you all think
OH, my new top for my RBX block came in today. I should have gone for a copper top, but being low on cash, i took the cheap way out. My old top lacked the holes for the 939 mounting. Pics will be up shortly. Yea, yea I know its not much to look at but it makes me smile :)

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i think the flames would look good red but they also look good blue but.....

id keep the flames blue and get something red to put in the water something that will be really bright red kinda so it looks like it glows
That would look good. I just have not found a red UV dye that comes out red instead of pink. That is the thing that always bugs me. I will look around and see if I can find some. If anyone has good experience with some please post here with there I might be able to find it. Anyone have experience with the dye from www.frozencpu.com or www.xoxide.com?
Well right now the debat is on as to what colors I should use in the case. I could do the typical all blue theme, but it is over done. I want a contrast somewhere. If I can find some decent red UV die then I could do a red theme inside. Or I could do a blue theme inside and red outside. I think either one would look good. i will do some rough editing of my pics and see what you all think


Red anyone?

No evil jokes about my crappy editing. I mean it lol. I can see you smirking from here.
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These are the fans I am going to use. They are clear, but have UV leds in them. That way I get more UV light within the case and still have the clear look.


This is the power suply I am thinking about. Again it follows the clear theme and the blue fans inside will be replaced with the above ones.


What do you all think?