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Nintendo "No Wii for you!"

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Y'know, I'm pro'lly one of the few people that actually still think that Nintendo had some serious production issues in that they couldn't make enough of the damn things. Keep in mind I said had. Now I'm more than sure the shortage is artificial. There is absolutely no excuse for this. The damn thing only costs ~$100 to make, and the construction is simple. The parts are readily available and cheap to produce, so why is it still like this?

Nintendo, you've got over 10,000,000 of the things out already, so we know you can do it, so why are you trying to screw people who don't have one yet? That's a stupid question. I absolutely know why, and the answer sickens me, the same way it sickened me when Sony did it w/ the PS2.

I didn't know there still was a shortage.

Columbus, OH has over 1 million people in the city and the surrounding suburbs. Every time I go to a Walmart, Gamestop, or any place that has an electronics section I look through their Wii games section. Everyone has Wiis sitting on the shelves. I don't know of anyone who can't get their hands on one.

Isn't 2 years of this BS enough?
Y'know, I'm pro'lly one of the few people that actually still think that Nintendo had some serious production issues in that they couldn't make enough of the damn things. Keep in mind I said had. Now I'm more than sure the shortage is artificial. There is absolutely no excuse for this. The damn thing only costs ~$100 to make, and the construction is simple. The parts are readily available and cheap to produce, so why is it still like this?

Nintendo, you've got over 10,000,000 of the things out already, so we know you can do it, so why are you trying to screw people who don't have one yet? That's a stupid question. I absolutely know why, and the answer sickens me, the same way it sickened me when Sony did it w/ the PS2.


This is nothing more than a very clever marketing strategy designed to peak interest in a product; obviously it's working. This is common for a lot of products, from luxury cars to Girl Scout Cookies to the McRib.

The Wii is not quite as hard to find as it used to be, particularly in major cities. As such, I don't really have a problem with it. I'm sure eventually Nintendo will come down from their high horse but from a sales perspective they really have no reason not to.

Y'know, I'm pro'lly one of the few people that actually still think that Nintendo had some serious production issues in that they couldn't make enough of the damn things. Keep in mind I said had. Now I'm more than sure the shortage is artificial. There is absolutely no excuse for this. The damn thing only costs ~$100 to make, and the construction is simple. The parts are readily available and cheap to produce, so why is it still like this?

Nintendo, you've got over 10,000,000 of the things out already, so we know you can do it, so why are you trying to screw people who don't have one yet? That's a stupid question. I absolutely know why, and the answer sickens me, the same way it sickened me when Sony did it w/ the PS2.


I agree with the idea that nintendo originally had production problems.

but i still disagree with the idea that its a artificial shortage. in a way, it may seem that way, but i have a slightly different idea on it.

I think nintendo is just being conservative about the console. It doesn't seem like they WANT to suddenly pump out another 10 million of these things. It seems to me, as if they almost want to make these things based on demand.

That is, Nintendo doesn't want to have 10 million units just sitting in stores. That doesn't make them money. ( well, TECHNICALLY it does...the stores buy the units from Nintendo ). Instead, they'd rather trickle the units out, at a slow but steady pace. This way, they never have an over abundance of units sitting around, not being used.

This way, they don't have to pay out so much money for have units built, that will never be sold. Nintendo is ALL about profit. They arn't trying fight sony and microsoft for global dominance of gaming ( at least not yet ), they are instead just focusing on making the most money they can.

It just seems that an artificial inflation a year after the unit has been released is a dumb idea, from a financial point of view. Think about it, its actually STUPID to have an artificial shortage a year later, during the holiday season! Thats when they'd sell the most units.

So in a way, that CAN be viewed as an artificial shortage...but i think its less about keeping demand up, and more about keeping expenses down.

OH, and oni...you DO realize you are now INVITING rainless to join in on this thread now....right? :D

I didn't know there still was a shortage.

Columbus, OH has over 1 million people in the city and the surrounding suburbs. Every time I go to a Walmart, Gamestop, or any place that has an electronics section I look through their Wii games section. Everyone has Wiis sitting on the shelves. I don't know of anyone who can't get their hands on one.

Isn't 2 years of this BS enough?

I live in Piqua Ohio, which is about 30 miles north of Dayton. I can walk into my local walmart, and find a wii. They have had a few units in stock for a few weeks now. Even though its still not as easy as finding a 360, or a PS3, finding a wii today isn't TERRIBLY difficult. Mind you, i live in a small town of only about 20,000 people.

Oh, and its only 1 year of this happening. the wii has only been out for a year. The Xbox360 has been out two years now. :beer:
Y'know, I'm pro'lly one of the few people that actually still think that Nintendo had some serious production issues in that they couldn't make enough of the damn things. Keep in mind I said had. Now I'm more than sure the shortage is artificial. There is absolutely no excuse for this. The damn thing only costs ~$100 to make, and the construction is simple. The parts are readily available and cheap to produce, so why is it still like this?

Nintendo, you've got over 10,000,000 of the things out already, so we know you can do it, so why are you trying to screw people who don't have one yet? That's a stupid question. I absolutely know why, and the answer sickens me, the same way it sickened me when Sony did it w/ the PS2.


Also there doesn't seem to be a shortage over here (UK), I'm living with my parents in small-towns-ville until I emigrate and there are maybe 8 stores in my area that have them in stock. This has been the case for months, so surely if there is such a shortage in north america they would ship a few more over to you.
Everybody plays the supply and demand game when a console first comes out by creating artificial shortages, but usually that is cleared up in 6 months or less, let it go on for a year and regardless of how many people currently have in hand, this could seriously backfire on Nintendo. Maybe both now and in the next gen.
This is nothing more than a very clever marketing strategy designed to peak interest in a product; obviously it's working. This is common for a lot of products, from luxury cars to Girl Scout Cookies to the McRib....


There's a shortage on the Mcrib? I better stock up.

I wouldn't be surprised if a big part of Nintendo's reasoning is that they are being extremely conservative with their own costs. In other words, they don't want to produce units they aren't positive that they can quickly sell, and they also don't want to pay for manufacturing space to churn them out to quickly meet demand.

The McRib style marketing aspect may just be a pleasent side effect.

Nintendo doesn't have deep pockets even as much as they used to and definitely not like Sony or MS does. It's possible they just don't want to take on more risk than they absolutely have to.
Well Oni you'tr delusional if you STILL think that Wii had "production problems" or that they "failed to anticipate the demand." I've already made the argument half a million times, but here's one more for the record: THEY CREATED THE DEMAND! They had pre-orders months in advance! They knew EXACTLY... or down to a very close one hundredth of a percentaile how many consoles they were going to sell.

They also knew they couldn't compete with Microsoft's software library or Sony and Microsoft's hardware. And the solution was to turn the thing into the F'N Holy Grail.

Sony never did anything like THIS. Traditionally all video game console manufacturers (with the exception of Sega if I recall correctly) have limited production during the holiday season to boost sales. Nintendo is the only one I've known to limit production for an entire YEAR.

This is not the goodly-hearted happy-go-lucky naive little company many people still persist it is.

If anyone ever digs up any corporate memos Sony will probably go down in history as the shadiest video game company (edging out even Sony and Microsoft) that ever existed.
I've known about this for a while. I think that the company [Analog Devices] that's creating some of the sensors, isn't making them fast enough. I think that they are also short on PCB boards.

I personally have NEVER seen a Wii sitting on the shelf @ any store.
I've known about this for a while. I think that the company [Analog Devices] that's creating some of the sensors, isn't making them fast enough. I think that they are also short on PCB boards.

I personally have NEVER seen a Wii sitting on the shelf @ any store.

Sensors my ***... Nintendo has made enough money to buy a NEW company and have them make the sensors. They've made enough money to buy the rights to the sensors and hire an arms manufacturer to make them.

Let's not get crazy... :)
If anyone ever digs up any corporate memos Sony will probably go down in history as the shadiest video game company (edging out even Sony and Microsoft) that ever existed.

Yep, Sony is so shady they will edge themselves out as the shadiest shady videogame company ever.
Yep, Sony is so shady they will edge themselves out as the shadiest shady videogame company ever.

Wow, for some reason I just cant stop laughing at that sentance.

The only time I've found a Wii on a shelf in at Manas AB Kyrgyszstan, go freaking figure. I got here last week after a year long search for a Wii, and now that I see 6 of them on the shelf here, I dont even want it anymore. Especially since I got an Xbox 360 Military package for 250 bucks!
This shortage confuses me. We got PLENTY of Wiis here, and they are popular mofos. The only time it was hard to get was when my brother and I got ours when they came out. Now we got them sitting on shelves. We should have a count :)
No retail stores have them here in Hamilton and Toronto. Whenever a EB or some other game shoppe gets them they hang a big banner or whiteboard out front advertising it. I've seen them on store shelves at WalMart on occassion but they don't last long.