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Sentential03's burn in's really do work for me.

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I tried burning in. But now when I try to get back to my stable settings of 2.53Ghz at 1.675 vcore, I can't get Prime stable for even a minute. Guess something happened which makes my cpu not like higher voltages anymore. Cause now when I try to run 2.497Ghz at 1.65vcore, Prime errors. At the normal as before burning in vcore of 1.625, I don't get errors.

I don't really mind though. An A64 at 2.5Ghz is plenty fast. Wish it would have worked for me though plus I hope this isn't a bad sign my cpu not liking higher voltages anymore. I can still bench at 2.53 though.
wow.. i ran burn in for 9hrs 30 min since 8:30pm yesterday.. this morning i ran 3dmark and the computer didnt restart! i got prime to run for 6 minutes.. so its burning in right now while im @ school and ill stop it @ 8hours of burn around 3pm.. then i shall run prime once again! anyway.. it'll be really sweet if i can run 3.4ghz @ 1.6v
BWT, i was even aible to boot to the windows xp screen before the computer froze @ stock volts :eek: (before buring in, the computer wouldnt boot at this speed w/stock volts)
Muhaahah, I just stopped prime, up to 21 hours stable. Time to start ocing again...

May I ask what kind of temperatures you see with your cooling on that (amazing :D) overclock?

I have a feeling that the load temperature while doing this might make some difference in the kind of gains one can expect to see - cooler looks to be better from what I've read in this thread.
I have my own method, which is generally similar. I don't use prime until I can't get any lower on volts. My rig was rock solid for any use at 1.825, but wouldn't stay stable in windows at anything under 1.8. So I have been lowering my volts, and running burn in at 12 hour increments until it will complete at that voltage X2, then dropping volts and running it again. I am currently at 1.68V (MBM)(1.725 Bios) in windows after completing my second 12 hour run. I'll lower it again, and keep at it until it just won't go any lower, then start prime testing and bumping voltage up until I am prime stable. Like Sen, I have always burned in chips before, just not to this degree (this being for overclocking). My old reason was because I could lower the voltage and be stable, thus less heat... BTW.. my load is currently 37C right now..
Of course I have no prime data to back it up yet, but I couldn't even get the bios to post at this voltage before...
Thanks Candymancan for bringing it back to life for me.. and of course Sen for adding his comments/views..
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PhobMX said:
i have a problem, cpuburnin 1.01 wont put more than 50% of load to the cpu :-/

any suggestions?
Whatver maxes otu the CPU, the program doesnt matter, its just the first thing I had on hand. If you want to use Sisandra or double CPU burn, doesnt matter to me.
Sentential said:
Whatver maxes otu the CPU, the program doesnt matter, its just the first thing I had on hand. If you want to use Sisandra or double CPU burn, doesnt matter to me.

i dont want to sound like an intelvert, but why wont cpu-burn max out the cpu??? is it because of HyperThreading? LOL
Sentential said:
Whatver maxes otu the CPU, the program doesnt matter, its just the first thing I had on hand. If you want to use Sisandra or double CPU burn, doesnt matter to me.

Yes, HyperThreading makes that happen. That's why you have to run two Prime95 instead of one with Intel P4 systems.

But back to the case, Burn-In works for me. Back those times I got my cpu, it wasn't possible to get it prime stable at 2520MHz with any voltage in range 1,5V - 1,65V, now I'm using 1,55V at 2520MHz and I'm prime stable for 12hours and 26mins, and this is with 3500+ NewCastle. Awesome :)
Sentential said:
Whatver maxes otu the CPU, the program doesnt matter, its just the first thing I had on hand. If you want to use Sisandra or double CPU burn, doesnt matter to me.

well, double cpu-burn does 100% cpu load but it wont get past 50°... ill try sandra and see how high it can get...

i downgraded my voltage to default ( from 1.625v to 1.525)and it still is stable enough for music and stuff but not for prime... could this be the reason my load temp went down 7° or does dual cpu-burn sux0r?
i seem to be having mixed results with the burn in

first i found a voltage setting where prime failed in 14 minutes (if i went to the next lower setting, windows freezes right after i get to the desktop). after running cpu-burn for 10 hours, i primed again, and failed in 44 minutes.

i thought i was doing well.

i started in for another round of cpu burn, when i returned to check after 10 hours, my computer was frozen (it went for at least 8 hours though). after restarting with the same settings, i failed prime after 6 minutes :( i'll see if it was just another program causing prime to fail, but other things seem sketchy too.

edit: after closing a few programs, i was prime stable for more than 5 minutes ( i shut down, and reduced voltage again)

now im running my 2.6 @ 263 fsb ~3.43 @ 1.525 V (stock). it started out failing prime in 3 minutes. we shall see what another burn in session does tomorrow.

before i was happy with my 2.6 @ 258 fsb ~ 3.35 @ 1.6 V (it would fail prime after a couple days).

maybe its cause its a few degrees cooler in my room, maybe its cause i didnt have the optimal oc earlier, whatever the reason, burning in has reignited my passion for futzing around with the bios.

i think burning in has done me good, as i have definately seen an improvement in my prime95 fail times, and i have reduced my voltage significantly. :thup:

hopefully, i will be able to exceed the brick wall i keep hitting when i try to get my fsb over 265. whenever i try for 265, no matter what the voltage, i freeze at windows desktop. before, i would be unstable over 260, and i would freeze very shortly after i got into the desktop. now i have hope. my goal is 3.5.
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I wouldnt try burning in the cpu for more then a day or so cuss, sentential is having problems with his motherboard, im not sure if it just a defective board or hi burning in has caused his system to just deteriorate. I havent had it happen to me nore have seen anyone have this problem but he burned in for like a week or something, so i wouldnt push youre system to its limits.
Oh man I seem to be having the system detoriation problem as well. I'm going to buy the Powerstream 520W to be sure though.

Can't run 2.53Ghz 1.675v Prime Stable anymore like I used to but I'm guessing that my psu can't handle it cause I've lately vmodded my x800pro and my 12v rail is reading lower than ever now.
why not get a fortron for almost half the price Spyd3r? i think the OCZs are real nice, just not worth the price difference
CandymanCan said:
I wouldnt try burning in the cpu for more then a day or so cuss, sentential is having problems with his motherboard, im not sure if it just a defective board or hi burning in has caused his system to just deteriorate. I havent had it happen to me nore have seen anyone have this problem but he burned in for like a week or something, so i wouldnt push youre system to its limits.
That was only an issue on this POS board. And if you recall I was having issues from day one. I thought burning would help, instead it has pushed it over the edge.

As I have discussed with you, the promlem is not a detoriating CPu, but rather an unstable mobo <which will be replaced here before the end of the week ;)>
Spyd3r said:
Oh man I seem to be having the system detoriation problem as well. I'm going to buy the Powerstream 520W to be sure though.

Can't run 2.53Ghz 1.675v Prime Stable anymore like I used to but I'm guessing that my psu can't handle it cause I've lately vmodded my x800pro and my 12v rail is reading lower than ever now.

Naa youre problem is probly due to the lower 12v, i know when i went from my 9700pro to the GT my overclock on my cpu went down like 50mhz, modding my bios for my vcoreo n the GT also had a little affect but not much. My 12v is still strong staying @ 12.04-11.96v