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why is this block $140.00?

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I only asked because you have been making waterblocks for years. Of course I can make up my own mind, sorry for asking. I didn't realize you were such a pr**k!
ctrl_alt_del_ said:
wow - easy there, he is just saying to do your own research and come to your own conclusions...

Exactly. I didn't think that effectively saying just that could cause any offense.

Yes, I make waterblocks, but I am not the be-all end-all source of judgement on all waterblocks, especially in a world that seeks to pass aspersions of me carrying some agenda to judge a product that some would perceive to be in competition to what I'm doing. My position is such that even though I might have some thoughts on some product, it is not for me to make my thoughts public due to the possible perception of a conflict of interest.

I was effectively saying that I cannot comment, nor should you expect me to comment, and to reach your conclusions through other means. If that means that you consider me to be a prick, then so be it. That's your choice.
Cathar, i have one of the dtek versions of your whitewater block and I must say, it rocks!!! It is the first waterblock Ive ever owned and I dont see a reason to buy any other. It keeps my very hot 805d below room temp. Kudos to your design.
daaamn mgoode :eek::eek: WTF's up your butt?

talk about a loose loose situation...

if he says its crap, somebody says he's biased; if he says he LOVES it somebody says he's biased.

and if he doesn't answer at all, someone calls him a prick ... o wait... :rolleyes:


glad to see you posting Cathar, hope your recovery is going well!! :beer:

I think for mgoode to ask that question of Cathar with his experience in water blocks and being a senoir member of this forums and to get a reply like that, i wouldn't be too happy with his reply either. That's what this forum is about, opinions and suggestions. I think $140. is kind of steep for that block myself.
dylskee said:
I think for mgoode to ask that question of Cathar with his experience in water blocks and being a senoir member of this forums and to get a reply like that, i wouldn't be too happy with his reply either. That's what this forum is about, opinions and suggestions.

Not to blow my own trumpet, but so often I've seen off-hand comments from me get repeated in so many places, that I've learned to be somewhat careful of what I say nowadays.

If he had asked me how it performs, I couldn't answer, 'cos I don't know.

If he asked me how I think it would perform, it would be unfair of me to make that call given that I've never used it. In fact, I even very rarely comment on the performance of blocks that I do have experience with. I believe in the importance of correctly conducted impartial independent testing.

If he had asked me if I thought it was worth the asking price, why should my opinion matter on that? What something is worth is whatever someone is prepared to pay for it.

If he asked what I thought of it visually, then that's the only thing that I could personally comment on, so I did.

What's the problem again? Are people looking for me to pull out some fancy rubber stamp with gold ink and say "<kerthunk> Cathar's Stamp of Goodness", or some equally fancy rubber stamp with red ink and say "<kerthunk> Cathar's Stamp of Suckage"?
dylskee said:
I think for mgoode to ask that question of Cathar with his experience in water blocks and being a senoir member of this forums and to get a reply like that, i wouldn't be too happy with his reply either. That's what this forum is about, opinions and suggestions. I think $140. is kind of steep for that block myself.

I didn't want to start anything but dylskee hit on the head it wasnt what Cather said it was how he said it. My perception was his response was condesending and then some.

I bought old Storm off XS and have the new storm from swiftech sitting on my shelf waiting for my ABit AWD max board.I really like the storms and was just asking what the man who made them what he thought. I was not looking for any endorsment of the block

I guess we both made bad responses. Peace from the MotherShip!
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The comparative performance of waterblocks is impossible to deduce from just an image (especially one that doesn't have any denotation showing the dimensions of various parts).
The block is expensive as it is because of the manufacturing cost of the block, not because it's magically better than anything else available.
If you want to see a comparison between it and something else you will have to wait for someone to do so with a benchtesting setup, or simply buy both and find out for yourself.

I hope that your recovery is going well. And on a side note how are daddy's little ones doing?

P.S. I can't wait to see the G7 when it becomes available! :beer: :beer: :beer:
No condescension intended at all mgoode.

If you knew me, you would know that I meant it in the humblest of ways. The mantle of "expert" sits very uncomfortably with me as the more I learn, the more I'm aware of how much I don't know. I try to help where possible, but I try to deal in terms of hard information, not subjective opinion.

I guess that I just didn't know how to answer your question in a way that satisfied what you were looking from me, and in terms of what I am comfortable dealing with. Ask me anything to do with information about how something works, or technical details, and I'll happily answer, but don't ask me what I subjectively think of something, that's ultimately your decision and I'll make no attempt to pass judgement. Nobody should need me to tell them what I think of something, and I mean that in a self-empowerment sense. Years of being on the internet has taught me to be as an impassioned robot in my replies, as it neither feeds trolls, nor offends, or at least did not offend up until now.

Don't know. Maybe I try too hard to educate my own children to think for themselves, and thought that this may translate on-line. It's not condescension, it's empowerment.
mgood, pardonnez-moi but thats not the right way to respond. I can understand being upset but launching hot collared comments doesn't get anyone anywhere.
I don't really understand why this block would perform so well.

It looks like its just got interlocking fins on from the upper and lower parts of the block, but the top half of the block will get nowhere near the heat input as the bottom, so those fins won't actually help you much.

And if it is just fins, then that is just gonna be a high flow block from what it looks like. I'd stick with a Storm or Apogee any day if thats the case.

Then again I could be alllll wrong.
Looks like 140 bucks of pure flow restriction to me. Wouldn't even touch it with surgical kevlar lined gloves.