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A new overclocker's Linux!

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Knoppix 3.2 already existed and its Klaus Knopper who gets credit for all of the truly innovative features found in knoppix/overclockix.

I grabbed knoppix 3.2 and followed the remastering guides: unpacked its compressed cloop filesystem on my hard drive, used apt-get to install and remove packages, compiled some software from source, grabbed things I liked off of KDE-look.org, and tweaked around with the menus and settings. Then I wrote a couple dozen shell scripts that are mostly very simple and start/stop/configure apps like the DC clients or VNC . I inserted my own bootlogo and boot.msg into the compressed kernel image. Then I re-compressed it and made it an iso again.

I worked alone, but had support from other knoppix and linux users both to answer my questions and help me test out the early betas.

I should also thank the OC.com forum member, overdoze, who got me to try linux, got me a job as an entry-level linux/unix admin and mentored me for five months.

It was a fun project, but did take a good chunck of my time. Its not perfect yet, but I'm happy with it so far. Should get a fixed version with some imporvements out by mid-week.

The version with the F-prot virus-scanning features is still sitting on my hdd. I'm correcting other minor problems and will upload it as soon as I can. I got swamped this weekend (have a two-year-old) and didn't have a chance to touch my remastering box. Sorry, cmcquistion. I'll PM you when the version with F-prot is available for download.

Here's a thread about the scripts and about F-prot. It will get the latest definitions when you run it. :) I'll have to verify that the scripts are current- if the filename has changed again, the script won't download squat..... http://knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1515#6904
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Final version: http://overclockix.octeams.com/

10x the documentation- including instrcutions to setup terminal services to boot a whole LAN from one CD.

wine works (just rememeber to always delete your FahCores when switching between windows and linux clients)

3.25 beta folding clients

a procedure to use a win machine's FAT32 hdd space to fold on to keep wu's safe from powerloss/reboot and to allow 3rd party monitoring software like EM3 to work.

flash 6 in opera and mozilla


all annoying little things from left-over temp files fixed

Added some things to the fluxbox menu

Installed xcdroast and aterm.

Firebird (you have to launch it from a terminal - mozilla-firebird)


Mplayer (you have to launch it froma terminal - gmplayer)

OpenOffice 1.1
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New iso available in about 5 hours.
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It does not have gnome.

You can use it without needing to install it to a hard drive. You can use it to generate config files and then copy those files into an existing installation You can use it for burning in a system with prime/folding/seti/cpuburn/lucifer/memtest. The install is much simpler than an install for Debian and it comes with a lot of apps and is pre-configured, so it could save a lot of time.
Yes, it is a custom version of Knoppix and can run from the CD, or a live evaluation CD of Debian if you prefer. It's desktops have been highly tweaked, it comes with burn-in and distributed computing apps, as well as some tools for advanced network security. Its very good for system recovery, can be a temporary replacement for a dead hard drvie, has a lot of good apps for desktop use like media players and office software, and is a fast way to install Debian.

As a tool for, it can be invaluable. It's the ultimate swiss army knife for someone who learns how to use all of its features.
Yes. I'm having a little trouble getting it to use the new kmenu I made, so the upload has been postponed a bit. The file shows on http://overclockix.octeams.com but it is not complete (I cancelled an upload earlier because of the problem with kmenu).

I'm compressing the 3rd CD for today and will test it shortly. Hopefully this time it will actually use my new kmenu.

I also added some more to the guide for using f-prot in case you had trouble with it in previous versions. I couldn't figure it out at first myself...

Technomancer shoud be available late tonight, if I can get it working correctly.
Arkaine23 said:
Yes. I'm having a little trouble getting it to use the new kmenu I made, so the upload has been postponed a bit. The file shows on http://overclockix.octeams.com but it is not complete (I cancelled an upload earlier because of the problem with kmenu).

I'm compressing the 3rd CD for today and will test it shortly. Hopefully this time it will actually use my new kmenu.

I also added some more to the guide for using f-prot in case you had trouble with it in previous versions. I couldn't figure it out at first myself...

Technomancer shoud be available late tonight, if I can get it working correctly.

Ok, its up. I must've remastered it 5 times yesterday trying to fix the menus with no luck. The menu for KDE is from the original knoppix. It tried to make changes to reflect programs that have been added/removed/updated, but they just wouldn't take. Seems like a script somewhere is trampling over the changes I made....

Everything works, but opeoffice, mplayer, firebird, ogle- all have to be launched from a terminal. Their commands are:


I looked at fluxbox, and it didn't have my Custom Scripts in its menu. But everything else did seem to update and work.

Didn't check on IceWM's menu, but I think its gonna be the same as fluxbox. Some things I added are simply not there, but the full list of things installed did update correctly.

I'm looking into the issue with KDE.

It works correctly when I boot in text mode and copy the files by hand.

So it stands to reason that it might work fine if you boot into text mode. (knoppix 2) Then:
mkdir /home/knoppix
cp /etc/skel/* /home/knoppix
cp /etc/skel/.* /home/knoppix
chown -R knoppix:knoppix /home/knoppix
vi /home/knoppix/.xinitrc (choose your GUI of choice by uncommenting it)
su knoppix

I'll implement a few changes to this effect so that you can just boot into text mode-
knoppix 2 screen=1280x1024 (or your preferred resolution)

and then run:

su knoppix
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I'm attempting an off-the-wall backwards type of fix for this issue. If it actually works, I'll re-upload the file this afternoon and it should be available for download at a reasonable time this evening. Just make sure the iso is 699mb before d/l'ing it.

The default cheatcodes will boot to text mode at 1024x768 resolution, but a script will run to start KDE. I'm hoping all my custom menus will be used.

If you need other cheatcodes or want a different resolution, just make sure to use:

knoppix 2 in addition to your other codes

Some common codes are:

alsa (for sound that isn't detected via normal booting)
screen=resolution (set the resolution to whatever you want)

When booting with knoppix 2 (text mode) on this particular hacked version, it is not possible to choose icewm or fluxbox as you GUI. But you should be able to logout of KDE without it causing the system to reboot. You could then edit the /home/knoppix/.xinitrc file and choose which GUI you want to boot into, which is a very simple procedure:

After logging out of KDE, from text mode as root:

nano /home/knoppix/.xinitrc
(you just put a # in front of the line "startkde" and remove the # from the line for the window manager you want to use)
(save the file)
su knoppix

I'd actually perfer this style of login and choice between window managers because then you can change your desktop GUI without rebooting. I just may have to work on it a bit to get it right, since I have a feeling the persistent home feature will not work with it without a little more scripting.....

Edit: There are three files listed. Don't download the 3rd one- it's fubarred. I ran out of time before work today and uploaded it without testing it. I've now debugged it and will try the new one as soon as its finished compressing/burning. Should fix the kmenu issue and give a default text mode that can go to any of the 3 window managers with one command. Also will correct the logout=reboot issue.
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Arkaine23, I downloaded your Knoppix version, and set it up to run. Unfornatuantly, when it goes to boot into Xwindows all I get is a black screen. This goes for every from custom settings to the failsafe mode. I'm still kinda new to linux so if you can help me figure this out that would be great as it looks to be a great learning tool for me. Thanks again.

Yeah, there are some common cheatcodes that can help, and not all are listed on the page that comes up when you hit F2 at the first prompt.

knoppix screen=

sets the screen resolution. My more recent builds use screen=1024x768 by default. If that's too high or too low, then use this cheatcode to set the screen resolution. I use screen=1280x1024 personally.

There are also codes to set the X video driver used:

knoppix xmodule=nv
there are more.....

In general you should be fine on the default (vesa I think). But sometimes you need to set it to your type of video card. Usually only old pci cards have trouble and require this.

There's also an alternate Xserver for some older vid cards-

knoppix xserver=XF86_SVGA

Someone had to use this for a PCI vid card that came with his Dell (ET4000). It made fonts unreadable, but he was able to run a vncserver and use a VNC viewer as his desktop and that fixed the font problem more or less.


This can help enable sound if the regular sound modules don't work on your card.

There are more codes, and I suggest checking www.knoppix.net to see them. I also included a list on the CD, which you can view by putting the CD in a windows computer and browsing the contents.

Let me know how it works out because I'll do whatever I can to help you get the CD booted....
cool, thanks. I'll try the rez and xmodule cheat codes and see how that goes. I'm using a radeon 7200, so that might just be the problem. I'll get back to you. Thanks again...