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AI7 Owners UNITE!

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The Vdimm mod work but has a negitive impact on overclocking. I found this out with using 2x AI7 motherboards and half a dozen sets of Winbond BH-5 plus two sets of Winbond CH-5. I also use a OCZ Booster, that yeilded the same results at the Vdimm mod.
AI7 + Vdimm mod or OCZ Booster = Advoid.
thanks microfire :)

i took a couple of hours off to hang out with some of my buddies. i removed everything from the case, i couldn't find any signs for anything being shorted. tomorrow afterschool i'll reassemble it on top of a mobo box and fire it up.
i'm at it again, it looks like jumpering the hdd is causing the issue? when i place the jumper on master or cable select, it will hang on the mobo's logo screen and just lock.

i removed the jumper and it posted in too windows, when i originally formatted this hdd it was jumperless. since i'm adding another hdd for space i had to jumper it.

i'm hoping this isn't the issue.
hmm sounds like the second HD maynot be jumpered correctly then or the first one, could even be both. The HD with windows on it should need 2 jumpers to set it as master with slave, the second HD should just be set to Slave.
i think i figured out what was wrong, the jumper itself was damaged. it looks like it wasn't making contact with the pins? the second hdd had 2000pro on it. i replaced the jumper, then connected the slave hdd to another pc and formatted it. at the moment its running outside of the case.
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found another issue with this pc. i'm using a fsp300-60gn(fortron) psu. it does not have a native 4pin/12volt connector. i was using a homemade molex to 4pin adapter. the adapter was not crimped properly.

did a little do it yourself and everythings peachy right no. 12x220 running p95. on another note i used an nec3550a as the dvdrw. flashed it to rpc1 and speed patches so that it rips copywrited media at 16x.

drive is super noisy but extremely fast. i used nero with the copy dvd function and anydvd open in the background. superfast rip to burn.

i'm also going to take the overwhelming suggestions and not voltmod this board. i was hoping to max the mobo out with the 2.4c but it seems its not necessary.

i was hoping to find some modded bios's but like batboy suggested i flashed to the latest bios(19).

if you guys have any other tips like what memory runs well with this. i did a search for the adata ram but i cant find the exact model#. your help in this is greatly appreciated :)

mobo etc is in its case running p95.
So, you have some RAM in there temporarily and you want to get some decent overclocking RAM, is that it? Find out what the CPU/mobo will do and then you will have a better idea what RAM will work good. Even if you have some generic RAM in it right now, you can drop down to the 3:2 ratio to find max CPU clock speed.

You can probably find 2X512 of RAM with TCCD chips for a reasonable price. They will give you a good 1:1 ratio O/C with decent timings, especially since that AI7 can provide up to 3.2v of clean vdimm juice.

Let's say for example that your combo will do 275 FSB with reasonable vcore (like 1.6v or less) and load temps are reasonable. Now you know what speed you want the RAM to handle.

Eventually, you will probably want to upgrade your PSU. I know a good PSU ain't cheap, but they are worth their weight in gold when you are overclocking.
thanks batboy.

psu is a 300 watt fortron, i'm hoping this is good. i will look out for some tccd. i will start clocking and see what speeds i can achieve.

i ran into the short some where again, this time i was able to narrow it down again, when i would close the right side panel(if your facing the front of the case). i place the unused power cables from the psu between the mobo tray and side panel. when i would close the side panel the pc would freeze.

i took ever cable and inspected for exposed wires/connectors and found nothing. i went ahead and close the side panel and the pc froze again. this time i took every cable and taped it to the backside of the mobo tray.

its seemed to work. now the pc is fully installed with dvdrw/floppy/2x80gb hdds etc.

p95'ing again. clocks are still 12x220.

my last concern is that the pc is transportable. i'll find out soon when i move the pc closer to the cable modem for some d/l'ing and updating.
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see sig

<3 <3 <3 <3
Nice rig, I enjoy it. Butter smooth.

Mine will do 240 ish on default voltage (ram won't). Why are you vmodding? We have 3.2 to the ram to begin with! lol

Just one suggestion, don't get a xp90c (maybe 120 too). I have one, and after i don't know how many times i've tried, it will not make complete contact. I idle at 48, and get up to 61... My stepping is E0!!! :( Maybe this is why the AI7 isn't listed for the compatibility? My heatpipes have to aim DOWN to seat somewhat correctly. I don't OC currently for this reason alone. I could put the stock heatsink back on and OC for sure...
thanks for the post che' :)

i haven't changed the voltages at all. do you know of any diagrams so i can measure voltages correctly? i have another ai7 i'm going to build as well.

this ai7 is all about audio/video backup. i'm so impressed with the speeds this stock 2.4c/ai7 has over my 2.62ghz overclocked nf7.

no gaming for this rig so a pci video card is in place. when i went in the bios i noticed that the agp was only 4x. is this true?
No, not true. it's 4x/8x compatible (though i guess it could depend on bios...?)

but don't lose sleep over it since you're using PCI.

as for measuring voltages, I'm not sure. you tried cpu-z? I usually just watch in the bios, not really anything software in windows.
The AI7 install CD should have either Hardware Doctor or Uguru that can be loaded and allow you to monitor temps and voltages while in Windows. If you put an AGP 8X vid card in that thing, it should default to 8X. I believe you can manually set it in the BIOS too.
thanks guys, since i do all the voltage checks on my nf7 with a digital multi meter. i did notice the voltage readings on everest/mbm were way off.

i've also read that on chip sensors on abit boards have a tendency to report cpu temps incorrectly.

the second ai7 i'm building will be for encoding power. i put some value ram in the board and its running 3338 at 12x220, 1:1. i'm going to leave it there and concentrate on the second ai7 and use the good bh-5 on that.
Beginner said:
thanks guys, since i do all the voltage checks on my nf7 with a digital multi meter. i did notice the voltage readings on everest/mbm were way off.

i've also read that on chip sensors on abit boards have a tendency to report cpu temps incorrectly.

the second ai7 i'm building will be for encoding power. i put some value ram in the board and its running 3338 at 12x220, 1:1. i'm going to leave it there and concentrate on the second ai7 and use the good bh-5 on that.
if looking for encodeing power you might have to step up to LGA pressies as they are going 4ghz and higher. I will state this, my lg-81 503j(3ghz) setup does superpi 1mb [email protected] single channle ram. The ai7 setup with dual channel would do 43secs. quite a differnce IMO, bus speed is the same for the two 240mhz.
Evilsizer said:
if looking for encodeing power you might have to step up to LGA pressies as they are going 4ghz and higher. I will state this, my lg-81 503j(3ghz) setup does superpi 1mb [email protected] single channle ram. The ai7 setup with dual channel would do 43secs. quite a differnce IMO, bus speed is the same for the two 240mhz.

see its info like this that i look for :). the ai7 mobos i got for $45 plus shipping with all accessories and driver disk.

the 2.4c and 3.0c i pulled from busted systems. i have nec3550a rpc1 with bitsetting(dvd-rom booktype) and speedpatches, with rip-locs removed. i'm rips a full 16x on copyrighted media(making legal backups of movieds my bro owns).

this 2.4c at stock encoded faster than my heavily o/c'd nf7. i can only imagine what the 3.0 will do.

everest benchmark on my nf7 at 2.62ghz is 21-22 seconds, on the ai7 at 12x220 is 18.3 seconds.

evil do you have any active links to modded ai7 bios's?

its a budget build that is performing better than i could have imagined.
Beginner said:
see its info like this that i look for :). the ai7 mobos i got for $45 plus shipping with all accessories and driver disk.

the 2.4c and 3.0c i pulled from busted systems. i have nec3550a rpc1 with bitsetting(dvd-rom booktype) and speedpatches, with rip-locs removed. i'm rips a full 16x on copyrighted media(making legal backups of movieds my bro owns).

this 2.4c at stock encoded faster than my heavily o/c'd nf7. i can only imagine what the 3.0 will do.

everest benchmark on my nf7 at 2.62ghz is 21-22 seconds, on the ai7 at 12x220 is 18.3 seconds.

evil do you have any active links to modded ai7 bios's?

its a budget build that is performing better than i could have imagined.
no sorry, never used modded bios's for it. it had all the options i needed. damn good deal on that mobo, wish i was able to get another as a backup.

which bench in everest? ill run it see what i get on my LG81. the ai7 isnt up and running taking wcing apart. I am going back to air on it, going to get another ninja for it.
Evilsizer said:
no sorry, never used modded bios's for it. it had all the options i needed. damn good deal on that mobo, wish i was able to get another as a backup.

which bench in everest? ill run it see what i get on my LG81. the ai7 isnt up and running taking wcing apart. I am going back to air on it, going to get another ninja for it.

i'm sorry the bench was the one included in prime95. the read/write scores in everest are 25% better on the stock 2.4c compared to my heavily oc'd nf7 at 2.62 ghz.

this encoding powah rocks. the second ai7 with 3.0c should rock, i will use the good memory on that one.
ok guys i put in some value ram at 12x220 3,4,4,8 timings it passes 24hr's of p95.

i still have a couple of days to play with it. i need a super 100% stable overclock on this board.
well guys, problems AGAIN.

i'm thinking this mobo or some component keeps faultering? right now - only video card, psu/cpu-heatsink-fan/ram is on the mobo.

i cannot get into the bios. it hangs on the logo screen.

maybe a corrupted bios? i have another ai7, i'm going to switch bios chips and see if that helps.