Air bubbles are coming from my VRM waterblock only on unit startup. I see them coming out of the tubing from the VRM to my CPU block and will typically get stuck in my CPU block until I tilt my tower. Been happening for 6+ months, when I first commissioned the system I fully tilted and rotated the tower with the pump running to get as much air out as possible to my reservoir to vent. So for air to still be trapped and coming out of the VRM block after 6+ months I'm pretty doubtful. No leaks have been noticed. I thought it was the discharge fitting of the VRM block and recently drained the system and replaced the top fitting as well as sanded down the end of the pipe to ensure it was flush and I'm still having the same issue. I didn't think to change the inlet fitting of the VRM block but I inspected all the o-rings on the VRM block and CPU block and didn't notice any pinched/cut o-rings. My thoughts are it's either a fitting, or a design defect in the VRM block that came with the motherboard. Unless, there is some weird vapor pressure phenomenon going on when the PC shuts down almost like cavitation due to high pressure drop (wouldn't think so on this low pressure/low velocity system).
I actually came across the exact same issue on this thread from 2018, but it doesn't appear a resolution was ever posted.
Any thoughts?
I actually came across the exact same issue on this thread from 2018, but it doesn't appear a resolution was ever posted.
Any thoughts?