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Barton or Thoroughbred?

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Put cooling and power supply in sig instead of sound card.

The temp sensors are notoriously inaccurate. Real temp should be under 65 while under heavy stress. Most people like to stay in the 50s, at the most where you are now. Your mem setting of 2.5 should be at 2.
6 3 3 2 if you can.
6 2 2 2 would be nice (up Vdimm voltage)

but the last number is most important and should be 2. You should manage 6 3 3 2.
Thing about temps is that the more you oc the more you need to keep temps low. For instance a stock CPU can run perfectly safe at say 70c. Even slightly overclocked you can do 60c+ but if you are overclocked a great deal the heat will cause instabilities. Personally I don't like seeing heat in the 50s but that is well below the AMD recommendations and is perfectly safe.
Ok now i have FSB 203x10.5 and memory timings at 5-3-3-2 and it works well, but when i go to multiplier 11 it starts to give errors with standard settings on memory in Prime95.

Edit: It seems that when in Dual Channel i can't get pretty far with over 200 FSB but thats ok i think most of games will work wonderfully in my computer now, don't you think so? :D
What d'you say your Vdimm and Vcore is?

Maybe bump Vdimm all the way and Vcore up a little just to see what gains you get with how much Vcore.
c627627 said:
What d'you say your Vdimm and Vcore is?

Maybe bump Vdimm all the way and Vcore up a little just to see what gains you get with how much Vcore.

Vdimm is at stock and Vcore is at 1.7.
Bump both, especial Vdimm.

Barton should be able to take 1.8 volts without too much trouble. Bump it in 0.025 increments, watch your temps and see how much higher you can go form when you had 1.7 volts.

Vdimm RAM voltage should definitely be upped.
Again a little thingy i want to say:

Well i have my Vcore at 1.65 and FSB at 204 with 10.5 multiplier and Vdimm is at 2.6, i get errors on Prime95 but when playing games or trying 3DMarks they work flawlessly, i think that Prime95 isn't so great memory tester.
There are other stability tets of course. It's just that 12 hour Prime95 Torture Test with no errors in an excellent start toward declaring your overclock stable, which it will be with slight increase in Vocre qbas, (1.65 is way to low).

Note that if you get errors only after several hours, this is a result of slight instability because the system is running with little or no margin. It's stable enough to boot and to be moderately stressed, but as soon as the system is under enough load to go over that critical point, it will freeze. To be 100% stable, Prime95 should run 12-24 hours without any errors.

In other words you're slightly over that stability line where the system has to be stressed sufficiently for your computer to freeze, etc. The particilar gaming sessions did not manage to do that. Given a different set of circuimstances, you best believe you'll go down, sometimes in a crucial moment of the game.

Download the latest bug fixed version of Prime95

and up the Vcore to be able to pass for 12 hours:
Just Stress Testing (if prompted) > OK >
Options > Torture Test > Blend (if prompted) > OK

without any errors being displayed within the program.

It's OK to use the computer while Prime95 Torture Test is running in the background.
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Well now i have 204FSB with 10.5 multiplier and Vcore is at 1.7. My Vdimm is at 2.7 with timings 3-3-3-2. And i didn't get any errors on Prime95, well i got errors when i put the torture test on and tried to play Max Payne 2, but i guess that is normal if i start to play some game with torture test running?
Most definitely not. 12 hours Torture test, no errors whatesoever, then you begin to think your OC is stable. Don't fool your self.

Back down or increase Vcore on which you're way to easy, 1.7 volts is nothin', you need more juice. It's as simple as that. If you system can't take 1.8 volts at least, you need to back down so you can pass the torture test for 12 hours, then maybe run 3dmark for additional stability testing.
So the torture test shouldn't take any errors even though playing some game at the same time? One thing maybe interfering also...my memory timings: they are at 3-3-3-2 and normal is 8-3-3-2.5 and i have my memory sticks at dual channel. When i did play Max Payne 2 for hours, it didn't crash or anything though compared to the one time i had my Vcore too low.
Ok now i have Vcore at 1.725 and Vdimm is at 2.8 and i'm now testing torture test on Prime95 at the same time i'm typing and i haven't got errors as of yet, so you were right it seems, my Vcore was too low, when i had my Vcore at 1.7 my windows hardware monitor program said that my temperature was 55C but when checking BIOS it said 51C.
Ok i got error on test 2 and i now try with Vcore at 1.75 but i'm really afraid to go really much because when i looked at my temperature it rised to 57C from 1.7 to 1.725...that's really HUGE.

I mean my cooler should be pretty good, it is: GlacialTech Silent Breeze 462 II.

Edit: When checking my Winbond Hardware Doctor it says my temperature is at 60! with Vcore at 1.75
wo! careful! getting toasty...

it's a nice cooler, but for overclocking, 16cfm really is too low!

you need to put a more powerful fan on there, or back off the voltages...


it's rated up to a 2700+, which means 68w.

with your Barton at 2150Mhz, and 1.75v, it's putting out 90w!

P95 is probably erroring out due to your CPU getting too hot.
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shiyan said:
wo! careful! getting toasty...

it's a nice cooler, but for overclocking, 16cfm really is too low!

you need to put a more powerful fan on there, or back off the voltages...


it's rated up to a 2700+, which means 68w.

with your Barton at 2150Mhz, and 1.75v, it's putting out 90w!

P95 is probably erroring out due to your CPU getting too hot.

Actualy my Silent Breeze is the version 2 rated to up to 3000+ and CFM is 21. Now when putting my FSB down to 200 and multiplier 10.5 and Vcore at 1.7 it doesn't give errors in Prime95 (with timings at 7-3-3-2.5). And my temperature is now at 50C. It didn't get errors when i had my Vcore at 1.75 and FSB at 204.

One thing i can't understand is why i cannot put multiplier at 11, it allways freezes up or that when putting to 1.75 i get allmost 10C increase in temperature.
if it is rated for 3000+, that means 74w, so 90w is still a lot.

maybe this page might be interesting for you to calculate number of watts:

just remember that increasing voltages increases the amount of heat a lot.

the 10C rise in temps might be because the amount of heat is getting too much? not sure.

50c is reasonable, but you want to keep temps as low as you can.

as for 11x, maybe the processor just doesn't want to run at 2200Mhz with the present cooling?
shiyan said:
if it is rated for 3000+, that means 74w, so 90w is still a lot.

maybe this page might be interesting for you to calculate number of watts:

just remember that increasing voltages increases the amount of heat a lot.

the 10C rise in temps might be because the amount of heat is getting too much? not sure.

50c is reasonable, but you want to keep temps as low as you can.

as for 11x, maybe the processor just doesn't want to run at 2200Mhz with the present cooling?

Does memory take effects from increasing multiplier? or is it only for processor? Barton 2500+ should get to FSB 200x11 with pretty good cooler?

Hmm it seems that the maximum to get with my current cooler is 2160Mhz and that is XP 3000+...now i have 2100Mhz. Well i know what to do...when i get lots of slow downs on games i will get a MUCH better cooler and then OC all the juice from my Barton, no need to get better cooler right now when i have good rig at the moment for games. Now i just have to see how i can get my memory to work stable at 3-3-3-2 timings :D