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Cost of DICE

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Dec 28, 2005
In your mirror
Got my wife to call around for DI and she found a place locally. I asked her to check the cost and she kinda remembered 10 bucks for a pound, but wasn't sure. This can't be true because a days benching may use 10-15 pounds. Then she thought maybe the 10 bucks was for a block. She had no clue of how big the block was.

cheeze..Shoulda called myself :bang head

Anyone got an idea of DI costs in block and pellet format?

^^to get an idea if he's getting the shaft localy? (and is going to call)

Meijer is selling DI now (didn't go check the price though, I was busy shopping)
I've gotten DI from two places. One was an ice cream shop which sold in blocks only, $1.25 per pound with 5 lb blocks. (I'd imagine they'd crush it if needed, but I always ordered in increments of 5 come to think of it)

Another place I get it from is an "ice company"...all they do is sell ice and dry ice. They've got blocks in some size so ridiculously large that I've never even bothered checking up on the price, or pellets for $1.20 per pound. I've heard its possible to find it for closer to a buck if you look hard enough.$10 is ludicrous.

The amount of DI you need varies from proc to proc. The hottest one I've ever done is a Cedar Mill, and that chomped through about 3-5 lbs per hour. An A64 was a bit less, around 2. You should bargain on aobut 5 for your Presler, maybe a bit more. Yonah on the other hand doesn't even require a single pound per hour which completely shocked me. :)

Here's an easy way to find local suppliers.

Meijer sounds interesting...too bad I don't have a car when I'm at school. I'm sure I'd get funny looks lugging 20 lbs of dry ice on a bus. :D
Gautam said:
Meijer sounds interesting...too bad I don't have a car when I'm at school. I'm sure I'd get funny looks lugging 20 lbs of dry ice on a bus. :D

HAHA! Just tell them your a college student, you've got to keep the :beer: :beer: cold man! :D
Thanks... Couldn't call today cause it was Sunday and they closed @ 1:00PM. Kinda thought the wife had misinterpreted the guy and it musta been 10 bucks for a block. They are only a mile away so I'll pick up 5-10 lbs tomorrow, or a few pounds of pellets, which should hold me through the evening. Got formyfaith's MMOUSE 2.2" solid copper mouspot via USPS this morning, unbelieveable iy only took 3 days to get here from Korea. Conformal coated, insulated and gave it a "wet" run with "wet" ice, and it's ready to go.
greenmaji said:
HAHA! Just tell them your a college student, you've got to keep the :beer: :beer: cold man! :D
Hehe, my bud Vapor over at XS told security at the airport that his Mousepot was a beer cooler to keep away the pipe bomb questions. :bday:

Personally I would suggest 20 lbs for your first run, just in case. I've always felt that I had to leave some benchies unfufilled with the amount of DICE on hand every time I've done it...with the exception of my recent Yonah runs. It'll cost a few bucks more, but better to have too much than too little IMHO. That way you can clock and bench with a bit more peace of mind. If you wanna do multiple runs to the store, sure, but make sure to do so before the place closes. :) Common sense stuff, but sometimes it's hard to keep it straight when you're trying to get through a 32M superpi run. ;)

proth said:
Thanks... Couldn't call today cause it was Sunday and they closed @ 1:00PM. Kinda thought the wife had misinterpreted the guy and it musta been 10 bucks for a block. They are only a mile away so I'll pick up 5-10 lbs tomorrow, or a few pounds of pellets, which should hold me through the evening. Got formyfaith's MMOUSE 2.2" solid copper mouspot via USPS this morning, unbelieveable iy only took 3 days to get here from Korea. Conformal coated, insulated and gave it a "wet" run with "wet" ice, and it's ready to go.

Copper Mousepot, so YOU were the guy that picked that up, couldn't have thought of a better owner for it, congrats.
It's a better one than mine. That one you picked up has a thicker base and holds loaded temperatures better, should work we'll on that chip.
There a place where I live called Dry Ice Corp.
I get my Dry Ice pellets for .75$ per pound. :drool:
most places sell for 1.25$
I know what he means and it is annoying people don't take the time to use at least the proper name, he asked for info about dice NOT Dry Ice that is a totally different thing and substance, if he wants info for DRY ICE I'll be happy to give it when I see a thread for Dry Ice.

Not using the proper terms or names adds risk, and is harder for people to try and help when they have to try and anylize what you ask to figure out what info to give who cares about spelling just use the proper TERMS

IE LN2 = Liquid Nitrogen (Both letters capitalized)
Dry Ice = Frozen carbon dioxide gass
and so on.
lol, if someone's talking about dice in an extreme cooling section, Xeon, I think everyone knows exactly what they mean...you clearly did as well. ;)
well, after an extended search, it looks like i have a 25min drive to the closest place and they arnt retail, so they are only open during the same times that i work :(

as for price though, one was @ $8 for 5lbs and one was @ $6 for 5lbs
both had a 5lb minimum, both were in "pellets", one had "rice" sized :eek::drool:

since this isnt going to be as easy as going to the all-night grocery store, i have a few questions:

i assume if i use a "camping" cooler, id have to leave the lid cracked a bit for gas pressure not to become an issue (remember total D-ice n00b here)

how long can you store D-ice and how would you suggest packing it for best long term storage?
could i try getting a solid block ALSO, just to keep the pellets longer?)

should i try "rice" sized?
I just used a regular cooler.
I'd say I lost about 5 pounds of dry ice pellets overnight, so you want to buy it just before your going to use it.
Blocks will last longer then pellets. The rice sized sounds nice, should work well in your gpu pot.
Remember leave your windows open where your storing the dry ice, I forgot to do this before I went to bed
and the door to my room was closed.
The next week I was messed up, slow at times.
WOW 5lb over night!!! :eek: :cry:

im thinking of using extra insulation inside the cooler... all the styrofoam and neoprene foam i can find

ya, ill store it in the garage until in use.

5lbs of extra CO2 in your closed room.... bummer :(
Jeez Epox thats scary stuff man. Yeah this stuff blows off pretty fast, just bench till it's gone. The rice sized will work the best for sure, more surface area = better cooling in the media. I get block from the grocher and smash it into snow, that works pretty good too.