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Elite Dangerous

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Might try my hand at the 71-stop rare trade route today. Stacking Massacre missions right now and taking my Vulture out on my first combat run with the new stick!

I've got the X56 controls down :) I changed a few hotkeys, but other than that mine are mostly the same.
I ordered an IR head tracker...comes in tomorrow! It's supposed to automatically pan the camera around per my head movements!

http://eliteraretrader.co.uk/?route...6,25,31,84,13,36,20,1&name=Traveling Salesman

Found this digging through some of the old info linked in this tread - allows you to customize trade loops and easily set it to sell at max distance.


Also found this: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=103401

Didn't get to look too in-depth, but looks like a very helpful in-game utility for trading. Maybe it can set up trade loops like I asked you earlier this evening.

--edit-- updated version: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=223056
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Got the TrackIR setup tonight.

Pretty cool! A bit disorienting at first (evidently I'm a spaz and can't keep my head still- hehe.)

I smashed into the station on my first exit as I was using a fixed point on the screen for reference instead of a fixed point in the HUD.

(Oh - and my wife thinks I look like a total geek!)

I'm buying my python today! Last night I made over 20M in a few hours casually playing while watching movies.

Sitting at 76M with 21M on the trade in for my ASP Exp. This should let me set up a very nice trade/passenger load out and I'll make even more credits tonight :)

Then I'll load it out as a gunship for fun :D
I've only been trying to get you to go there for...like...forever!

I recommend you keep the ASP...you might need to do some exploring to unlock some of the engineers.

I must have missed the message!

The first time I saw you recommend Aditi was a few nights ago. I've been running the passenger missions and a few cargo missions between Pew and SMNJ to Dlaugov and Diamond.

Typically been getting better missions from SMNJ Central using the refresh trick. Im already allied with 3 of the mission providers and we'll on my way to friendly with the others.
Yeah baby!

I see you went all in an paid real $$ for the ship kit - hehe.

Now, put some decent guns on that and let's go a bounty hunting!

Fitted with 2 Med Gimballed Multi and 3 Large Turret Pulse Lasers. Crushing anyone who is trying to intercept me during mission runs :)


Running missions like crazy - want to have room to play with the rest of the loadouts. I'm short ~50M being able to A-spec everything.


Lol - wow with the turrets I kill certian smaller ships way too quick - forgot to give the scanner time to get the "wanted" status and now I'm wanted myself for murder in Aditi for the next 4 days :(

Going to drop off all these missions at Diamond Vision and probably die on my way back into Pew! Going to buy a sidewinder so my rebuy cost is nothing lol
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After all your superb testing, support and feedback in the beta, we’re delighted to announce that the full release of Elite Dangerous 1.8 and 2.3 The Commanders will be arriving during the week ending April 16th.

Better get my Federation grind on these next two weeks! I heard rep grinding is getting nerfed in 2.3 again!
Getting back into ED again with the Holidays coming up and having time to play.

Finished grinding Federation Rep to Rear Admiral - Time to get my Vette!

They've finally addressed a lot of balance issues and nerfed a lot of the cheesy ways to make quick cash. Passenger missions are still where it is at and with a big enough ship you can do 60-70M an hour.

Anyone else out there floating among the stars?
I am about to give it a try.

Need to redownload it, and I will put some real time into it from friday on.

Games look very good, and a pity that I did not dive in it yet!
Have you tried it in VR? I got bad motion sickness when I tried it, but it looked so good when that wasn't happening.
Yep, tried it, went through some part of the tutorial (not far).

But I am not really prone to motion sickness.

It is actually still installed, so going to launch it after the very good flick I am currently watching (Logan LUcky FYI ;)).
There's been a fair few major patches, so you might want to log in now and let it patch if you haven't done it recently.

Nothing else has induced motion sickness for me, but it was very bad quickly in ED.
It's awesome! The grind is terrible though. I'm already back on a break from it. I got my Federal Corvette after a few days of data courier missions with some passenger missions on the side to make some credits.

Needless to say I'm already burned out again. I got my Vette and went out to engineer it and the grind for engineering is soooooo bad. I didn't take anything anyone said online literally because I like to be optimistic... but seriously they have you searching all over for materials so you can have a random chance to increase the stats on your ship modules. Normally I am not one to complain about something like this, but I guess I just don't have it in me anymore. I will not do this unless I get desperate enough and have a month to waste playing non-stop.

It's just not feasible to do with only a few hours to play every other day. :(
I gotta get back into it been a long time.
Got to get things set back up with VR, and Voice Commands to assist but looking forward to it.

It's just not feasible to do with only a few hours to play every other day. :(

I've said that many times before... typically I'm paying monthly for the game for a saying to come out like that though :)
I've said that many times before... typically I'm paying monthly for the game for a saying to come out like that though :)

I've spent enough on ship kits and paint jobs for it to be the equivalent of a monthly payment! :p

It gets lonely in those stars with no direction and a void in my friends list... spent a lot of time browsing through YouTube videos just trying to find the right materials for engineering and the fastest way to go about it (which I'm convinced there is none by this point). I should probably find a community/clan to play with, but I guess I'm just not as adept at social gaming as I used to be back in my good ole WoW days.

I'm about to set the X56 back up though and try to dive back in. I just can't let that Vette collect dust no matter how much this grind is going to pain me. Just need to focus on getting engineered enough to make my way out to Pleiades and take part in the Thargoid invasion. It just is rather sad you have to go through such pain staking trivial tasks in order to make your ship in tip top shape for the best advantage.