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FCPGA-Multiplier unlocking

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Apr 21, 2001
Hoi .. yet again the old topic ;)

Yesterday I came across a posting in the german www.uebertakten.de bulletinboard.

There, a guy claims to have successfully unlocked his P3 by having some SMD-Resistors on the Back removed.
He said, that his CPU was damaged during transportation - and that he could adjust his Multiplier from x3 to x6.5 - When he removed others as well, his CPU was completely unlocked.

According to him - by removing the SMDs marked red in this image the CPU should be unlocked.

I'd have tried this mod myself, but unfortunately I don't have any spare-P3s :D
Would be interesting, if someone brave enough could try it.

comments appreciated ;)


Hmmm... I would try it if I could read german. But I have a pentium 500e laying around somewhere but if they had a english translation and was convinced I would take a shot at it
yeah. they're not removed cuz the pic shows MY locked p3 and not HIS unlocked ;)

some [H]ard info can be found

still readin' on it
if the P3 really can be unlocked, then it would be a damn good new!! really urge to get know whether it true or not!!
well guess ... mainboards still have BIOS-Settings or Jumpers for changing the Multiplier.

the removal of the resistors (or whatever those things are) just removes the lock
hyere, i got it translated by av's babelfish, the grammar sucks because it just translates the word and not the grammar

first post:

on a Intel p3 14 bridges are with a 800EB are all connected exactly as with 700 and with 733 also on the lower surface are (I had more not to to look at)
but with that 866 which I am missing now 6 bridges thereby can I have the multiplicator between 3 and 6.5 select
I think if I still bridge remove which I then to unedlich untwist can
mom I attempt times a diagram of proz. to write

-- -
I = I
I = I
- --

" istgleich " the s are connected all and would delete which I a bischen abseitz wrote are also connected
fat is connected
after mine mod
I = I
I = I

and finally Mutliplikator freely!!!!!!!
only unfortunately it Kaput gone because radiator boxes slipped

second post:

it functioned marvelously
these bridges are contacts with different ohms strengthen I believe over it define Intel the multiplicator
Lets keep this post up top maybe we can get some results maybe one of the senior members that has a spare chip can give this a shot and then with allot of luck if it works they can give us a road map to unlocked happines :)
Somehow, I don't think this will work. HOWEVER, it might..........

I do know this much, the person who discovers the secret to unlocking the P///'s, will be the most unbelievably popular person alive!

I'd love to find out if my P/// could handle 6.5 or even 7x. At 159 FSB, that's a nice chunk of MHz.

There's gotta be someone at intel that knows HOW, using methods available to anyone (or close to anyone), whether it's as simple as trace cutting on the top, or removing resistors as was mentioned, or whatever.

Man, what I wouldn't give to be able to find a way.......

Mr B
ive got an 800EB but its in use and ive got no backup computer yet. As this chip is still worth a fair chunk of money i cant donate it for reaserch as of yet. Im sure someone has a spare FCPGA laying around? This post tickled me in the right was as i'd love to see if my chip can handle 6.5 or7x150fsb.
i will translate the german after dinner or tommorrow morning at the latest, although the bablefish did quite well actually...
If one had access to a pair of chips, an intel "Confidential", and a regular retail/OEM model, wouldn't it be possible to analyze the two, side by side, to try to determine the differences between the two? Seems to me this would be the place to start from, provided, of course, one had access to a pair of similar chips.


Mr B

*BTW...I don't have a "Confidential" chip, but if someone has one they'd like me to "look at" (hehe).........oh, nevermind....*
Mr B (Apr 21, 2001 10:42 p.m.):
If one had access to a pair of chips, an intel "Confidential", and a regular retail/OEM model, wouldn't it be possible to analyze the two, side by side, to try to determine the differences between the two? Seems to me this would be the place to start from, provided, of course, one had access to a pair of similar chips.


Mr B

*BTW...I don't have a "Confidential" chip, but if someone has one they'd like me to "look at" (hehe).........oh, nevermind....*

If anything could be exploited on the surface of a chip, it would have been long ago. Don't get your hopes up. How long did it take to crack the AMD lock? Same people have been looking at Intel for years. Not saying it will never happen, just that it will never happen at the user level, or it would have.

Please feel free to laugh at me tomorrow":O}
Whats the cheapest coppermine going to cost ? that will still represent the majority of chips that we have, Once someone gets proper translation i'm willing to give it a shot, maybe finding a used chip if someone is going to upgrade.
Not 370, but I do have a couple of katmai cpu's, one 450, and a 500...you all gave me an idea, and I will investigate the differences between the two, I too think as Daniel does..if they were to be exploited, they would have done so...but durons are a lot cheaper than intel's..uh less expencive I mean, and it's almost worth the gamble to try an AMD.
But I will do my best and even take a few pic's so I can blow them up for a good looksee. I will let y'all know what my findings are...and I'm going to do that right now