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Aug 14, 2001
!!!Sydney, Australia!!! Damn ****hole!
Do you think there may be ANY sites out there that offer Linux support from the very bottom...

by that I mean, for the absolute newbie...cuz every site I have been to, including Linux.com seems to assume PhD knowledge in their tutorials, howto's etc...

And, I don't think an average Linux newbie, like myself, would be interested in the HOWTOs as of yet...since nobody has fully explained the basics of the Linux Operating System...there are idiots out there and I just happen to be a rather big one...I think one of the main reasons why Linux has failed to take off with the general public is because it has been labelled as being 'too complicated'...and rightly so, it is such a difficult concept to grasp...all those scripts and such...

I acquired Redhat Linux 7.1 and I had to install it 10-15 times in order to get an inkling of what it was all about...A couple of times, the computer froze and when I restarted, it said that the filesystem couldn't be mounted (or something like that)...so I just re-installed...until, my perseverence has run dry and I can't be bothered any more...

so, sorry about the whining...but any suggestions on some worthwhile sites???
Don't feel singled out for punishment. When all you've run are MS OS's, Linux is weird. Windows TM hides a hell of a lot from the user, so Linux may be the first time that you actually see all the piddling details that an OS has to deal with.

http://www.linuxnewbie.org is a very helpful site. Everyone has to start from zero. Even Linus Torvalds!
What I don't like about newbie.org is that I quickly outgrew it and now there is virtually no resource for me :(. I have to learn everything om my own. On the other hand, it's not so bad ;-)
well thats the main problem I have...most of the stuff I can find is not at a suitable level for me...too difficult

I looked at linuxnewbie.org but I don't like it...it seems directed for those trying to solve specific problems..HOW-TOs...I just wanna learn stuff that is at an appropriate level...
By all means, buy or borrow some Linux books. If you could only have one book, this is the right one: "Running Linux," by Matt Welsh, et al. Make sure that it's the Third Edition, or newer. It's available from O'Reilly Publishing and or local booksellers.
It's an amazing book because it makes things clear enough for newbies. You can then continue reading on the subject if you want to go into "higher levels" of practice and theory.

I don't know if "Linux for Dummies" has improved. If not, I suggest "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Linux." It's reasonably priced, and should be easy to find.

You're dealing with a foreign operating system. Having allies in the form of books at hand is a good idea.