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Good score on Sandra?

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Memory scores.It's 3 sticks of 128 Micron.The tests were run at CAS 3.
Hey Bubba, those are good scores, it beats my Crucial RAM but I think the reason is because my M/B is limiting me. Time for a decent M/B.
When you say normal is that meaning at 133FSB?Also is my MB(the KT7A) 133a or 133 chipset?Will anything hinder the performance,(ie. programs running in the backround)?I always have Mcafee and MBM running.
NORMAL is the setting for DRAM TIMING in ADVANCED CHIPSET FEATURES menu located in the BIOS. Check here for a better explanation on how tRAS,tRP & tRCD values are set when you choose NORMAL,TURBO,FAST or 8/10ns. I am running at 274FSB(137MHz). Try not to have too many programs running when you do your benchmarks. The KT7A should have the KT133A chipset.
I don't have any adjustments for memory in my BIOS like you guys, so I have to rely on SPD which helps but not that much. This is the best I can do.
Here's what 2 sticks of crucial 128mb pc133 cas2 and an Iwill kk266 can do for you!

Its all about FSB baby.:cool:
seems my ram quality is a bit lower than yours hugo. This is at 155mhz too...
TranceBear said:
I don't have any adjustments for memory in my BIOS like you guys, so I have to rely on SPD which helps but not that much. This is the best I can do.

Is there an option to choose the DRAM TIMING in your BIOS?
I ran those memory tests with all 3 set to fast!I guess that's the best I can do.It was cas3 though because it wont run stable past 142 at cas2.
what else would the cas be called in BIOS, i have normal, fast, fastest, and turbo. Dont see a cas select, i can run only at 167FSb with turbo settings, maybe cas 3 can do more

Im at work so no pics but ill add them when i get home

memory at 167mhz
695 ALU
898 FPU pics at bottom
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i have no pics atm cuz i'm at work but when i benched my system last night, i think my memory scores were around ~690's/~870's ....

this is a [email protected] tbird, 11x146 on an epox 8k7a .. ram timings are 8862222; using 512 megs of junk corsair pc2400 ram that won't stabilize above 147FSB no matter what i try.
[OC] Jason said:
what else would the cas be called in BIOS, i have normal, fast, fastest, and turbo. Dont see a cas select, i can run only at 167FSb with turbo settings, maybe cas 3 can do more

Im at work so no pics but ill add them when i get home

memory at 150mhz
681 ALU
736 FPU

[OC] Jason - Another name for cas might be CYCLE LENGTH. On my MoBo it's SDRAM CYCLE LENGTH. I'm probably wrong so you should check on this. 167FSB then why run the test at 150MHz?

namelessone - I guess we SDRAM users will always have a lower score compared to your DDR:(
I guess we SDRAM users will always have a lower score compared to your DDR

for sdram, those are very good scores .... i wouldn't be disappointed one bit if i had those marks :)
I'm disappointed 'cause I wanted to run ay CL2 & TURBO. I got it to run on TURBO for a while but instability was a big problem. I tried raising the 3.3V, currently at 3.54V(can't go higher yet) but something else was crapping out when I did that.
The key to high memory scores is two fold first you need quality ram that can take the high fsb and cas settings, but what you really need is a great mobo that allows those settings and is then able to run them stable.

I have an Iwill kk266 which is arguably the best implementation of the via kt133a chipset(very stable). This board also has excellent bios support for performance.

I have three separate memory performance options alone:


SDRam Cycle length (CAS)
2 or 3

Bank Interleave
2 or 4

I have all of these set to the fastest timings which are


Combine this with a high fsb and you will see performance from SDRam that rivals DDR(at least 2100).