Hi, I have an Abit KT7-RAID motherboard and I have ordered a 266 FSB 1 Ghz thunderbird and am hoping it will be AXIA. My problem is, since my motherboard is based on the KT133 chipset, and I don't like to overclock by FSB unless its a speced FSB ( like going from 100 to 133 would be fine by me), i am limited to 1250 mhz since the multiplier on these motherboards only goes up to 12.5
Does anyone know how to get higher multipliers?
Also, How would 1.3 Ghz thunderbirds work on these motherboards? since that CPU needs a 13x multiplier. Let me know, thanks!
Does anyone know how to get higher multipliers?
Also, How would 1.3 Ghz thunderbirds work on these motherboards? since that CPU needs a 13x multiplier. Let me know, thanks!