I recently bought a 266FSB XP 2600+ with an AIUHB 0320VPMW stepping to replace a 1.4 GHz T-Bird in my Epox 8K7A rig and was wondering whether it is performing up to snuff. The most I've been able to stably wring out of it to date is 2.36 GHz (17 X 139) at 1.9 vcore. The chip will boot into Windows at 2.39 GHz with max vcore but will not run stably at that speed. Trying to boot at anything higher results in a Windows protection error and BSOD.
Should I be satisfied with this O/C? The 2500+ Barton in my other rig will run circles around it but that probably isn't a very fair comparison.
Should I be satisfied with this O/C? The 2500+ Barton in my other rig will run circles around it but that probably isn't a very fair comparison.