Excepting substantial sales, I would suggest saving until you can purchase the whole build at once. Prices usually don't go up on this kind of thing, with the exception of global level events. On the other hand, prices do drop and new parts come out frequently. You could wind up wanting to go with a different generation of part by the time you're ready to buy.
Great advice actually. What I am looking for is something faster than what I have, as one of the things I want it to be able to do is playback a UHD Blu Ray Disc. 4K of course, as I just want to stay a little behind as parts come down as you stated. The system I have has corrupt BIOS and doesn't take anything in CPU2 Ram Bank. Rather than fixing the problem, I would rather just get something faster, even if it's getting older by that time.
Who knows instead of 12th GEN could go with 13th Gen. In any-case I just want something faster dealing with 1080p much better and able to playback 4K, 8K isn't no hurry as I am now still using no higher than 1080p for video playback. So something which can encode and re-compress files faster is what I am looking for. The 13th GEN processors I believe can handle 8K playback, but thing with me is I am in no extreme hurry. Just something which will do now days is fine, and I haven't even worked with 4K yet to say nothing for 8K. Which I believe the 13th Gen CPUs can do the 8K. Didn't list a separate Video Card as that I would upgrade later, using what's there at first, before thinking about upgrading the video in some way.
Overclocking; Wasn't pushing too hard for a great board for it as I don't know how much Overclocking I will actually do at first, probably will get the system and cooling together before I even think about seeing how far I can push the CPU over its rated speed.
So then CPU should and by my post I am not in any kind of hurry for that part, until I am more ready to build this. It'll probably be one of the last parts I buy for it, and maybe they will release something which will make the 13th Gen processors come down more in price, then I'll be able to afford something pretty fast, but still quite behind others. The board I was looking at is a steep price of 645, and that's for dual Xeons, and even on top of that the Asus board I was looking at is overclockable meaning I could overclock a server setup. But instead I already stepped it down to something a little more in my price range. It'll be even easier to get something when the sofa is paid off, which I am considering never doing anymore. Pay as you go and own it, but then you pay a lot more paying Aaron's a monthly fee. That will free up another 90$ there.
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I guess once the sofa is paid off it'll be easier to choose what to do, as I should have then 180$ I can set aside then, per month.
What do you think, should I still aim for a server? Was thinking more affordable instead of what I really want. So what should I do?
Remember there's no big hurry, I have about half a year to pay on the sofa yet.
Of course anything would be better than what I already have as this piece of **** only communicates with the internet where it wants to.
What do you think I should do? It did go down since I first looked at this board, as it was nearly 700$ and now it's down to 645.
What should my aim be??