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New cooling system.

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Though, I haven't done any BIOS updates. I've never had a lack of updates there cause the BSOD. I should check on those.
Decided to play with p95 tonight.

Been running small FFTs for almost an hour now.. Coretemp's showing all 8 processors at 100% load the entire time. Processor temp is at about 54C, videocards at about 53. I can drop that some if I kick my radiator fans up to 1500~RPMs instead of the 1100 I usually have them at.

While running the Witcher 2, or Far Cry 3 I haven't seen temps over 45-50. Overclocking will come in the next month or two, probably during spring break when I have some time to mess with it. Untill then, much more reading. Woo!


  • Stress.png
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Congrats on those temps. They might seem a bit high to some but those are actually good temps on load for only a 360 radiator on a CPU+GPU loop. You know the drill. You want lower temps than you'll be adding more raddage. :p Fans will cool off a few Celcius till you need more radiator to do the rest. You won't have much room OCing both CPU+GPU and I would add another 120.1 or 120.2 if you're going to OC. Otherwise your OCs could make your temps look like you're on air.
I've been considering a second rad, since the case has room on the bottom for a 120.2.. I'm just kind of dreading adding something to the loop. I haven't looked at how to safely take it apart yet, without making a mess... Though, I've got some ideas.
If you add another 120.2 on the bottom than you're pretty much free to OC and get great temps. Hope you added a T-line or QDC to drain the loop in those instances. :p If you don't already have one and end up adding a 120.2 radiator than add some type of drainage line to it. You won't regret it.
I don't have one yet, but that's an excellent idea. As it stands, I'm figuring I'll have to drain my res first, then kind of.. Reverse-prime the pump. Then, pull the res out, let it hang over the sink, disconnect the hoses and let it drain into the sink.
I don't have one yet, but that's an excellent idea. As it stands, I'm figuring I'll have to drain my res first, then kind of.. Reverse-prime the pump. Then, pull the res out, let it hang over the sink, disconnect the hoses and let it drain into the sink.

haah yea, this is one of the things that came to mind when im designing my loop, especially after i was going to break it into steps, i wanted to make sure i had and easy way to drain so im going to put in a drain plug on first build so i can easily drain it when i upgrade my video cards and add them to the loop.
haah yea, this is one of the things that came to mind when im designing my loop, especially after i was going to break it into steps, i wanted to make sure i had and easy way to drain so im going to put in a drain plug on first build so i can easily drain it when i upgrade my video cards and add them to the loop.

Smartass. ^.~

That's still a couple of months off, so I've got some time to look into it, and find the easiest way to drain it now, as well as the best place to put a drain plug. Currently, I'm thinking the easiest place would be in the tube leading to the second rad, since it'd be at the bottom of the loop. Also prevents me from ahving to run new tubes to the other components, and the other tubes are pretty short... The one from res to bottom rad would, easily, be the longest.
Wow that is sad. You should try looking around more and talking to people before making a purchase like that.
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Not entirely sure who this is in reference to... But, lets operate under the assumption that it was to me.

I look around. I looked around for an entire month.. I talked to people here, for an entire month before I purchased anything. The lack of a valve to empty things is just a small oversight. It's not 'sad', since there are many people that don't use the valves. It's more a matter of convenience, and it's something I'll be adding in soon enough.

You're new to the forums, so welcome.. By try not to knock people.
Not entirely sure who this is in reference to... But, lets operate under the assumption that it was to me.

I look around. I looked around for an entire month.. I talked to people here, for an entire month before I purchased anything. The lack of a valve to empty things is just a small oversight. It's not 'sad', since there are many people that don't use the valves. It's more a matter of convenience, and it's something I'll be adding in soon enough.

You're new to the forums, so welcome.. By try not to knock people.

Agreed. It is a small oversight, and an easy one to make, and from what ive seen in a lot of loops, not many have them (or they have them well hidden) so it isnt something that would jump out to most people looking over pics.

I've been 'scouting' around in planning my loop for months. Partly because im trying to get info, but mostly because i have a few things i need to do before i jump into this (time an resource shortage). I didnt think of the drain at first either, but after reading about the need to replace the fluid every 6-12 months, i started thinking about how i was going to drain it with out spilling it all over the place.

Its not a big deal really, i just have a habit when it comes to projects like this, to plan them out months in advance cause i dont like to fix f* ups, or be stuck with substandard parts.
Mm. I did a lot of reading over the course of a month.. Looked at more pictures of other peoples loops then I care to admit, and a leak valve wasn't something I ever saw and was like "Lightbulb! I need one of those!"

It's kind of like buying a car. You spend a lot of money on it, and then a month down the line, you want to buy a bug shield for the hood. Just something extra to make things more convenient.

Lyian, what are you thinking of doing as far as your valve goes? Have you looked into the options, yet? I know what I want, but I don't know if it exists. I'm thinking of a T-valve, with the tubs connected to opposite sides.. Then the third line having an on/off valve, so I can have it turned off, meaning that the water is contained to the tubes. I can then hook a tube up to the third port, hang it inthe sink, and turn the valve on, letting the water empty out.

Not sure if it exists though, and I'd want something that looks nice and isn't to obvious.
I've made almost a half dozen custom water loops both for myself and others... and only once ever added a dedicated drainage point, and that was more someone else's idea then mine. and when you consider the scale of that loop, and it's structure it was really needed. I always thought of a drainage point as yet one more place the loop can leak from... sort of an exponential equation... where the chance of a leak is a factor of the number of parts/joins/connections in the loop itself.

so i can't say this is an obvious oversight
Mm. I did a lot of reading over the course of a month.. Looked at more pictures of other peoples loops then I care to admit, and a leak valve wasn't something I ever saw and was like "Lightbulb! I need one of those!"

It's kind of like buying a car. You spend a lot of money on it, and then a month down the line, you want to buy a bug shield for the hood. Just something extra to make things more convenient.

Lyian, what are you thinking of doing as far as your valve goes? Have you looked into the options, yet? I know what I want, but I don't know if it exists. I'm thinking of a T-valve, with the tubs connected to opposite sides.. Then the third line having an on/off valve, so I can have it turned off, meaning that the water is contained to the tubes. I can then hook a tube up to the third port, hang it inthe sink, and turn the valve on, letting the water empty out.

Not sure if it exists though, and I'd want something that looks nice and isn't to obvious.

One that isn't uncommon is a Koolance QD connector at the bottom of the loop. When it's time to drain you connect the other half to your drain line off a T, or a res fitting with the QD on it etc, lots of options. Your drain line (a piece of tubing with the other 1/2 of the QD over a sink or a bucket. You have a drain when yu need it.

But......... The GPUs will still have water, need to remove them from the mobo and point them using gravity to drain. maybe the CPU block, maybe the res.

It helps. But NO system I have seen has a drain that drains the loop so one drain port drains it all. A drain port is a good idea.

My setup drains the rads and the pump, but I still need to remove my GPUs and tilt them and same with my GPU block.

Glad it's a hobby.
Hm. I'm sure the answer to this should be obvious, but I'll ask anyways.

If I'm adding something to my loop, and I can do it without emptying out my GPU block.. Is it alright?

Or, if you're adding something to your loop, should you always drain it completely?

I was also looking at the QD things, but I'm not clear as to how they work... Could you explain those, or point me to something that has an indepth explanation?

Like.. if I have a QD on the res, will I need 3 halfs? A half for the res, a half for the tub to connect to the res, and a half for the drain line?

When I disconnect a QD, does it stop the water from draining untill something is plugged back in?
Hm. I'm sure the answer to this should be obvious, but I'll ask anyways.

If I'm adding something to my loop, and I can do it without emptying out my GPU block.. Is it alright?

If it don't spill.

Or, if you're adding something to your loop, should you always drain it completely?

If it don't spill.

I was also looking at the QD things, but I'm not clear as to how they work... Could you explain those, or point me to something that has an indepth explanation?

Geeze, OKAYYY. The female end and the male end when connected have flow. They restrict flow, not an issue for a drain. When disconneted they stop any water drip, flow etc.

Like.. if I have a QD on the res, will I need 3 halfs? A half for the res, a half for the tub to connect to the res, and a half for the drain line?

You need a MALE and FEMALE. The drain tube you ONLY use when it's time to drain has a M OR F and the other end of the tube is nekkid to the sink etc. Nothing but nekkid tube.

When I disconnect a QD, does it stop the water from draining untill something is plugged back in?

Geeze.... Yes.........

Did you do any Wiki or general resreach befor you posted??/
I didn't do a wiki, but I did try and do some research. I found pictures of the QD's, but nothing that explicitly said how they worked. That's part of why I asked to pointed in the right direction - You should know I'm not afraid to read... I just kinda suck at -finding- what I should be reading.

Aha... Well. That, there, seems pretty freakin' awesome.

As always Con, thanks again. ^.^
Aaaand.. Another quick search takes me to a Skineelabs review on how they restrict flow, and by how much..

>.> Go ahead and say "I told ya so", Con. I think part of the issue is I didn't know what I was looking for. But! I've found it now... Again, thanks for taking the time with me.