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Question for WoW (Alliance) guys, good support char

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Jun 28, 2007
I have a 43 Paladin right now, and he is pretty self sufficient. also working on a 46 druid, and 20 warrior.

I want a good support char... what should I go for? Priest of mage? (or warlock?)

I've always liked the mages because they can teleport people. I always loved how the priests can do some excellent healing, and also warlocks' ease of play (isn't it just send the minion, and let him do the thing?)

soooo yeah, what do you guys recc for good support? :) I'm sick of being the tank and stuff, i'm ready for being the guy in the background helping everyone out lol
Back in the day I had a decked out resto spec Druid (man I miss the moose hat :p that thing looks awesome), and she was a fantastic support class. Heck, I would even be main healing in raids as opposed to off-healing every now and then.

Healadin = support class
Priest.. cant remember what specs are looking like now, but before I pried myself away from wow, shadow specced mages were pretty darn good. If not, holy spec priest = fantastic main healers
Warlocks arent quite as easy as send in the VW and let him do his thing :p though in PvP (if you're so inclined) fear+DoTs+death coil = a pain in the #@$*ing ***.
Mages are fun as hell to play, imo. Great damage, load of spells (though in raids you probably will be restricted to high dps/stamina spells for the long fights)
Rogues = wow in dps. Insane damage. Get a decent geared rogue, and the stream of crits looks awesome, and you can compete with the tank to pull aggro off raid bosses and get booted from the guild for wiping. Classic stuff.

Well, don't play a Warlock if you don't want to be the center of attention, in endgame they're basically aggro magnets, especially in smaller groups.

However, from what you're said already, i think you should keep going on the pally and druid, they're the game's "jack of all trades" classes, and you can pick any playstyle you prefer with them. And just so ya know: My Warlock, Mitya and Paladin, Merna.
I always thought of my paladin as a support class. Specced and geared for healing, seems like you could also spec your Warrior arms/fury or your druid feral (I'd say moonkin as well, but moonkin is only really viable at higher levels).

A holy/prot paladin is a very effective healer in addition to being quite durable. My palain is specced 41/20/0 and works great as a healer.
Well, don't play a Warlock if you don't want to be the center of attention, in endgame they're basically aggro magnets, especially in smaller groups.

However, from what you're said already, i think you should keep going on the pally and druid, they're the game's "jack of all trades" classes, and you can pick any playstyle you prefer with them. And just so ya know: My Warlock, Mitya and Paladin, Merna.

you are doing it wrong if you keep taking aggro.
Hunters FTW!!!

But really, they pwn as support.

The have good DPS, some CCs, some inturrupts, but no healz. Plus pets can be useful as off tanks if you know how to play. =)
Well when most people say 'support class', they really mean a healer.

Resto Druid and Discipline Priest are most viable across all arena brackets, but just play what you have the most fun with imo.
Well when most people say 'support class', they really mean a healer.

Resto Druid and Discipline Priest are most viable across all arena brackets, but just play what you have the most fun with imo.

I know.... but if you think about it, pretty much most classes to that (druid/paladin, priest, and mage I think)
Shamans are very fun as well. You can level it as Enhance aka Dual wield DPS, Caster, or Restro. I have a 66 Enhance Troll, and I can hang in with Rouges for best dps. Plus totems are a great addition for a melee group.
so the rouges are the highest DPS ones eh

I don't have the addon, so I don't have a draneri to have a shaman, but they look real cool. kinda feels identical to a paladin with the addition of totems instead of holy damage
I used to play a druid and I know that if you go into the right hybrid spec you can heal like a priest and dps very well. Druids take a lot of practice but if you get good, they can own pretty hard.
I used to play a druid and I know that if you go into the right hybrid spec you can heal like a priest and dps very well. Druids take a lot of practice but if you get good, they can own pretty hard.

so I hear.... I have a druid, but unfortunetly it was my other account my cousin played, I could use it again I guess, but it was his druid, so I don't really know how he works, it will take some getting used to...
Mages and Priests can both provide pretty good dps. Shadow priests are highly desirable for there ability to give back mana to thier entire group while mages are desireable for their ability to sheep. There dps is still very good as well. The main thing that is different about priest dps is they take no +spellcrit. Mage and priests can definatly do great dps though.

Paladins can be great tanks and healers, but do less dps than other classes. A well played ret pally can still have good dps, but pally dpsers are more valued for the buffs they provide to the group. Paladins excel at single target healing and AOE tanking.

I love shadow priests, soooo much.

My paladin : http://armory.worldofwarcraft.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Silver+Hand&n=Greyspectre
Good friend and raiding buddy shadow priest: http://armory.worldofwarcraft.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Silver+Hand&n=Thraner
Mage buddy raiding mate: http://armory.worldofwarcraft.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Silver+Hand&n=Solkanar
oh and whats the lvl 70s EVERYWHEREEEEEE

I mean they are EVERYWHEREE. I was at ironforge and I saw a spam about some stat changer... i looked it up, and it supposedly makes u change stats so u get 100% crit hit, 99999 HP etc... and it says its untracable. anyways, it got me thinking... I know everyone denies it, but is this what people do to level their chars? I really don't think there can be that many people with like 3 lvl 70 chars... u'd have to be playing 24/7 for something like that.
oh and whats the lvl 70s EVERYWHEREEEEEE

I mean they are EVERYWHEREE. I was at ironforge and I saw a spam about some stat changer... i looked it up, and it supposedly makes u change stats so u get 100% crit hit, 99999 HP etc... and it says its untracable. anyways, it got me thinking... I know everyone denies it, but is this what people do to level their chars? I really don't think there can be that many people with like 3 lvl 70 chars... u'd have to be playing 24/7 for something like that.

I quit before 70 was an option BUT 60 in a week in doable.

I had 2 60's and a 45.
oh and whats the lvl 70s EVERYWHEREEEEEE

I mean they are EVERYWHEREE. I was at ironforge and I saw a spam about some stat changer... i looked it up, and it supposedly makes u change stats so u get 100% crit hit, 99999 HP etc... and it says its untracable. anyways, it got me thinking... I know everyone denies it, but is this what people do to level their chars? I really don't think there can be that many people with like 3 lvl 70 chars... u'd have to be playing 24/7 for something like that.

Um...that would be a scam. :) Definitely stay away from that stuff.

It's not hard to get multiple 70's if a person just plays a lot and learns to level efficiently. It gets easier if you have 70 friends or your own 70's. My wife just broke 50 on her Paladin yesterday after a little over 2 weeks of play. She gets a lot of instance runs from 70's.

As far as group roles... It breaks down to 3 main roles. Tank, DPS, Healer.

Tank is generally the highest stress role with low tolerance for mistakes. The only classes/specs that perform the role well are Protection spec Paladins, Protection spec Warriors, and Feral spec Druids. The Feral spec Druids have an advantage that they can switch to cat form and switch to some alternate pieces of gear and do pretty good DPS since the Feral talents are mostly dual purpose. Definitely want to get Omen Threat Meter mod.

DPS is generally the lowest stress role. It mostly consists of learning to play a class effectively, and staying out of trouble. The main thing to watch out for is not to pull aggro from a tank. This makes a threat meter completely necessary (Omen)… Every class can perform a DPS role with the right spec. Some can do it in multiple ways with different specs. Each class can provide certain types of additional utility beyond just hurting stuff…typically in the form of buffs, crowd control, and more. Mages sheep mobs and conjure food. Hunters can trap. Shadow Priests can shackle undead and regen mana and health for party members. Rogues can sap. Warlocks can banish elementals. Druids can sleep animals. It goes on and on…most classes have several things they can do or provide. Groups generally need more DPSers than anything else, but sometimes it can be hard finding a group as one because there are a lot of them playing. Mage is a good and fun DPS class to start with because Polymorph is one of the most usable CC's and is easy and reliable to use. They are also on the high end of damage output capability. Hunters are also a good starter class in general, but trapping for group play is a lot more complicated and dangerous than sheeping.

Healing is somewhere between the other two on stress level. It's normally the easiest role to get into groups with. Every class that can heal, can potentially do it very well nowadays. Priests have the most robust and well rounded healing ability set, but each of the other healing classes has something killer that Priests wish they had. Druids have Lifebloom, an array of instant cast heals & HoT's, and a battle resurrection. Shaman's have Chain Heal, an array of useful totems, and can rez themselves. Paladins have incredible sustainability with Flash of Light spam and ability to at least temporarily save themselves.

Since you already have a Paladin, I would recommend just continuing to level, probably as Retribution (you can get Crusader Strike at level 50 if you spend your talent points right) until you get to 70. Leveling as Holy or Prot will go more slowly and painfully for the most part. You will still be able to do basic tanking, but stay away from anything difficult for your level. If you save up any +healing gear and stuff with stats that help your mana pool, you can also do some decent healing if you need to. Keep in mind this gear can be Cloth, Leather, and Mail since you can wear it all and are just looking for best healing stats. Armor doesn't matter as much when you are standing in the back healing. Once you get to 70, then look at respeccing to a Holy spec to greatly increase your healing ability. At that point, you will be looking to PvP for gear, run instances and Heroics for gear, and start raiding in Kara / Gruul's depending on the size of your guild. I would recommend a 41/20/0 PvP based healing spec as it happens to translate into PvE healing almost as well as a pure raid spec and works a lot better for PvP. If you get enough money, you can just pay the 50 gold max-out and respec whenever you feel like. Paladin healers are very popular right now and easy to play effectively. They get used a lot in raids for their lasting power. They're also great PvP healers because of their survivability.

If you'd rather do a DPS based role, I'd recommend starting a Mage. They're a ton of fun and one of the more sought after DPSers…free food and the ability to portal yourself from city to city is a huge perk, too. They can also level extremely fast if you learn the AOE mob farming technique…as well as the travel time saved. If you'd rather do melee DPS, I'd recommend starting with a Rogue. Notice that no one will ask you to tank or heal on either of these classes. ;)
Um...that would be a scam. :) Definitely stay away from that stuff.

It's not hard to get multiple 70's if a person just plays a lot and learns to level efficiently. It gets easier if you have 70 friends or your own 70's. My wife just broke 50 on her Paladin yesterday after a little over 2 weeks of play. She gets a lot of instance runs from 70's.

As far as group roles... It breaks down to 3 main roles. Tank, DPS, Healer.

Tank is generally the highest stress role with low tolerance for mistakes. The only classes/specs that perform the role well are Protection spec Paladins, Protection spec Warriors, and Feral spec Druids. The Feral spec Druids have an advantage that they can switch to cat form and switch to some alternate pieces of gear and do pretty good DPS since the Feral talents are mostly dual purpose. Definitely want to get Omen Threat Meter mod.

DPS is generally the lowest stress role. It mostly consists of learning to play a class effectively, and staying out of trouble. The main thing to watch out for is not to pull aggro from a tank. This makes a threat meter completely necessary (Omen)… Every class can perform a DPS role with the right spec. Some can do it in multiple ways with different specs. Each class can provide certain types of additional utility beyond just hurting stuff…typically in the form of buffs, crowd control, and more. Mages sheep mobs and conjure food. Hunters can trap. Shadow Priests can shackle undead and regen mana and health for party members. Rogues can sap. Warlocks can banish elementals. Druids can sleep animals. It goes on and on…most classes have several things they can do or provide. Groups generally need more DPSers than anything else, but sometimes it can be hard finding a group as one because there are a lot of them playing. Mage is a good and fun DPS class to start with because Polymorph is one of the most usable CC's and is easy and reliable to use. They are also on the high end of damage output capability. Hunters are also a good starter class in general, but trapping for group play is a lot more complicated and dangerous than sheeping.

Healing is somewhere between the other two on stress level. It's normally the easiest role to get into groups with. Every class that can heal, can potentially do it very well nowadays. Priests have the most robust and well rounded healing ability set, but each of the other healing classes has something killer that Priests wish they had. Druids have Lifebloom, an array of instant cast heals & HoT's, and a battle resurrection. Shaman's have Chain Heal, an array of useful totems, and can rez themselves. Paladins have incredible sustainability with Flash of Light spam and ability to at least temporarily save themselves.

Since you already have a Paladin, I would recommend just continuing to level, probably as Retribution (you can get Crusader Strike at level 50 if you spend your talent points right) until you get to 70. Leveling as Holy or Prot will go more slowly and painfully for the most part. You will still be able to do basic tanking, but stay away from anything difficult for your level. If you save up any +healing gear and stuff with stats that help your mana pool, you can also do some decent healing if you need to. Keep in mind this gear can be Cloth, Leather, and Mail since you can wear it all and are just looking for best healing stats. Armor doesn't matter as much when you are standing in the back healing. Once you get to 70, then look at respeccing to a Holy spec to greatly increase your healing ability. At that point, you will be looking to PvP for gear, run instances and Heroics for gear, and start raiding in Kara / Gruul's depending on the size of your guild. I would recommend a 41/20/0 PvP based healing spec as it happens to translate into PvE healing almost as well as a pure raid spec and works a lot better for PvP. If you get enough money, you can just pay the 50 gold max-out and respec whenever you feel like. Paladin healers are very popular right now and easy to play effectively. They get used a lot in raids for their lasting power. They're also great PvP healers because of their survivability.

If you'd rather do a DPS based role, I'd recommend starting a Mage. They're a ton of fun and one of the more sought after DPSers…free food and the ability to portal yourself from city to city is a huge perk, too. They can also level extremely fast if you learn the AOE mob farming technique…as well as the travel time saved. If you'd rather do melee DPS, I'd recommend starting with a Rogue. Notice that no one will ask you to tank or heal on either of these classes. ;)

sweet! thanks for the write up!

The reason I asked about that stat changer thing is, it would be unfair for me to get to 70 in a long time, where everyone cheats to get there. I have no problem with cheating as long as everyone else does it. but if people don't then I won't either

sounds like mage can be fun.

I mean like I said, I already have a druid (my cousin is playnig that one on my other account, he is 50) and a paladin, which is mine and 43.

I just wanted to try some other char just for ****s and giggles I guess. I made a warlock few days ago, and they seem fun too... the minions really help.

what server are ya on?
sweet! thanks for the write up!

The reason I asked about that stat changer thing is, it would be unfair for me to get to 70 in a long time, where everyone cheats to get there. I have no problem with cheating as long as everyone else does it. but if people don't then I won't either

sounds like mage can be fun.

I mean like I said, I already have a druid (my cousin is playnig that one on my other account, he is 50) and a paladin, which is mine and 43.

I just wanted to try some other char just for ****s and giggles I guess. I made a warlock few days ago, and they seem fun too... the minions really help.

what server are ya on?

I'm on Twisting Nether, which is RP-PVP. :) (Horde)

Warlocks are fun, too. You'll probably like that Omen threat meter real well even for soloing a Warlock. That way you can see how much threat your Voidwalker is generating and keep your own threat low enough compared to his so that he holds the target and it doesn't come running towards you if you don't want it to. I have a Warlock lowbie, too. The Affliction tree is a good place to start for leveling.
Of all my characters, I would have to say the funnest one would have to be my rogue. With stealth and all the escape and utility skills they are a pretty easy class to level up with. Only downside is they are a dime a dozen end game and you have a tough time getting a group. If you want an easy to level class go hunter, after leveling a holy priest and a warrior to 60+ the hunter just seems too easy. :p

BTW, NOBODY I know does that stat changer thing (I doubt it even works outside of a custom server) so stay away since it is either a scam or a key logger.