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Rant on Linux Gaming

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Well refining the rant discussion is a good thing. It is an interesting topic. I didn't take it as you were biased or had any angry peanuts for Linux or it's users. I was hoping to draw out more information on the subject. It is sort of complex thing, on Linux and gaming. In some ways makes me a sad panda. Be it as it may. there is always room for asking why the heck is it so weak-fu... Myself. I have read a lot of folks who started out like they could take on the world. But soon gave up out of lack of interest. Normally I ignore the Linux gaming posts.. Or not go much into depth on the subject.. You seem like you actually put some though into the topic. So I figured why not see what is up.. :D

I am a full time Linux user who would love to be able to grab any title off the shelf and play it. On my Linux machine. there is some Linux users as well as Windows users who get all uppity when subjects that are complex. That drives me bonkers reading that. Long as the person is willing to discuss the subject, they should not have to defend themselves. you seem willing to discuss the subject.

Ok, now let's think on what ways we can lure game houses to make other than 'Windows binary' games..

Profit from doing so. - Is there advantages switching over to OpenGL?
Loyalty of user base. - Will Linux users help other Linux users and help reduce support load.
DRM - Yes, this has to pop up. Can the publisher protect their IP. While keeping Nix users coming back for more.. Without making us Linux users angry.
How do you rally such a fragmented community? - To be honest. Linux is weak in this regard. It is hard ot gather up all the folks using it. then find one common ground. Linux users are used to be democratic and if they need be, do it themselves. There is way to many different mindsets about what Linux is and how things should be done.. To finger this part out.

There is many other things that would make a game house interested in developing games on Nix. We Linux users have to show them. There is huge profits giving us what we want. Right now, there is no publisher who thinks there is any money on the platform.

Every time anyone made a real attempt talking to game houses. All the loud months lost interest and nothing ever came of it.

Now there is a few options for Linux users that may work for you.

Wine - Not the greatest solution and can be a hassle to get htings going. But for somethings it does work, somethings it is junk. I have a great deal of respect for this project.
Look for the list of what dose work. See what rating it has for the particular application/ version of Wine. Yes, this is not easy to finger out at first. Once you understand the basics of what Wine is trying to do and it's quirks. It is easy to putt around looking for what you need.
Wine is not an emulator. Reading the docs helps a great deal on this.
"Wine is not just an emulator" would be a more correct name. Thinking of Wine as just an emulator is really forgetting about the other things it is. Wine's "emulator" is really just a binary loader that allows Windows applications to interface with the Wine API replacement.

Now there is another thing going on in Linux. Crossover or in the case of the subject at hand. Crossover Games. This is not free. They pay for the use of certain libraries. So it has to be passed on to the users.

This if your game or application is worked on. Works good. I am not much into knowing about the project. I have an understanding. It works really good though. Worth the price for it. I never installed it nor bought it. So I can't say much on this.

Now lastly. I have to be very careful with this subject here on this site.. As should you.
Emulators for consoles. I adore the zsnes. I have a game pad and fire off games. It is awesome possum to me. Since there is some games that take me back to my late teen and early 20's.

There is a few emulators that work good. Some of them are a pain to finger out. Once you get them going. It is rather fun. It is not limited to just older consoles. Again this is a very touchy thing on this site.. I am just mentioning this as information. Not for discussing what, where and how... A Google search for " game console emulators in Linux ".. Would be easier than pushing the rules here.
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I would direct anyone who is misguided enough to think that Linux is not a viable gaming platform to my guide. (No flame intended, I just get worn out answering these kinds of posts)

How-to: Linux Gaming Explained

I realize it doesn't solve the discussion as there will always be one person in the back yelling "Hey it can't play <insert obscure game here>" well the fact of the matter is, it plays most big titles pretty darn well.
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