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Self-powered computer

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As another note, there was news about 6 months ago for designs of a laptop intended for use and sale in Africa, with very lower power and performance design. I think it featured a hand crank and was going to sell exclusively in Africa for $100-200
Rev said:
Do you live near any high tension power lines?

You could put some coils of wire up and mooch off of inductance. :)
If anyone linves next to high tension power lines move. I knew a woman who carried to term a pregnancy while living next to a relatively small power transforming station and lemme tell you, her child, "that boy ain't right". If you're so close to a big source of electricity that you can mooch off it by just putting a bunch of coils on your roof you are not going to be happy with the long term health effects.
eobard said:
If anyone linves next to high tension power lines move. I knew a woman who carried to term a pregnancy while living next to a relatively small power transforming station and lemme tell you, her child, "that boy ain't right". If you're so close to a big source of electricity that you can mooch off it by just putting a bunch of coils on your roof you are not going to be happy with the long term health effects.

one phrase...really long power cords.
AWSOME IDEA, develope a cheap and easy way to produce antimatter and throw some in your psu :) does anyone else think this thread is getting a little out of hand?

back on track. live near any streams or anything? hydroelectric power. ofcourse, you may not want to do this, water+electricity=something really expensive, wierd or just funny.
Pfft, my suggestion wasn't that out of the ordinary. He could have easily had high tension wires that were close enough to the house that it was feasible to run lots of cable. Nobody ever thinks of doing this so I was offering this idea on the off chance that he had some power lines nearby.
Shelnutt2 said:

I've been looking into this lately, and if you've got an unlimited supply of water, you've got unlimited fuel. The efficiency of bingo Fuel is somewhere around 140%. Hook up a nice generator and bam!

I looked through the website and I am very puzzled by the purpose of this device. What do you mean "efficiency of bingo Fuel is somewhere around 140%" ? This device decomposes water into H2 and O2. Burning this gas can not possibly produce more energy than it took to break the water down...
Toward the bottom of this page http://jlnlabs.online.fr/bingofuel/html/bfr11.htm the guy connect a generator to his machine, what is the purpose?
Perpetual motion engines are not feasible if this is what this guy is trying to create.

Do you live near any high tension power lines?

You could put some coils of wire up and mooch off of inductance.

The amount of wire needed to power a flashlight will pay the electric bill for a year (this is not a calculated value, just a statement to make my point)
Unless you actually wrap an insulated wire tightly around high voltage power lines you are not going to get any usefull amount of power, certainly not enough to power a laptop or a PC.
^^^^Boris is right about the 140% energy thing. anything above 100% effieciency would mean its producing 40% energy out of nothing. This is physically impossible, unless it is using antimatter, which transforms matter into energy.
freakdiablo said:
^^^^Boris is right about the 140% energy thing. anything above 100% effieciency would mean its producing 40% energy out of nothing. This is physically impossible, unless it is using antimatter, which transforms matter into energy.

Not only that but from what I can see that is electrolysis. It requires high voltage current passed through water to break it up into H2 and O. (notice the big blue thing, thats an arc welder supply. Few thousand volts ad high current)

Something like this would be ideal for a hydrogen car of the type but it is just an energy transfer method.

With this method For the fact that you need electricity to break down the water, plus heat lost in the break down, and the fact that you only get 2/3 of burnable material O is only used for aiding of burning fuel. Then it is burnt in a combustion engine, wich on its own only has like a 60% efficiency and into a generator. You'd be lucky to get 20% efficiency with such a setup. Not too practical.

BTW all that pic looks like is a halogen light in water inside of a water filter casing. The fact that those wires run off frame make it easy to assume they go to a battery or something to power the light.

All those graphs could be generated with a signal generator.

This is a Hoax, probably trying to sell the plans to make money.

Also think about this, if this thing actually did work, with all the money he would be bringing in dont you think the website would look a little less crappy.

And im just gonna stop cause I will be writing this post all night if I try to point out all the flaws.

Oh and did anyone see the mythbusters ep where they actually built such a device. It was a fuel cell that could aparenly power a regular combustion engine from electrolysis. Long story short it didnt work. And the plans were purchased from the net, hell maybe it was the same guys plans..
Borisw37 said:
I looked through the website and I am very puzzled by the purpose of this device. What do you mean "efficiency of bingo Fuel is somewhere around 140%" ? This device decomposes water into H2 and O2. Burning this gas can not possibly produce more energy than it took to break the water down...
Toward the bottom of this page http://jlnlabs.online.fr/bingofuel/html/bfr11.htm the guy connect a generator to his machine, what is the purpose?
Perpetual motion engines are not feasible if this is what this guy is trying to create.

The amount of wire needed to power a flashlight will pay the electric bill for a year (this is not a calculated value, just a statement to make my point)
Unless you actually wrap an insulated wire tightly around high voltage power lines you are not going to get any usefull amount of power, certainly not enough to power a laptop or a PC.
If you read the page and didn't scan through it so quickly, you would see his connection to the generator was to power it with the fuel he was producing from the reactor.

I too see this as unlikely, but when you don't read things fully and then comment on them in a negative way, it kind of makes your comments a bit less valid.

I haven't seen the OP on this thread for quite some time. Perhaps all the sarcasm and ridicule has made him reluctant to post more?

I for one would be very interested in hearing of his progress.
You need to take some highschool physics again especially the part about the laws of thermodynamics. You CANNOT get more energy via "BingoFuel" aka WATER hydrolysis than you put in as electrical energy to create the H2 O2 mix. The electric energy is needeed to break the O-H bonds and burning it will release that stored energy again.

Not to mention that it's a welding arc aka heat and will boil the water. Or that it produces light as you can see yourself which is even more wasted energy.

I guess there's a guy born every minute who believes in Perpetuum Mobiles *sigh*
klingens said:
You need to take some highschool physics again especially the part about the laws of thermodynamics. You CANNOT get more energy via "BingoFuel" aka WATER hydrolysis than you put in as electrical energy to create the H2 O2 mix. The electric energy is needeed to break the O-H bonds and burning it will release that stored energy again.

Not to mention that it's a welding arc aka heat and will boil the water. Or that it produces light as you can see yourself which is even more wasted energy.

I guess there's a guy born every minute who believes in Perpetuum Mobiles *sigh*
Apparently, you didn't take enough time reading my comment to fully understand it. I said that it was highly unlikely, but that the post I quoted lost validity as a result of not taking the time to read what the site actually said. Similar to not taking the time to read what my post actually said, and then getting snippy with personal insults.