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SP94 heat pipe leak?

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Dec 4, 2003
Yesterday night I installed a brand new SP94 on a P4 3.0c and after an hour or so I starting feeling a intense solvent odor. I was about to go to bed so I decided to turn off the system. This morning I started the system, and after a couple of hours I felt the same smell but more subtil.

Is it possible that the heat pipes are leaking?

Has anybody experienced something like this? I guess there is no easy way to know if it has leaked or not...
If it has a leak, the cooling capacity will be greatly reduced, see what the temps are. Also, examine the heatsink carefully and see if theres any sign of a break, or any fluid leaking away.

Would seem very strange to me tho, theyre solidly manufactured. Couldnt it be there was some of the fluid on the externals of it when you bought it, that is evaporating at higher temperatures?

AFAIK the fluid is under pressure as well..so a leak would have it all coming out very fast...
ti would make a hell of a mess if it burst. and belive me, you would know it. pipes under pressure make a sharp fizzing sound when then burst. kinda like an air hose at the gas station when you take it off of the nozzle of a tire. its possible there was some shat on your hs. if you lapped it for instance. but yea... check your temps. a lot of the base of those sp94's is taken up by the heatpipes. without them, a lot of useless space is there and would really suck for cooling.
rhino56 said:
did you remove the plastic protective coating on the sp-94?

Yes, I did. I was not impressed with the finish of the surface. The machining grooves are very visible. I think I should probably lap it.
it could be so many things that your "feeling" lol from outside lawn fertiler to a dab of glue on the cpu burning off to your neighbor spraying bug spray.
i can only suggest that you get a tube about 16 inchs long and 1/4 od and put it in your nose and start checking different areas.
make sure you compensate for the time it takes for air to reach the end of the tube to the detection device (olfactory bulb)
i do that with a piece of garden hose in my auditory canal when i think i hear a sqeak on my engine. very effective way to isolate things.
just dont get caught doing it, it looks really stupid.
Sjaak said:
If it has a leak, the cooling capacity will be greatly reduced, see what the temps are.

I am running a 3.0c at 3.5GHz default voltage.

I don't think the temps are too bad. At least are basically in line with what I got just after installing it.

Room temp 27.9 c (yes, this attic is hot)

Hardware doctor reports:


System.......32.0c...............35.0 c
CPU............40.5c...............58.0 c
PWM...........31.0c...............41.0 c
I get that funny "new electronics" smell in the room whenever I change the way air goes in my case. I guess it ventilates some areas of the mobo that haven't seen air for a while, bringing up the solvents that come from the PCB's.

Not sure if that is the same smell you are referring to.

the wesson
My dad accidentaly put a dent in the middle heatpipe of my SP-94 with a flathead screwdriver, is that bad or what?

I'm getting 30C idle, goes up to 40C full load with a [email protected] and 1.6v, with the SP-94. some AS5, and a 92mm 66cfm fan at a little over half speed on fan controller, mobo is at 28C idle, this is with perfect ambient temp, not too hot, not too cold, in shorts and a short-sleeve shirt too.

Sorry for the excessive use of comma's, lol.

BTW, sorry to thread-jack, but I'm trying to help us both.
Why would your dad have a flathead around a SP-94? I wouldn't let my dad anywhere near my comp. Then again he's in jail so I don't have to worry. :D

As for the subject at hand, I don't think it's anything major. But I would check your mobo for any cracked caps just to be safe.
I mean as long as the temps are fine, it doesnt affect me.
And I think my temps are pretty good for aircooling.

And a silent system!