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Sure is quiet over here now

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Super Nade said:
If the OP noticed, the forums as a whole have been a bit slow of late. We tend to have such periods every year. Things will pick up soon enough. :)

Yeah the run up to Christmas should be busy.
well I have noticed that the whole fourm doesnt have as manny active ppl on as other times , but in the amd section has deff been really slow since conroe. Just cause most people post about their new gear and if they are buying right now they are prob going intel ( I would )
Ive been an AMD guy since I was 17, my original k6-2 500...
Ive had quite a few slot A systems, and a hell of alot socket As....
Ive owned both renowened ABit boards, the ABit Kt7a and now my NF7-S...

Its time for a change...If I dont like the CD2 for some reason (like no Sli on p965)...I can put the classifieds here to good use. :D

And I definitly cant say I havent had fun getting this barton to 2.5ghz....:D
Mmmmmm sloowwwwwwnesss. :)

Iv been super busy with school, football, and sleep. No time to overclock :( running at a measily 2700mhz for now... with my 4800X2
Moto7451 said:
It'll go back and forth for the rest of time (well, CPU time anyways :D). One company will be on top and people will flock over to them and then the other side will gain the upper hand and people will flock back over.

QFT Moto7451. AMD message boards around the internet will be swarmed when AMD retakes the lead, whenever that is.
hitbyaprkedcar7 said:
<QUOTE> [[penguin463]] - Your processor is actually jesus reincarnated into a silicon chip. I've seen it before. For better results, use holy-watercooling =D </QUOTE>

I am the sole reason for that quote in your sig, hit.... remember that...LOL
David said:
Yeah the run up to Christmas should be busy.
yes i also noticed quiet everywhere, not just this forum or AMD section.
At least the 4400 89w's has generated some activity. >5800 viewed and counting :)