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Asus A8V Deluxe only boots 100mhz HTT and no audio

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New Member
Feb 14, 2005
I recently bought an Asus A8V Deluxe and an Athlon 64 3000+ cpu. I have everything installed and booting up properly, the BIOS says the cpu is 1800mhz, but CPUz shows core speed as 901mhz and HTT as 100mhz. However, ClockGen shows my HTT as 200mhz and allows me to bump it up to 400mhz. If I set it to 400mhz in ClockGen, then cpu-z shows the HTT as 200mhz and core speed as 1800mhz. There is a dramatic increase in speed when I do this and no stability problems. I currently have Cool-n-Quiet disabled, but I've tried with it enabled as well. No matter what I do in the bios or anywhere, it always boots up at half-speed in windows and memtest86. I am running BIOS version 1009.007. I tried the beta 1010 but it made no difference.

Also, Windows will not detect the onboard sound device, nor does the bootup device list show it. It is enabled in the bios and I have installed the drivers from Asus, but still no devices are being detected (other than Legacy Audio Drivers, etc). I tried installing the device/drivers manually but it says device startup failed.

Any clues? It's driving me nuts.
Welcome to the forums Kuroyi!

Please disable cool and quiet permenantly. You should see things differently when that is done. Also, let HTF be set at 1000MHz.

I hope you are overclocking manually and not relying on the inaccurate and problematic AUTO/Adaptive OC'ing features? Please set everything manually in the BIOS. Your problems should dissappear!

Keep me posted if anything else comes up.

Good Luck!


HTF is set at 1000Mhz and Cool 'n' Quiet is disabled.

I've tried Auto, OC+3%, Standard, and Manual (200Mhz x 9).

No matter what I do it boots at half speed of what it should be. I can set FSB to 250Mhz and it boots up at 1125Mhz instead of 2250Mhz. But if I'm in windows I can use ClockGen to double the HTT and it runs like it should (I haven't yet tried it while overclocked).

Still no idea about the sound issue either. Is it supposed to be listed in the bootup device list? I'm going to try sending an email to Asus rather than using their website thing and if that doesn't work I'll have to call them and RMA it I guess.
Tried the bios 1009 and the beta 1010, no difference. I've also reset the bios a dozen times trying different things.

I found something on an Italian board about the screw hole nearest the audio output causing the same kind of audio problem I have (some kind of grounding problem it seems), but babelfish didn't do a very good job of translating it so I'm not sure exactly what the guy did to fix it. It's forum.amdplanet.it/viewtopic.php?t=9102 in case anyone knows Italian.

I found the problem! There was an extra spacer screw in my case that was contacting the motherboard and causing a grounding issue. It must've been there since my old celeron years ago and was probably causing the sporatic issues I was having with the motherboard/cpu I upgraded from.

My machine now boots up at 1.8Ghz and audio works!

Thanks for your help.
Thanks Kuroyi, for keeping this updated.

I'm really surprised that you are able to boot with a grounding issue. I can virtually guarentee you that your MoBo won't startup if there's a short. What else did you do and where exactly was this screw placed?