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i7 WC loop

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Glow of fire

May 10, 2009
I want the cheapest WC loop for my core i7. I mean pull all the stops cheap. Like, get a melamine "Made in China" Waterblock to save me a nickel. If any of you are acquainted with Dr. Eugene Krabs, His insights on frugality are confluent with my ambitions. I do have some demands though. This WC loop ideally shouldn't involve my computer(or me) catching fire or losing any parts. And ideally should keep my core temperature below 150F(or C, if that saves a dime, at least I'll be able to cook coffee on it).

No seriously though, I only want WC for the noise reduction, and I'm poor, and so... basically, can anyone think of a WC kit for under $50?

Plopping it in a goldfish bowl was a brilliant thought, but unfortunately the $279 CPU is worth more than the WC setup, so mathematically, that would result in a Expected net loss.
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You could try searching the classifieds for good deals, though it's usually only ~10% cheaper than retail. Still a "nickel" I guess... Do note you need at least 100 post to view it.

If you do have tools and expertise to make custom parts, that might also save you money. Not sure about this though... Have yet to try it.
One acronym: TRUE. Unless you crunch with it, you can turn the fan down to make it plenty quiet. With a push/pull config, even with fans on low, you'd probably be better off than any sub-$200 water setup.
One acronym: TRUE. Unless you crunch with it, you can turn the fan down to make it plenty quiet. With a push/pull config, even with fans on low, you'd probably be better off than any sub-$200 water setup.


High end air is generally as good as or better than low end water cooling, and is much less expensive. If someone doesn't want to spend over $100, and preferably over $200, on a WC loop then they're way better off staying with air.
I agree as well, that unless you can some how roll your own from parts around the house, air is your best bet for $50.

You could build a water cooling setup with a junk yard heater core, some cheap home improvement/boating supply tubing, and an aquarium pump. But the water block is not a simple thing to make on your own. It can be done if you have the materials (copper barstock), tools and skils. I think even then you are looking at closer to $100. I've gone that route before (years ago) and it was def fun but not too easy.

Cheapest block I ever made:
high end air has gotten so much better. Only awesome if your case can fit it

TRUE, Xig Thors Hammer, etc ftw
My case can fit, I don't think you guys understand though. And it would be ridiculous to build my own, because medical costs for avulsed limbs run in the thousands of dollars(not to mention lost wages from not being able to type without a thumb).

My CPU is apparently one of those lucky ones that outputs very little heat. It clocks to 4.0 with HT on VERY easily, with minimal raise in voltage.

I don't care about too much "cooling". I obviously need a heatsink, and I want it silent! I don't care as long as it keeps my CPU below the boiling point(of Silicon).

Water does that. So does a fanless heatsink. So, am I not going to be able to buy a WC loop under $100? If not, can I get a fanless heatsink?
there is no way around it, you need fans for either setup.

save up the money and don't overclock until then is my advise.
you buy the same fan for air or water. but you generally spend more money for silent fans that work with more costly rads.

as already stated, i7 WC kit starts at over $200 minimum.
Noctua NH-U12P SE 1366. Less expensive than TRUE, and it comes with 2 glorious noctua fans instead of the 1 fan stock on TRUE. I'm very impressed with mine, it performs well.
You need fans.


Noisy Air cooling fans vs. Inaudible WC ones... Hmmm...

Really, you can't hear the fans on most WC systems.

The Air cooling Fans, however, tend to make unpleasant amounts of Annoying noise

You've got some basic misconceptions.

1. It is patently false that water cooling is always quieter than air cooling. I have two rigs in my den, the first two in my signature. The gaming machine is substantially faster and is air cooled. It is by far quieter than the "daily driver" machine which has a wc loop. The only time they make roughly the same amount of noise is when my 9800GX2 is under a heavy load and the fan spins up to full throttle. At idle the gaming machine is inaudible.

Both wc and ac require fans. It is, therefore, the specific fans which are selected for each application that determine which setup will make more noise.

2. With a budget of less than $100, there is no question that a high end air cooler will beat the pants off a cobbled together wc setup. Not only will the air cooler at in that price range perform better, but it will also be quieter as well. This is because the only way you're going to put together a $100 wc loop is to use a $20 heater core / radiator, and that will take one or two massive CFM (read: LOUD) fans to perform efficiently.

In contrast, you can pick up a really nice air cooler like a TRUE, attach a couple of carefully selected 120mm fans, hook the fans up to a fan controller, and then adjust their speed so that you can't hear them.
I'll be alright with the WC noise situation guys. Trust me. Just gimme a really cheap i7 WC setup. Really, I'll be Ok.

So, all I want: A really cheap WC setup. for my i7. Or a fanless heatsink. Please don't argue too much about the wc being loud. I've understood that after 20 people above have reiterated it.
I'll be alright with the WC noise situation guys. Trust me. Just gimme a really cheap i7 WC setup. Really, I'll be Ok.

So, all I want: A really cheap WC setup. for my i7. Or a fanless heatsink. Please don't argue too much about the wc being loud. I've understood that after 20 people above have reiterated it.

After playing with quite a few i7's I do not think you are going to find a fanless or cheap WC solution that will allow you to overclock like you are wanting to. These i7's do overclock nicely but do put out some serious heat when turned up.
you seem to understand about the fans and loudness, but seem to miss that they don't even sell a kit below 100...

you need to either step up the money AND learn about it or go with high end air and be done with it.
Even with a cheap Viaaqua pump, an old maze4 block, and HC you're going to spend more than 100$ and not cool the i7 worth a flip......

The pump is going to run you a minimum of 40$
Block is going to run a minimum of 30-40$
HC is another 25-30 plus the parts to mod it
tubing and clamps are another 10-20$, so you're over budget at MINIMUM, and that wont really do it right....
One acronym: TRUE. Unless you crunch with it, you can turn the fan down to make it plenty quiet. With a push/pull config, even with fans on low, you'd probably be better off than any sub-$200 water setup.
I've never done this before, but +1 to what I already said. Put bluntly: You're not paying attention. This is not to cause offense, please don't take any; but you need to open your eyes to the simple truth that you won't be hearing what you want to hear because it is nonexistent. If you really want someone to tell you what you seem to want to hear, find a forum that doesn't know what they're talking about. :shrug: