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6800 bios flashing questions

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No not sure about all that...lol But the patch script is already in riva tuner folder. This the name of the patch script folder nv40biosswunitsmaskeliminator
I all read modded my bio but im afraid to flash it...lol
Ok I found the script and went to edit my .rom file and it gave me the error
"This file is not certified to use this patch script, therefore it may not function properly. Are you sure you want to continue?"

I clicked on yes. I flashed my bios with a evga GT bios and it boots up and windows sees it as a GT but the pipes still are not unlocked by default. Did I do something wrong or do I need to use an Ultra bios??

I used the Ultra bios from PNY and my card is recognized as an untra now in windows but those damn pipes and shaders are still not unlocked. I thought I had found the solution to my problem with this script but so far no avail.
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Well I used the script that I posted above on my ultra bios and rebooted and flashed. Booted up and all pipes and vertex shaders arer working. Thanks again to CandyManCan and Gigabit for all the help they have given me.
Thats great.Im glad you got it working i tried the script (the one in rivatuner)and it didnt work for me either...lol So have you tried to bench it and see what it does?I tried that script to and it worked for me to..lol Cool so now i thank you....lol
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I tried 3dmark03 with my 390/784 and my comp would completely freeze. So now I am lowering my speeds down and going to see if I can get it to go all the way through.
I went back to stock speeds of 325/700 and I scored 9450 in 03. That is a big drop of what I had before of 10650. I am going to start oc and see how it goes.
I believe when I patched the NU bios originally and tried the extra pipes or shaders didnt work cause the NU bios didnt have them enabled. But I shall try again. Also what type of bios are you using?
Im using my original bios with the patch script added.So it should work for you to.Heck im not using RT overclocking i like coolbits but if it werent for RT i would still have a 12/5 card What patch did you use on your nu bios?
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Yep just tried it. Worked wonderfully. 105fps in CS:S stresstest. 1280x1024 every setting on max. I am quite happy with my card now. Will post back in a little bit with my new 3dmark03 scores.

Also I think we might want CandyManCan to add that script to the 6800 flashing sticky So others can use it.
I just got 10818 in 3dmark03. Personal best there. I will try 05 in a few so We can compare scores. Allthough u do have a nice gigaherz more processing power then I do. Also what are your timings for your 6800? Mine are 390/784 completely stable.


I just did 05 and got 4338. I am very impressed with that. All I can say is that these 6800NU are amazing cards.
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I just went to upload my score and it turns out my 05 wasent up to date. So im updating it now and shall rerun and see how it does. They really need sound though. It gets boring watching those same things over and over with no sound.
I just ran 3d03 and got 11150 not my best either but not bad.
Edited at9:35 well i have to go ill check back in tomorrow and se what you got.Im beat.Ill talk with you in the morning if your up.
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4314 is my updated score in 05. Does the 3dMark ORB database ad yoor score to the list when you search? I just uploaded both my 03 and 05 scores and cannot find them when I search for other peoples scores.
Is 05 more gpu intensive the 03? You are poleing a good 1ghz more in cpu speed then me. So unless the gpu matters that much you should be up with me on 05. My gpu speeds are not that much faster then yours.