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William (Jun 22, 2001 04:07 p.m.):
coffee bleh, I want a coca cola dispenser!
*spazzed* (Jun 22, 2001 06:30 p.m.):
William (Jun 22, 2001 04:07 p.m.):
coffee bleh, I want a coca cola dispenser!
It wouldn't be all that hard to actually build one of those. Just need some tubing, the syrup they use, a way too cool the water coming in, some power, and the dispenser itself........maybe i should build one (gettin a new case)
Slake (Jun 23, 2001 11:22 a.m.):
LOL Spartacus I want the coffee pot case!
sfa ok (Jun 22, 2001 08:58 p.m.):
And some CO2 to carbonate with, unless you like completely flat Coke.
*spazzed* (Jun 22, 2001 06:30 p.m.):
William (Jun 22, 2001 04:07 p.m.):
coffee bleh, I want a coca cola dispenser!
It wouldn't be all that hard to actually build one of those. Just need some tubing, the syrup they use, a way too cool the water coming in, some power, and the dispenser itself........maybe i should build one (gettin a new case)
Phil (Jun 22, 2001 04:13 p.m.):
I saw someone who put a beer bottle opener on their case, I personelly just use my teeth
sfa ok (Jun 23, 2001 10:57 p.m.):
Does anyone know where a person can get soft drink syrup? I know some people that would pay good money for Dew syrup. ;D ;D
But seriously, help me find Dew syrup.
(An all-syrup Super Squishee? Such a thing has never been done...)
Thelemac (Jun 24, 2001 09:31 p.m.):
sfa ok (Jun 23, 2001 10:57 p.m.):
Does anyone know where a person can get soft drink syrup? I know some people that would pay good money for Dew syrup. ;D ;D
But seriously, help me find Dew syrup.
(An all-syrup Super Squishee? Such a thing has never been done...)
Pretty sure you could get that at GFS (Gordon Food Service) or maybe someplace like Sam's Club.
wildone (Jun 24, 2001 07:38 a.m.):
wait , what would we do with our temps , my pc already has an 80 watt heater in it , LOL
Phil (Jun 22, 2001 04:13 p.m.):
I personelly just use my teeth