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Anarchy Online Froob Org Opportunity!

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Been playing AO since beta in late 2000, have always played an agent as my main currently my 220 Solitus Agent Apothis2, few years back my account got hacked and i lost my original agent but i havent had much time to play as of late. On rk-1 i was in the first clan organization Opposing Force and from there moved to RK-2 due to overpopulation. Joined with an alliance and ended up in Tiger-Claw where ive been for the last 6 years as a general. Tiger-Claw has now banded together with a few other orgs in a chat relay alliance.

If you peeps need any assistance send me a tell let me know your from the OC forums and ill do my best to help out. Im kinda waiting on the graphics overhaul to come back to play full time.

But im always willing to help.

/tell Apothis2
/tell Meatgonebad


A lot of the guilds on RK2 have been hurting right now. It seems like everyone has less than 10 people active anymore and the guilds are just banded together through chats.

Our initial goal is get about 60-80 people active in this startup froob guild. As people level they may want to move into SL and ALien content. If they do we have another guild to move them into. The froob build is a stepping block to the game so to speak. We're focused on getting new players into the game and developing their skills and knowledge of the game. Its inevitable that if we're successful at this, and if people enjoy the game and the commradre that our org creates that they will want to unlock the other content. In that case we'll move them into our sister org.

Apothis sounds familiar. :)

And yeah...hopefully the new graphics engine happens. I have heard that the players will still remain all polygon'ed out though. It would be nice to be able to recreate our character models. Curently they are supposedly adapting the AoC engine to the game.

It appears I need lots of extra skill points in map navigation before I can use those. :(

If you want I can log on tonight and show you around. What level are you? I can probably give you a pretty good idea on how travel in Rubi-Ka works and some of the popular places in 10-15 minutes.
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If you want I can log on tonight and show you around. What level are you? I can probably give you a pretty good idea on how travel in Rubi-Ka works and some of the popular places in 10-15 minutes.

Hit level 12 last night messing around in Wartorn Valley. Moved into some area with lots of player-owned (I think) buildings with high level (relative to me) monsters around the edges. It shows things in console like "You have entered a city owned by The Backyard Consortium" and a couple other names. A building on the corner has a rotating banner "CITY GRID" and tells me "You need Alien Invasion to use this". It's northwest of Athens and Wartorn Valley. I can probably find my way back to Athens area if necessary :) I'll be in the game around 5PM CST after I get out of class.
Hit level 12 last night messing around in Wartorn Valley. Moved into some area with lots of player-owned (I think) buildings with high level (relative to me) monsters around the edges. It shows things in console like "You have entered a city owned by The Backyard Consortium" and a couple other names. A building on the corner has a rotating banner "CITY GRID" and tells me "You need Alien Invasion to use this". It's northwest of Athens and Wartorn Valley. I can probably find my way back to Athens area if necessary :) I'll be in the game around 5PM CST after I get out of class.

Ok man. I can't be online until 5:30MST but can pick you up from where ever you are.

Subway is definitely the place to be for ya but I can also show you how to "roll a mission".

The place you refered to was a player owned city. People can build cities in the game as well as towers. Towers buff your players abilities while cities allow you to sell things and do alien raids. Basically Aliens attack your city and your organization has to repel the attack.
Now is there a graphics overhaul being done on AO? Iv heard that their redoing their engine and it should be out one day soon.. Maybe that will bring people back?
Now is there a graphics overhaul being done on AO? Iv heard that their redoing their engine and it should be out one day soon.. Maybe that will bring people back?

Somebody who might know somebody who might know when might've told me Q3/Q4 2010.
Yes, its coming soon according to the Game Director Means they are coming along quite nicely reworking the textures, a little hiccup along the way though, they had all this done already using the Ogre engine and had to throw out the whole project and restart with Dreamengine. I know about 300 people on my firends list that are just waiting for the new engine to drop before returning to AO. I met another new player last night, his name is Calmtech and hes a level 9 engineer, i showed him around a bit and made a small donation of knowledge and credits to help him out. I will probably be online on my baby enforcer "Roflstompskn" tonight leveling with him in the subway and showing hi around OA if anyone is interested in joining up as well, i will play my enforcer as a fr00b for a bit to show some of the better XP spots 1-60. And of course if any of you guys need credits i can start you off with 1mil for items and implants and stuff.
Be warned, next to Eve online, AO has as much or more of a learning curve.