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Best Video Card for under $150

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Froggy (Jul 13, 2001 12:57 p.m.):
Yea the Radeons will work like that AFTER you screw with the registry and a bunch of other lame set-ups for each and every game to optimize the damn thing. If ya wanna save some cash and like to Tweak till ya hurt then go for the ATI. If ya wanna plug in add a 1 registry tweak to OC and run with it get the Nvidia. I had a ATI Radeon 64DDR and I personally don't see the visual difference. Besides you are trying to "sell" something based on an objective opinion.

Subjective or not, I have just as much right to my opinion as anyone else. Wouldn't you say that your opinion is subjective also? RadeonTweaker makes overclocking as simple as an Nvidia, if not easier. ONE registry tweak to enable HyperZ and a simple sliding bar to overclock (with the option to enable settings at Windows boot) is all that is necessary to bring this card to top preformance. I too feel that Nvidia makes great cards, but I think ATI makes better.
For me it was a matter of performance versus cost. I had a GeForce 2 32mb originally and sold it for a Radeon LE. With just a small amount of tweaking, via Radeon Tweaker, it performs as well as the GeForce 2. So I wound up saving $70 with no trade off in quality, IMHO.
ok, well to step in on the debate. I have the Radeon 64. I like it, but I do wish I had a Geforce2 64mb. They just work better, and even a tweaking freak like me, I just don't want to spend my time tweaking everything to get a game to run. I also like that Nvidia is constantly updating drivers, since I got my radeon, ATI has done 1 update. The only reason I got the Radeon was the DVD decoding, which is nothing short of spectacular. I think I would go with the Geforce 64 Pro if I was you.
I don't have my Radeon 64 DDR w\ vivo tweaked at all. And all my games run fine and very fast. Well they do since I got this T-Bird 1.2 gig.
lol did you have alot of lock up's with the card too? I have this card too still and I'm trying to get another video card soon!

dozier768 (Jun 25, 2001 04:17 a.m.):
i just upgraded froma a savage4 to a gforce2 mx 32 for under 100 bucks and its serriously like ten times better i can imagine what a gf2ultra 64 would be like. a hell of a leap from a crappy old voodoo
Thats chart is right about my s3 Savage4 if you can't find it it's the last one I was shocked to see the score i got in 3d mark 2001 around 625 lol time of a upgrade!!!

Superman53142 (Jul 13, 2001 10:10 a.m.):
Forgot the chart:
supraway . I would like to know the exact test setup. Im not interested in the GeForce/Radeon debate at all but Im pretty sure you didnt test the Radeon at default settings due to the fact that it cant perform all the tests and that would significantly drop the score. A graph with numbers doesnt mean crap if you dont give the test setup. Infact the default ATI Radeon DDR score looks to be 3008 ... which is well below the average GeForce 2 Gts/pro.

Further more showing that your overclocked and tweeked LE can outperform a stock GeForce 2 says nothing. Comparing a tweeked and oced LE to a tweeked and oced GeForce would be the proper comparison, or comparing 2 stock cards.

Would you care to compare you radeon to my quadro hacked geforce 1 using specview perf ? Your card wouldnt even come close. Im not trying to say that my card is better than yours but what I am getting at is try comparing apples to apples.