Hi, this is my first post and I'm pretty well a new member, jsut been reading a bunch on clocking and my processor seems to take a bit...
I have a A64 3000+venice and my MOBO is a k8t800pro v1.6
just trying to see what I can clock to and what I can do to lower my temps but keep the same speed...
LTD is at x3(600mhz)
RAM-133 166.9 cpu/8-171.6 cpu/14(I forget the voltage)
CPU- 267x9 (2.4gigs)
memory timings
my temp under 20 minutes of 100% load went to 57C
(just for ****s and giggles I have a antec sonata II)
cosair value ram(1gig) pc3200(max bandwidth200mhz)
I was running ram at 166 with the same timings when I was at 2.3ghz @ 1.2Vcore but I did not check my temps, but my ram was 215mhz(cpu/6 and 217mhz cpu/11)
I don't know all that much about overclocking yet and all the help would be greatly appreciated thanks guys
EDIT: Can a low voltage provide higher temps...or is it strickly, high voltage = higher temps.
3 days at this setting and I haven't had a crash yet, so to me, thats is stable...
I have a A64 3000+venice and my MOBO is a k8t800pro v1.6
just trying to see what I can clock to and what I can do to lower my temps but keep the same speed...
LTD is at x3(600mhz)
RAM-133 166.9 cpu/8-171.6 cpu/14(I forget the voltage)
CPU- 267x9 (2.4gigs)
memory timings
my temp under 20 minutes of 100% load went to 57C
(just for ****s and giggles I have a antec sonata II)
cosair value ram(1gig) pc3200(max bandwidth200mhz)
I was running ram at 166 with the same timings when I was at 2.3ghz @ 1.2Vcore but I did not check my temps, but my ram was 215mhz(cpu/6 and 217mhz cpu/11)
I don't know all that much about overclocking yet and all the help would be greatly appreciated thanks guys
EDIT: Can a low voltage provide higher temps...or is it strickly, high voltage = higher temps.
3 days at this setting and I haven't had a crash yet, so to me, thats is stable...
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