Well, now that my DD2 is on the way, I am now thinking about converting my old block into a "chiller". However, I need to get some more info, here's what I had in mind:
Coolant flow from output of pump to chiller, and there would be a valve on 1 of the 2 T barbs. X percent of coolant would flow through the somewhat open valve, and the rest would just continue as normal. The cold coolant would then exit the chiller, and mix with the coolant that didn't get into the block, and it would have a "balancing effect" on the tempature of the coolant. Then after the exit of the chiller, it hits the DDMaze2 block, then to a heater core radaitor, then to the pump again. Note tha I don't want to go below room temp, right now, I'm running at 118F after playing a 3D game for a while, what I want to do is use the chiller, and X percent of coolant flow, to reduce that temp back down to ~80F or so. How powerful of a TEC would I need to get? I was thinking about a 50 or 60 Watt...what do you guys think?
Coolant flow from output of pump to chiller, and there would be a valve on 1 of the 2 T barbs. X percent of coolant would flow through the somewhat open valve, and the rest would just continue as normal. The cold coolant would then exit the chiller, and mix with the coolant that didn't get into the block, and it would have a "balancing effect" on the tempature of the coolant. Then after the exit of the chiller, it hits the DDMaze2 block, then to a heater core radaitor, then to the pump again. Note tha I don't want to go below room temp, right now, I'm running at 118F after playing a 3D game for a while, what I want to do is use the chiller, and X percent of coolant flow, to reduce that temp back down to ~80F or so. How powerful of a TEC would I need to get? I was thinking about a 50 or 60 Watt...what do you guys think?