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I'm BACK...with a 3.0c SL6WU

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Jun 1, 2002
I'm more or less just saying hi...
please don't ask for benchmark results as it's all been done before.

I got this sl6wu from zipzoomfly...it's retail boxed.
batch: L349B504

I gave her 1.575vcore (1.525 was defalt) and tryed to see what the highest I can go tonight. (this is NOT max OC)
(btw running prime the vcore drops to 1.568)

seems she likes 250fsb at 5:4 ratio (3.759ghz), after that she don't like prime...yet this should go higher with 3:2 ratio.

running prime again now for a few hrs...

you can flame me all you want, but my old 2.4b at 3.4ghz and 1:1 ratio was basicly just as good as this.
a few benchmarks for testing, and at least I'm not unhappy...
yet maybe with some sticks that will do 1:1 it could be a great setup.

let me be clear...
this set up is faster then the 2.4b, just not big time faster.
then again, my windows is at least one year old, and I did not benchmark too many games and such. just ran a few tests.

I just wanted to let the old boys know what I did today.
(and say hello :attn: )


edit: and I still don't have my tiger1 on the NB yet, I forgot to put it on...LOL
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Very Nice!

I think I'm going to try for an even 3600MHz ( 15 x 240MHz) and see if I can get the timings on my PC4200 RAM from 3-4-4-8 down to 2-3-3-7 or something close to that...
Re: Very Nice!

jonmills said:
I think I'm going to try for an even 3600MHz ( 15 x 240MHz) and see if I can get the timings on my PC4200 RAM from 3-4-4-8 down to 2-3-3-7 or something close to that...


you might be able to go 2.5,3,3,7 at best...but you might need a volt mod.
what name brand sticks do you have???

Maxvla said:
bout time you kicked that 2.4b to the curb ;)

LOL....yeah, it was time I tryed something new.

primed overnight, so I'm happy that she's stable. (12hrs)

micamica1217 said:

LOL....yeah, it was time I tryed something new.

primed overnight, so I'm happy that she's stable. (12hrs)


Your sl6wu is doing better than mine bro. And, like you I was expecting a little more:-/ My chip can only do 240fsb 1:1 but it fails after a few minuites on 250fsb 5:4. I have a sl6wk on the way, which has the same batch & pack date as fusion's 4gig'er...hopfully...redemption is on the horizon?:) Anyways bro, 3.75 aint nothing to sneeze at. At least it'll do you until the LGA has matured.
WOOHOO !!! Mica's got a new chip :D :D :D .
Congrat's bro , things are looking quite nice thus far on your OC :clap: . Iam jealous now that your getting close to 4ghz :p with probably more to squeeze out of that chip .
Again , big congrats dude , and I look forward to seeing even more speed from ya and your new chip . ;)
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thanks all....

mica's done for the night....
a long day, and then setting up a BF:V clan at [OCG] with the first night of fraging, nocked me out.

I didn't even have time to eat untill now....my lady kick me off the computer and forced me to eat.
so it's time to show her some love and hit the hay.

I'm going to try to push her past 250fsb in the morning...
wish me luck.

Goodluck with the chip Mica! From what i've been reading these D1 stepping CPUs will get you to 250fsb fairly easily.

I just got the same batch as you yesterday, but a SL6WK w/ 30 caps, I'm hoping for at least 3.8Ghz
right now I'm having a little problem hitting 255fsb....it's like I'm hitting a wall.
1.6vcore=no go in prime95 after 5mins
1.625v=no go after 10mins

254fsb seems ok for now in prime, at 1.625vcore
I'm not even sure if I need 1.625vcore, but I'll test it here first.
254fsb gives me 3.813ghz so it looks nice all things considered.

now I've also seen peeps with vcores as high as 1.7v to reach the max OC...on air.:eek:
isn't this too much for the new 800 bus cpus?

I wouldn't even think nothing of it, to pump 1.7v into my old 2.4b...
yet I'm not too sure about what most of you think on this.

should I try higher then 1.65vcore?
how safe do you feel this is?

I'm on water, and my temps are not bad...
but this chip has to last me at least a year, so I need a stable and safe setup.

your thoughts?

yeah give it more juice!

Right off the bat i put my vCore to 1.700v in BIOS on my SL6WK and tried for the magic 4GHz....no post! Damn :mad:

My chip seems to be a dud! 250fsb is not even stable at 1.700v or 1.725v.

Well, that's overclocking! I'm going to try 1 more 3.0C and that's it.

Waiting for the newer SL78Z stepping...
Maxvla said:
give it more juice. my 3.9ghz chip likes it at 1.675.

254fpb seems a no go at 1.625v...remember that I'm also testing with HT turned on.

I'll test again later when I get home from bowling...
thanks maxvla, I just needed another person to back up my thoughts.

1.675v may be the max voltage I'm willing to try...
and I realy need to get the tiger1 on the north bridge so as to disregard heat as a problem.

system temps are 32c
and pwm is 46c
(when running prime)

(I wish batboy was here to have his views as well...I'm thinking it's NB heat too, gota slap that cooler on it)

update, 254fsb at 1.650vcore seems stable sofar...
I'll let you boys know whats up in the morning.

Congrats... what are you seeing as the % difference over your 2.4B? The 2.53b I have at 180FSB and the 2.4c@295 only runs about 15% better with real world games or programs w/same graphics card.
Hey Mica , I'll throw in my .02 here . From my experiance your NB temp (46C) seems a little high compared to my original IC7 . My first IC7 ( which has been recently rma'd due to nb clips popping off) did not like any temps higher than 42C-44C . Beyond that I would get stability problems . Installing a Tiger1 later on helped cure my problem (and I know your using a Tiger1 also ;) ) .
My newer replacement IC7 (about 6 weeks old) seems to show alittle higher temps all across the board than my first board . Iam still using the newer factory Abit nb sink (no Tiger1 installed yet ) so its hard for me to add any other real help here with my newer IC7 other than the nb temps seem to reflect about the same findings ; 42C-44C is about the limit for stability on this board also .

;) :D
lbbo2002 said:
Congrats... what are you seeing as the % difference over your 2.4B? The 2.53b I have at 180FSB and the 2.4c@295 only runs about 15% better with real world games or programs w/same graphics card.

I have not realy benchmarked that much, so I can't realy say.

I may have to reinstall Q3A as this was one of my biggest tests used to realy see % increases.

I did do a farcry test, and BF:V test....to be honest, I'm not realy jumping up and down with joy yet.
both games are vid card and system mem limited in some way.
and the % is small for both games.

I also may be vid card limited at this point...not such a bad thing as I want to get one of the newer cards from nVidia or ATI.

pcmark03 looks great...more then a 10% increase, easy. maybe 15%
3dmark01/03 seems ok, yet patchs and updated drivers seem to give me a score that I can't compare well.

folding and priming right now, with photochop adding layers and stuff with ease.
and I'm here, looking at the forums...oh, yeah,muti tasking with ease.

but to be honest, I would say that 5%-10% performance increase is what I got right now.
my 2.4b at 3.4ghz was killer, and could match a 2.4c at 3.4ghz easy. maybe only 5% slower then the 2.4c

just my thoughts.


pwm temps are mosfet temps I think...not NB
system temps are NB

system is 32c

am I wrong?


edit: YGPM