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just got into gaming a little....

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Aug 2, 2004
Hey, i just got a new rig in my sig and its about a month old now...i just found out that i liked games a little bit...im almost done with doom 3 now and i want to get a new game soon....any suggestions...i like fps's...rpg's arent bad but i like fps's a lot better...i was looking at farcry...ut2k4....halo...i want to get half life 2 when it comes out....any suggestions....
hl mods are still awesome

but i'd get ut2k4, good game, and good mods ( red orchestra :D )
ic....all different opinions....ive heard a lot of good stuff about ut2k4 and multiplayer...and i was pretty interested in that...i used to have half life and i accidentally broke the cd and my computer that i had it on fried so no luck with original hl....but i played dpb (digital paintball) and that was a lot of fun....any other suggestions..im leaning towards all three but cant decide...
Here's a laundry list of great FPS games... you won't go wrong w/ any of these:

Far Cry
BF 1942 (especially w/ the Desert Combat mod)
BF Vietnam (Point of Existence mod is pretty cool)
Call of Duty

I purposely left off some of the older games, like HL and Quake 2/3, etc. As a relatively new gamer, those games just aren't as accessable. Personally, I find it hard to get into older games like that (since I never played them the first time around). The dated technology just doesn't do it for me. ;)
Farcry is great single player but the multiplayer sucks, BF1942 is great multi but single player is just bots and no storyline and it has some great mods(desert combat) Counterstrike is also a great multiplayer game. Diablo2 is a nice RPG but kinda old.
You'd pro'lly be best getting UT2k4 for your money. It's a fantastic game, and there's lots of little different mods for it that make it rediculously fun, like Onslaught.

Farcry is also excellent. I would suggest picking it up.
alright ill prolly get ut2k4 right now...and really look into BFV and BF 1942
I hated BFV, I don't recommend it.
Far Cry
Halo (maybe not I hear it's just ok)
Doom 3 (if you can deal with it's bad AI)
Warcraft III frozen throne
Rise of Nations
Sims 2
Blazin Trav said:
I hated BFV, I don't recommend it.
Far Cry
Halo (maybe not I hear it's just ok)
Doom 3 (if you can deal with it's bad AI)
Warcraft III frozen throne
Rise of Nations
Sims 2

yea i have doom 3.....what wrong with BFV?
BF1942 is fun and thats a game you can play for a long time i played it for like a year online. BFV or Desert combat Helicopters take alot of time and patience
Yeah I loved 1942. I'm hooked on warcraft III currently. If you like strategy games C&C Generals is fun too.
Good list...

YellowDart said:
Here's a laundry list of great FPS games... you won't go wrong w/ any of these:

Far Cry
BF 1942 (especially w/ the Desert Combat mod)
BF Vietnam (Point of Existence mod is pretty cool)
Call of Duty

I purposely left off some of the older games, like HL and Quake 2/3, etc. As a relatively new gamer, those games just aren't as accessable. Personally, I find it hard to get into older games like that (since I never played them the first time around). The dated technology just doesn't do it for me. ;)

Yeah, I'd say that BF1942 and the Desert Combat mod for it are excellent, and you should find that fun, pretty much MP only though. Or go with UT04 or CoD.

The other thing about playing old games, is that if you say start playing Quake 2 as a noob now, you will get schooled, because most of the people still playing Quake 2 are awesome, and refuse to reliquish the game they are godlike on.
YellowDart said:
Here's a laundry list of great FPS games... you won't go wrong w/ any of these:

Far Cry
BF 1942 (especially w/ the Desert Combat mod)
BF Vietnam (Point of Existence mod is pretty cool)
Call of Duty

"ditto" what he said ;)