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Just got my 1700 Tbred B..

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Mar 19, 2003
Just got my cpu.. so far at 11.5 x 175 (2012). Vcore - 1.65

This look like Im going good so far? I think Im going to put the multi at 12, then just keep stepping up the fsb till she studders.. then back off a little, and run prime or something..

Where do I get prime anyway?
12 x 180 now, same voltage. :D

Im nervous.. this is uncharted territory for me!
Yeah, I thought I already looked for it, and couldnt find it. Must have been somethin else. :)

Well, I right now here is where Im at:

12.5 x 185 (2312)
VCore - 1.7
Idle - 31
Load - 36

Im not sure if this is a good way to test the temps under load, but.. I put a cd in the cd drive, let it play... then I start Counter Strike, and play that for about 10-15 minutes, come out, and look at the temp. Is that a bad way to do it? Or is there a special way to put the comp under full load? :)
Prime or any other high-stress utility will be much better to monitor temps than the method you just described ;).
but.. thats probably the most stress I will put it under, so it shouldnt be too big of a deal, right?

I think Im stuck at 190fsb (12.5 multi).. if I go any higher, it wont post. VCore is now at 1.8.. Idle temp is at 33 now. I spose its time to get Prime started.
Definatley run prime to see if it is even stable, but you want to know your FULL load temps, not just your "gaming" temps.
lol, yeah yeah.. allright. :)

Should I mess with the vdimm at all? I thought I heard someone mention somewhere about raising it?
Ok.. Right now Im at:

12.5 x 190
Vcore 1.8

If I raise the fsb to 195, the comp wont post. I get some bios checksum error or somethin... Do I dare up the Vcore to 1.825 or 1.85 and try it then?

My idle temp is around 33 now.
That's weird... the A7V8X has a KT400, right? My MSI board posts at a 200 FSB even with my PC2700, except that HD corruption occurs right after booting into Windows.

With the KT400, though, you really shouldn't be going into high FSBs; you might want to stick to a PCI bus of 38 or lower. (which translates to an FSB of 190 or lower) Otherwise you'll have some major problems, especially if you value the data on your hard drive.
Hmm, I started to run Prime95, and about 10 minutes into it, my computer decided to restart. So, I lowered the fsb from 190 down to 185, and started it again. Then BAM, the same thing happened. Im assuming this means its not stable? Should I lower the fsb till it is stable, or should I lower my multi? (currently 12.5 w/1.8vcore)

Now, my temp is like 42 idle! eek!
That means its not stable, up the vcore to 1.85...but don't go higher...and lower the fsb a little more and try again
this realy ****es me off to see the numbers some of you guys are getting out of a 1700 to top it off they cost almost nothing 8 months ago I paid 240 for my xp2200 that I cant get past 2000 and you guys are hitting way past that with 1700 thats wrong man way wrong I wish I would have know about this months ago befor I got suckered into this soon to be key chain cpu. well looks like 1700 for me unless there is something better than the 1700 what bout the 1900 and 2000 and 2100 whats up with them.
Don't keychain that 2200 but sell it cheap here in the classifieds so a folder or ET seacher can use it in his PC farm.
Well, if anyone is still left looking at this thread, here is where I am.

12 x 180 @ 1.75 Vcore = 2.16 GHZ

I ran Prime95 while I was sleeping (10.5 hours), and had no errors. I am assuming I should be good. My temps are:

35 Idle - 41 Load

I would really like to get another 100-200mhz out of this chip, but if I raise the fsb, and run Prime95, the computer restarts. Do you think my motherboard is holding the stable overclock back a little bit? Are there any other settings/timings that I should adjust (like VDIMM; RAM settings) to help me possibly?

Thanks. :)
Search the forum for mem timing setup treads. Also browse the memory forum section as they really know their stuff.
12x195 with 1.85 volts see what happens if not 194 , 193, 192, etc
Ok, I just upped my voltage to 1.8, and the fsb to 190. When I tried to boot with 1.85 vcorce, it said "CPU Voltage out of range", and wouldnt boot up. grrr! Im going to try this on Prime95 and see what happens I spose.