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Linux Distro?

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Senior Member
May 20, 2001
Anyone got an oppinions on the best linux distribution to function as a server without a gui, yet has easy to use command line config utils. I have not used another distro other than debian in a while and that has crap for config utils. I don't have a problem doing things manually, but it's not for me. I know Mandrake has good GUI utils, but there will be no gui. I was thinking Red Hat because it used to have a lot of nice text utils, I don't know anything about the newer releases.
from what friends told me when i wanted a command line linux distro. BSD they all said. so i guess try it and tell me what you think. of course i went the lame way and just downloaded mandrake so oh well.
I'm not going to BSD, and that clark isn't what I'm looking for. The only thing it's going to do is run Majordomo, a list server. I want the menus to make it easier for someone else to change it's IP and such if needed.

I don't like the BSD kernel, I think it's horrible.
RedHat I know had thier nice linuxconf...but I think that they're trying go with something new. I'm positive that v7 had linuxconf. I think 7.2 was starting to migrate, and I'm pretty sure 8 is all new. Don't know jack about the new stuff, though.
SuSE is good. It has YaST 1 and 2. Almost everything I have done in the way of config has been done using either YaST 1 or 2 or SaX1 or 2.

It supports USB and Journalling File systems. Great for a server.
I used to do the same thing, command line only servers, but anymore when I set up a linux server I install with KDE. Just can't beat that gui for ease on configuration. Once it's all set up then I just run from the command line for server use.

As for the distro I got kind of turned off on Mandrake by 7.2 8 isn't bad but I have been using SuSE for a while now firt 7.1 and now 7.2 and it has been working like a champ for me. I am really happy with it, just seems to have the right versions of all the libraries for the apps I want to run, Mandrake doesn't to many dependancy errors.