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Multiple partitions causing sound changes

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Sep 5, 2006
Geneva, Switzerland
Well, I've noticed something, and ended up convincing myself that it was not only normal but logical... I lived with it, but the question just poped up back again, so I'll need your fresh import here. So here's the story...

I'm runing two SATA HDDs in RAID0 mode, and the last few installs I did, I decided to make 2 partitions on it. And what I noticed was quite strange: the sound of my disks CHANGED... With a unique partition on the raid setup, the disks under load were making noise indeed, but I would describe it like a "smooth" noise. And now with 2 partitions, the sound went from smooth to a like choppy style "krrrkrrrkrrr" thing...
So, as I said before, I kind of convinced myself that the phenomenon was logical. But I'll keep my toughts to myself for the moment so that I don't polute yours. I'd like to know if you have already noticed this happening (which imo is not limited to raid or even sata setups), and if so how would you explain it?

Also, I'm sorry if this was already discussed, but I kinda felt stupid to do a search with "disk partition sound krrrkrrrkrrr"...:rolleyes:

I would think the more choppier the drive sounds, the more "seeking" it's doing searching for files and/or fragmented files. Smoother sound means it's finding the files it needs continously located on the disk. You can notice this with the HDTach benchmark. Have any programs on one partition accessing data on another? or defragged your drive lately? And does Windows defragger puts all files for a program in sequential order? (Probbably not)