Built a very small form factor PC out of some parts I bought largely here 4 years ago. Refuses to turn on now - bought a new PSU (Seasonic), swapped it in, no joy. So I bought a PSU tester adapter (I just needed one anyways) and a motherboard power switch extension and the PSU turns on with the tester, the motherboard doesn't respond. It's an EVGA H370 Stinger.
I need a replacement to fit, budget is low, like around $100-150. I'm just not willing to spend much on this, it's just a work desktop PC, so it's literally used just for surfing and work stuff (web based), maybe playing music at the same time. lol.
i3 8100
Tiny little Zotac 750Ti card
Corsair 2x8GB RAM
Fractal Designs Core 500 mini ITX case
I've always had a problem with this setup with a little bit of... 'stutter' at times. Worse when having lots of tabs open (like 5, 6 or more). It's been a bit annoying at times, I've tried to troubleshoot it, have tried wiping Windows and reinstalling, etc. Increased RAM, no luck, added the video card, no luck. I'm running dual 1080p monitors on the desktop. I don't know why it does this, and it's a minor annoyance, but it reminded me of problems I had that led to the return of multiple Windows Surface tablets, too - that is the only place I've experienced this.
But I thought maybe trying something with a Z370 or Z390 chipset might be something that could avoid this in the future? I dunno, since I don't know what causes it, I really can't say there's a lot of chance of this, but... I figured it might be worth a try for the new iteration of this machine.
Anybody got any suggestions on a good, solid little board for this - don't need any high performance, obviously, an i3-8100 OUGHT to be enough to run 20 open browser tabs without bogging things down... I would think/hope.
I need a replacement to fit, budget is low, like around $100-150. I'm just not willing to spend much on this, it's just a work desktop PC, so it's literally used just for surfing and work stuff (web based), maybe playing music at the same time. lol.
i3 8100
Tiny little Zotac 750Ti card
Corsair 2x8GB RAM
Fractal Designs Core 500 mini ITX case
I've always had a problem with this setup with a little bit of... 'stutter' at times. Worse when having lots of tabs open (like 5, 6 or more). It's been a bit annoying at times, I've tried to troubleshoot it, have tried wiping Windows and reinstalling, etc. Increased RAM, no luck, added the video card, no luck. I'm running dual 1080p monitors on the desktop. I don't know why it does this, and it's a minor annoyance, but it reminded me of problems I had that led to the return of multiple Windows Surface tablets, too - that is the only place I've experienced this.
But I thought maybe trying something with a Z370 or Z390 chipset might be something that could avoid this in the future? I dunno, since I don't know what causes it, I really can't say there's a lot of chance of this, but... I figured it might be worth a try for the new iteration of this machine.
Anybody got any suggestions on a good, solid little board for this - don't need any high performance, obviously, an i3-8100 OUGHT to be enough to run 20 open browser tabs without bogging things down... I would think/hope.