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Phenom II 940 BE Voltage Question.

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Yeah, that's what i meant. I spend a quarter of my computer time on a socket 462 sempron running FAH. I notice the ancient pata drive speed more then the cpu itself.
not the best watercooler set ups but enough for what you are running 1.51v is just fine AMD actually specs the chips all the way up to 1.55v in the white papers of it

I am more impressed by the fact his water cooling costs only about $100 USD and offers a pretty decent performance compare to my air cooling. It only costs around 2x of the air cooling setup.

More a side line question, what is the best water cooling setup for under $120 USD?
Nice, I will budget that water kit for my next upgrade. Summer is coming around and time to mess around with my system again? Plus all the heat is bond to be super stressful for an overclock system.

just keep the load temps under ~65C and you will be just fine
ok,well i have one more question..i dont know where im going wrong with it but it did this on my last chip,when i try to get the board to do 275 fsb,it shows it in the bios and try to boot at it once but i had wierd 'artifacts' like different coloured dots on the screen,i can only have 7-7-7-20-27 at 1066 speed any lower doesnt let me have those ,only 7-6-6-18-26 at the latest..
273 seems fine,but it did this with the 9500 i had, now with this new phenom ii black edition 940 it does the same,im sure its a board problem..any ideas?
Do you have your GPU OC'ed as well? If so you're out of my territory a little. I OC'ed the IGP a little to go with the PCIe OC on one 790GX board and that helped but once you're out of BIOS OC'ing I'm lost. I've never had much of an interest in OC'ing video past helping CPU stability ...
I don't use onboard video and also dont overclock my gpu.. i'm using a hd4870 gddr5 1gb .. it somehow seems something to do with the cpu nb and ht link,although i think you're probably right about video card oc'ing to gain stability,it's not that its unstable it just doesn't post although it'll go into the bios and say that the cpu is @ 275x11 [the cpu is 3ghz stock anyway] ..

i'll go and try that now.
if it helps anything i don't have any fsb termination voltage or as put in dual core center as mch voltage..
could that be causing my board not to boot any higher than 273 fsb?

i mean,it will finally post after a few resets but still doesn't fix my issue.
Boards have different limits on their clock speeds, no telling where yours would end up. If there's no NB chipset voltage adjustment then there isn't much you can do about it.

IDK what the issue is with your video - it's not my forte. You might post in the video section, see what they have to say about it ... :shrug:
ok well when i can get to my pc i'll try that..
it's currently at 1.35 volts though so im not too sure,i tryed dualcorecenter ,locked up at 250 fsb i think,after lowering vtt fsb voltage from 1.450 to 1.300 .. i mean surely 1.300 is enough for past 273 fsb,on my brothers pc it is although that's all different hardware..
Hardware makes a BIG difference - you never know exactly what voltages the board is feeding your components. If yours is 4+1 then I'd be leary about any voltages. None of the 4+1 boards is that great, IMO - I've got two of them ... :-/
you think it's a bios cap possibly?
i saw one guy with the same chip as mine but with a platinum version of my motherboard ,he was at 350x10 ... very strange,i dont think its even worth trying the platinum bios in my motherboard,the last bios update made me nervous.
I think it's just a matter of components since all the 4+1 boards seem a little under-performing to me. Either the MOSFETs themselves or the regulators seem a little short in ability to OC. IDK - maybe it's just my own bad experiences showing through. :shrug:

The thing is, one can't really expect top-end performance from a mid-range board. OC'ers have always had to contend with this one way or another. You get what you pay for ...
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