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Problem with Overclock EVGA 680i Sli A1 + QX6700- HELP GUYS

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New Member
Sep 16, 2009
Hi guys.

I am currently trying to overclock my brother's system and of course encountering all sorts of trouble.

My brother's system:

Case: NZXT Tempest
PSU: Ultra X3 1000w
MB: EVGA 680i SLI 122-CK-NF68-RX
Bios: P33
CPU: QX6700 Quad Core 2.66Ghz
CPU Cooler: Thermalright Inferno IFX-14 with 2x1900rpm Scythe slip stream fans SFF21G
RAM: Corsair XMS2 4x1024 DHX C5 PC-6400 DDR2
HD: Samsung Spinpoint 500GB HD502IJ
Optical: Samsung DVD RW

From what I have come across on the net, this is a very troublesome Mobo for overclocking purposes.

Nevertheless we will not accept defeat until death knocks on the door!

I have tried a number of different setting on the BIOS. Initially just changed the multiplier from 10x to 11x and was running no problem at 2.93 Ghz with all the voltages set to auto.

The trouble began when I tried 12x multiplier. It just wouldn't even load from the BIOS but that's probably because the voltage settings were on Auto.

We then read a lot of different threads looking for some ideas from people with similar rigs.

Of course all previous attempts prior to this wouldn't load at all or just freeze completely in the Microsoft Corporation bit whilst loading.

Came across some settings from the net and used it as a base to try and get somewhere with the System.

Currently the settings below are what I'm using in the Motherboard:

http://i486.photobucket.com/albums/rr225/rudeshark/NZ BIOS/17092009_005.jpg

http://i486.photobucket.com/albums/rr225/rudeshark/NZ BIOS/17092009_004.jpg

http://i486.photobucket.com/albums/rr225/rudeshark/NZ BIOS/17092009_003.jpg

http://i486.photobucket.com/albums/rr225/rudeshark/NZ BIOS/17092009_002.jpg

http://i486.photobucket.com/albums/rr225/rudeshark/NZ BIOS/17092009_001.jpg

http://i486.photobucket.com/albums/rr225/rudeshark/NZ BIOS/17092009.jpg

When I try and load with the above settings there is a short 1 minute freeze in the Microsoft Corporation bit and goes to the Log on screen.

After logging on it loads all the start up programs and I even start Everest to check temperatures (45 degrees Celsius on CPU Idle, etc.) and then it freezes completely requiring a reset on the case to reboot.

I assume the above is because the settings aren't correct yet to get closer to stable.

I would greatly appreciate any help trying to move further from where I currently am.

Many Many Thanks Guys!
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If I was to take a guess, your memory setting is set a little too agressively. You have the RAM running 4-4-4-12 @466MHz with 4 sticks. Doing a quick search on google showed that your RAM is rated 5-5-5-18 @400MHz. In addition, it takes a little bit more to overclock when using 4 memory sticks. Try unlinking the memory/fsb as well. That will allow you to independantly set fsb and memory frequency. The one early revision 680 board that I have, is capable of ~440fsb speeds, so I think you might still have some headroom there.
are u just changing the multiplier????

On my 780i theres FSB and Clock settings I believe......thats where you want to be. You might be in the CPU CONFIGURATION tab instead.

changing your FSB will give you the higher clock speed. You can change the multiplier but thats not really what you should be doing for your purposes.l

http://i486.photobucket.com/albums/rr225/rudeshark/NZ BIOS/17092009_001.jpg

I would reset all your settings to default, then on that screen from the picture above, change the FSB (QDR) Mhz value. I would try upping it 50 from stock, then move in incriments of 25 from there until it crashes. Then back it off slowly until you find a happy medium.

Hope this helps

Sorry about the late reply guys.

For some reason I wasn't notified by email that messages had been posted on this thread.

I appreciate your help greatly.

Let me make some changes from your advice and get back to you.

yeah the multiplier is only part of it

if your multiplier is 8x and your FSB mhz is 1600, 1600/4 x 8 = 3200mhz or 3.2ghz

your current setup in the pictures shows 10x multiplier and 1400 fsb
so thats 1400/4 x 10 = 3500 or 3.5 ghz

im pretty sure your problem is trying to run 3.5 ghz on on a 2.66 chip. You've overclocked too much without changing any other factors. (voltage/memory etc)

so my recommendation, is lower the multiplier to 8x and use a fsb between 1400 (2.8ghz) and 1600 (3.2ghz) Your computer should be stable and overclocked within that range.

If you want to use 10x multiplier, set the FSB Freq to 1100 - 1200. I would recommend using the 8x multiplier tho. feel free to pm me, our rigs our pretty similar

I think a mod should move this thread to a different catergory~
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Guys, believe me I have tried all sorts of different settings, different overclocks, different memory timings, different voltages at least 60 times.

The outcome is always the same, freezes 2 minutes after getting in vista desktop.

Could the problem be the worst OS ever Vista64?

And Many Thanks for your assistance in this Jimingle10
did u reset the bios to Default like I said? i would do that and just play with FSB.

you might also try disabling speed step if its enabled
Yes, the bios was reset to default and the speed step has been disabled.
so what have you done since resetting bios and disabling speed step? does it run fine at stock settings? Have you tried increasing the FSB?
Heres a quick checklist, to help us help you I guess.

Is this a clean install of vista 64bit on this machine?

Are these parts new or tested working?
---I believe you have 4 ram sticks, try booting the machine with just 1 stick on default settings. You may have a bad memory stick? I would repeat this step on each module, you may find a bad one!

has this machine run correctly prior to overclocking?

Another thing you may consider....if the system freezes on all default/stock settings....maybe its OS related like you said. Try running the windows recovery/repair (forget the term they use) from the dvd you used to install windows. You may have a corrupt file? I cant see any reason why it would freeze like that on stock settings

Maybe try burning a ubuntu LIVE cd and see if you can load into linux? Then its almost certainly OS related if linux runs fine from that cd
Hi guys,
Just a quick update following my conversation with Jimingle10:

I've been able to get to a stable 3.190 OC, FSB 1160 Unlinked, timingss either 5-5-5-18 or 4-4-4-13 - both appeared stable.

I've not run any of the benchmarks that I've read about yet to trully test this setting however I want to spend a little more time to try and get the OC a little higher.

There is a long list of settings that I've tried that didn't work on this system, I'll post this later so that you have a better picture of where I am.

Thanks for all the help so far.
Hi, I've taken it to 3.5 by increasing the multiplier to 12x and upping the Voltage a little. The timings used are 4-4-4-13.
I've played Crysis and COD4 and it's not crashed or BSOD...yet...
the 680i is a pig to overclock... i used to have your same cpu and mobo... any higher than 3.4GHz and it just wasnt stable... thankfully the mobo died....
Hi guys, I've now replaced the EVGA 680i for the XFX 790i board and it is a beauty to overclock. I guess this post could now be seen as complete. Thanks everyone.