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R.I.P. Monarch Computer

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hiremenow69 said:
6. the part about monarch being bankrupt or going bankrupt is just my opinion true , but one of the guys told me that they ARE in financial troublek, and THAT is self evident.
7. No i am NOT a competitor for the 1000th time..independent personal computer consumer
The reson that people were so hard on you is that we had a few "new" members that were here that worked for them and there cometitors so it wasnt that ppl didnt belive you they just wanted pic to prove what you were saying
hiremenow69 did you not say that the sign was pink or redish pink in one of your other post. But the pic i see the sign is white.Hmmm I must be color blind.
hiremenow69 said:
thanks jcll for the picture. It proves i was there although i am corrected on exactly what the sign said. it was a nerve racking day, etc..im just curious, did you ever see anyone coming in or out ? were you able to talk to anyone ? they have a shippng dock in the back and their smokers come out there. i saw a couple when leaving on my "imaginary" trip there that is soooo impossible to complete, even though i do not live four hours away from atlanta, closer actually...but let me address a couple of things...
1. not everyone has a camera phone (i dont even own a cell phone)
2.i was there , saw that sign, talked to the guys that work there and i've told you what they told me..
3.about me disrespecting folks....you guys are big boys (or big girls,) you can handle it. to begin with i was reporting something that actually happened . NOT a rumor..if you know the difference . i didnt hear it from a friend that knows someone etc..etc..so forth..so this wasnt hearsay...im in my forties, so those calling me a younster or whatever must be older....
4. the reason its a new post is it JUST happened, i've had no cause to be on here with anything until just now. I thought i would be doing a public service. If you dont think so..that's just your opinion nothing factual can prove or disprove otherwise..
5. i was questioned with disbelief, disdain and distaste so tell me who was being disrespectful. I did call a couple of you some some gesting names but you'll be alright. I personally dont care if you guys like or dont like me. i KNOW what my intent was and it wasnt for anything bad..and this is america, people have different opinions that dont agree or dont even like so if you ban someone cause of that its a shame...but hey..this is your little world so whatever
6. the part about monarch being bankrupt or going bankrupt is just my opinion true , but one of the guys told me that they ARE in financial troublek, and THAT is self evident.
7. No i am NOT a competitor for the 1000th time..independent personal computer consumer....

What you said first in this post below does NOT prove you were there, anyone could have told you this information second hand. If you actually saw the sign on the door, you would not claim they are out of business, because for all intensive purposes, they are not out of business at this time, this could change..

hiremenow69 said:
spread the word..i went to monarch computer and talked with the guys there. their front doors are locked and there is a sign on it saying that they are closed and out of business . !!! they have been in financial trouble for awhile. they will be out of their building in two or three weeks. they were bought by another company. THEY ARE STILL SELLING PRODUCTS !!!!!! DO NOT BUY !!!!! they are more than likely bankrupt and in trouble with corporate law and IRS..(that is my feeling last sentence not a fact but more than likely)

You also stated as FACT that they ARE OUT OF BUSINESS, again this is not the case just yet.

You also stated as a fact that they have been bought out by another company, again this is not the case just yet from my sources.

Why don't you answer this question, it's actually one that you can answer. Why is it that you registered at this forum yesterday? Are you friends with jcll2001? If I was a betting man, your probably friends with jcll2001 or hardwarphreak, or you have some sort of an agenda. A person usualy would not pop out of the woodwork posting only at this site, with outlandish claims.

There are hundreds of hardware forums, I'd like to know why you decided to register here, reason being this forum is well aware of Monarchs antics, we're also aware of some of the BS going on from rumor mongers and people with agenda's, like hardwarephreak, who either owns or is affiliated with tftcomputers.com (apparently they are in Pensacola FL, not Ga. They are 4 hours away from Tucker Ga. about the same distance as you) A person like Hardwarphreak could by all means post in a thread by their competition, but to me, it's a conflict of interest to start that [H] thread.

Now don't get me wrong and mishmash what I'm saying, I'm no fan of Monarch Computer Systems, but I prefer to have facts not fluff when it comes to this whole situation. I honestly have wasted enough time on this, your story has many holes, that's your prerogative if you want to post nonsense, just know we always get to the truth around here my friend. ;)

I'm done discussing this further, all I will say is Happy Hanukkah and Happy Holidays
When SSS speaks, I get the image of a lone gladiator entering the Ring of Truth. He takes on all comers, and in the end Truth reigns supreme.

I love it! :)
SSS said it all and there you have it. These forums are built on trust and I trust what he says.Peace
i dont know jcll either . did you see anyone while you were there or talk to anyone ?
bmango said:
I would say that monarch lies to buy a little more time (for what I don't know), remember the rep coming on here saying that they have changed? That was a tactic to buy time, plus remember he linked his closeout section here saying to give'em a try to prove they have turned around. The problem here is that some of you wanted to believe a guy that wasn't telling the truth.

I wasn't fooled, for even a second, and promptly went to task to explain to others how this behavior was a ploy and not a genuine attempt at reconciliation. Some listened, others played good cop/bad cop, some are so naive they think people aren't capable of such things.

**On an unrelated note**

Please stop with the slightly misguided applause. Sam was not alone in the battle against Monarch, and isn't the only person fighting trolls on this forum. Sam is simply the figurehead of a larger operation consisting of all ocforum staff and many of its regular members. It is to all of them that we owe the applause. It's like thanking a general who never killed a single enemy soldier with their own hands for winning the war. It's the troops AND the officers who do the work, and equally deserve the applause.

Here's to all of us for a job well done :clap:

Sam does a lot of valuable footwork in the background (in 'stealth' mode as he likes to call it), and while I'm trying to get the recognition properly placed I don't want to minimize his contribution either. When I see countless "thanks" in the forum aimed at Sam alone it irks me. We need to be applauding ourselves.
Pinky said:
...Please stop with the slightly misguided applause. Sam was not alone in the battle against Monarch, and isn't the only person fighting trolls on this forum. Sam is simply the figurehead of a larger operation consisting of all ocforum staff and many of its regular members. It is to all of them that we owe the applause. It's like thanking a general who never killed a single enemy soldier with their own hands for winning the war. It's the troops AND the officers who do the work, and equally deserve the applause...
Sam does a lot of valuable footwork in the background (in 'stealth' mode as he likes to call it), and while I'm trying to get the recognition properly placed I don't want to minimize his contribution either. When I see countless "thanks" in the forum aimed at Sam alone it irks me...

i only first saw this whole thing yesterday, and it totally blew my mind or there abouts - got so curious i stayed up all night reading everything i could about it, all over the internet, and its pretty clear to me that all the forums staff is dealing with it , and has been dealing with it for a good chunk of time - close to a year! Is SSS the face of it? Sure, he's gotta be working rabidly behind the scenes on this one possibly like nothing weve ever imagined, but so are our other staff. i think its right to echo your comments that weve got a pretty outstanding forum staff these days that SSS is likely as proud of the work they do in the same manner- as we all might be of him; just because its his "thing" .

That being said, we could allso go a bit further in putting down any talk of the possibility of SSS ending up with the former boss of monarch's office chair once monarch becomes a furniture and office supply shop, or other silly things like that that people might say. we know they work hard and deserve our apreciation and admiration, but how is this news?

Dont go there
- there are alot of peoples hard-earned money in the balance, and the idea that our forum staff "wins" anything for being in their position is a disservice to the loosers - not monarch - but their coustomers, which i am sure isnt what you had in mind with your applause, so lets keep that minimized. theres nothing new or big to celebrate here. we can do our silly partonizing and have a giggle about it and a good time is had by all elsewhere. this is serious stuff.

i dont really have anything else to offer for this one, as the staff is likley far ahead of all the thoughts i would have to offer.
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Pinky said:
I wasn't fooled, for even a second, and promptly went to task to explain to others how this behavior was a ploy and not a genuine attempt at reconciliation. Some listened, others played good cop/bad cop, some are so naive they think people aren't capable of such things.

**On an unrelated note**

Please stop with the slightly misguided applause. Sam was not alone in the battle against Monarch, and isn't the only person fighting trolls on this forum. Sam is simply the figurehead of a larger operation consisting of all ocforum staff and many of its regular members. It is to all of them that we owe the applause. It's like thanking a general who never killed a single enemy soldier with their own hands for winning the war. It's the troops AND the officers who do the work, and equally deserve the applause.

Here's to all of us for a job well done :clap:

Sam does a lot of valuable footwork in the background (in 'stealth' mode as he likes to call it), and while I'm trying to get the recognition properly placed I don't want to minimize his contribution either. When I see countless "thanks" in the forum aimed at Sam alone it irks me. We need to be applauding ourselves.

The police in the streets are always first to the crime scene, or you could look at it like this, having dozens of eyeballs at sea will always spot a threat before the guy at the lighthouse sees a damned thing.

Most of the leads in any troll case or the like come from the members and staff. The community here always looks out for one another. Initially in this Monarch debacle I shrugged off that there was a serious problem, only when members like Pinky brought up serious discoveries did I even decide to see how far the rabbit hole went, and sadly the rabbit hole with Monarch ran deep, and discovered that they are a seriously a troubled company, and many people both here and elsewhere fell into their charade of nonsense.
silent bob said:
Thanks Pinky , you da man
Pinky for Admin , Pinky for Admin , come on guys Pinky for Admin

Our Pinky

PG Pinky when he's not here : B000FA57HG.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg

:attn: :p
They have a post over at the Hardforums that pretty much is backing up what hiremenow69 has posted about when he said he talked to an employee coming out of the building. That person that stated he is a former employee, Ju-No, posted the following at the hardforums.

Ju-No@Hardforums said:
I ran into a fellow ex-employee today while I was out and about and discovered that Monarch has indeed been bought out. Whoever bought them wanted the rights to sell the Hornet system (since it was I believe a custom chassy).

Anyone who you knew who worked there is gone, from what I heard from this individual.

I feel bad for the company that bought them, as they owed quite a bit to several vendors, and the IRS as well, but that's because apparently someone didn't file the form that says "hey, not everything we sell is in GA, so most of it we don't need to pay tax on it."

Since everyone there is gone now, I'll say that anyone who did a chargeback up until maybe Septemeber, I was the guy who responded. Ditto with BBB. Sorry if I ****ed anyone off with my responses, I was just following the company line. Ditto if you got sent to collections. Speaking of collections, if I get a bored day I'll post a copy of a letter we got from a guy we sent to collections. It's not related to the topic at hand really, but it's at least funny.

another post from him which really sickens me

"General Crespin:

The problems at Monarch started a good while ago, things started getting bad at the end of 2005, and during 2006 it just got crazy as the year progressed. Chargebacks just went up and up and up.

The rumblings I heard was that MCS had outside financing, which more or less was how they paid for the expansion they experienced. Then they didn't renew the financing because the head honcho decided he wanted to go it alone. So then we were wokring with a lto less cash. Refunds were stacking up, and we could maybe process ~$2000 a day, and then only if we got authorization, which generally didn't happen. We kept cataloging them, but they just piled up in an empty cubicle.

We had less cash, so we had a limited amount of inventory on hand. (On a side note, we had wayyyy too many cases in the warehouse (for some reason the head of purchasing was proud of the large number of cases we offered). Toward the end of my tenure there, the store had what seemed like a hundred cases, covering every available counter space, and they were just the scratch and dents.). We kept a good stock of commonly ordered items, but all the somewhat uncommon stuff that was listed as "in stock" on the website was really ordered in a just in time manner from several ATL distributors.

In the end there just wasn't any cashflow. The buyout is the end of MCS as it was known. No one that anyone here might has known is there anymore.


"Seems you answer a good many questions here. The part that especially concerns me is the part where you say that you were just following company line. Any chance you could fill us all in a bit more about the "company line" and what it exactly was. I have a feeling it will be eye opening, and at the same time make people cringe a little."

The company line was to hold on to as much cash for as long as possible. When people would call in about refunds, they were told "oh, I'll forward it to the credit dept and expedite that since you've been waiting so long" or a myriad number of excuses. The Terms and Conditions were modified to refunds taking up to 30 days, it used to be 14 days.

With chargebacks, there were a few ways to hold on to cash. If it was from AMEX or Discover dispute I would wait until the last day possible to reply, especially if it was a cancel refund, where they were definetly due their money back.
In most cases I just warped the T&C to try and hold on to cash. If they bought a refurb item and returned it, I would say they weren't due a refund since reurb items were non-returnable and non-refundable. We would be happy to send them item back when the chargeback was resolved in our favor. That actually worked sometimes. Same deal if someone sent something back without an RMA.

I felt bad doing it sometimes (except on refurb items, it's pretty much clear that you're on your own in that case, or when peopel tried to return an item they bought a long freakin' time ago), but it was my job.

It basically turned into a "screw everyone you can" during the death throws. Screw customers by holding cash. Screw distributors by getting all the parts you can and lying about when you'll pay them. They evern screwed me in the end. I had about 2 weeks of PTO saved up, and I turned in my 2 weeks notice, but during the last week just couldn't stay anymore, so I turned in a form to use 2 days of PTO for the last 2 days. When I got my alst paycheck I got a typed note stating that I hadn't fulfilled my 2 weeks, so I forfited my PTO, and they included my PTO form with a nice big "REFUSED" written on it. They'd never previosuly refused a PTO request.

Oh well, my new job is better. Aside from a longish commute I have better coworkers, I learn more, and the pay is better."
muddocktor said:
They have a post over at the Hardforums that pretty much is backing up what hiremenow69 has posted about when he said he talked to an employee coming out of the building. That person that stated he is a former employee, Ju-No, posted the following at the hardforums.


I'd take that with a grain of salt as well, that ju-no dude joined [H] last week to post to that thread, similar to hiremenow69 signing up here a few days ago to post his observations, which only one of them was accurate, that's somewhat accurate, he told us that they were going out of business when Monarch just closed their retail storefront. (there was no sign that said going out of business, no sign that said they are being sold to a third party -at present-)

This information by ju-on is second hand information/speculation, and should be treated as such until the truth reveals itself
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