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SOLID mOUSEpOTS for Joe Camel

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ya know, the more i think about this, the less im able to let that post stay....

im looking @ TUBE temps (with FLUKE probe drilled into the base of each tube**) NOT CPU temps SINCE there is no program that monitors CPU temp -0 (if there is PLEASE tell me!!!)

** the MM pot has a hole much deeper than the camel pipe's so yet another variable that screws the results and makes my post total BS!!

AND im on "numproc=1" tweak :rolleyes:
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It's very true, the differences in probe location, drilling depth, hole size, hole tim ect. effect the temps your thermocouple reads. This is one case where I believe software monitoring is better in terms or comparing performance even if the reported temps are in question for their accuracy in relation to true temps. Ultimately you can equate that in the way the chip overclocks because that is of course the final test. When I do the GPU tube comparison I am going to use ATI Tool, again it may not report actual temps but it will be consistent between cards.
Waiting for your results...

This is what I do, try smashing the pellets into a powder, then pack it into the pot.
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hehehe too much work... grab hand-full out of cooler...dump in tube :p

i know there could be a few C to be gained but IMO not going to make enough diff to be worth the time and effort.
Take a glass (with a thick base) out of the cabinet, and just smash those dry ice pellets, scoop them in the glass and pour it in the pot, it can be fun.
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temp1 (BIG #'s) is (IN) the base of the tube and thus the REAL temp ... Temp2 (small #'s) is the "top"; disregard that. CPU V-core reading on the DMM

sorry you cant see that it was 2/3 of the way through this run:
:D :beer:
NOT very (noticeably) tweaked... but DEFIANTLY a "few" OS tweaks going on here ;)

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I don't have the dual probe Fluke, is temp1 the big (top), or little (bottom) number? One things for sure, your stable at 4.7Ghz in 32M. Is that an improvement from cooling or is it due to more vcore? I'm really getting the bench bug hard with winter on the way, I need to get this damn container finished but I can't find a shop with any free time. I might even take a couple of credits at a local technical college just to get access to some CNC stuff.
:beer: Gautam


Fluke readout:
(in that pic)

BIG # is the base
small # is the top

(i just tucked a probe in under the insulation @ the top for the hell of it :shrug: )

changes since my last 32M:

lapped IHS
3x hard mods (V-Core, MCH, V-Dimm)
new MousePot
new BIOS
numproc=1, no paging file (virtual mem), maxmem=600 tweakS
different (new) install of XP

IE who knows what gave the (MHZ) improvement :shrug: :p
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4.6ghz @ 1.936vcore, Recorded via BIOS CPU temps (these temps may not be accurate but they show the difference between the containers).
The motherboard used is a P5B-Deluxe.

The temps given are the best achieved by the container.

Brazed copper mousepot, 3" base, holes drilled in base for surface area. = -43C

Solid Alum 6" Pot, .25" walls and base, nothing special. = -32C

Solid Alum mousepot the newest rev. 3" OD. 6-7". = -32.5C

The dry ice is crushed/powdered each time for best temps, also I use the optimal amount of acetone each time.
Each mount is made near perfect before filling the pot with dry ice.
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Joe Camel said:
so a "bad" copper pot got you 10C lower temps vs the best Aluminum one :eek:
Yes, my IHS is lapped, all these mounts are near perfect. I am a bit shocked.
Wow, still BIOS temps are one thing - the bottom line is the overclock. Is it higher or lower although that is a pretty big difference. Same chip/board/vcore everything Epox? Were you benching with the copper pot on your top Pi scores?
El<(')>Maxi said:
Wow, still BIOS temps are one thing - the bottom line is the overclock. Is it higher or lower although that is a pretty big difference. Same chip/board/vcore everything Epox? Were you benching with the copper pot on your top Pi scores?
Yes, top SPI scores 1M and 32M both done on the brazed copper pot. I can't get SPI 1M to run at 4.8ghz with the solid alum newest rev of mousepot.
Letting everything dry and get back to temp then the copper pot is going back on.
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anyone want to buy a slighly used X1900XTX? :cry::cry::cry:

that dry-ice technique worked on 13x mem sinks B4.

i am SOOOOO ****ING ****ED OFF !!!!!!!!!!


the mem chips popped off B4 i smashed it with a wrench and did the rest of the damage
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and here i was all pumped to try some 3D this weekend... just needed to get the last 3x HS's off this card and then i was going to Ice it.

@ this point i dont think ill even ANY benching this weekend :(

that card could do 900+ mem on phase cooling, it could have been golden on Ice..... sigh

this might be the straw that breaks the (Joe) Camel's back.